Organization of Control of Emissions of Harmful Substances of a Cement Plant

Oleksandr Lizunkov

About the Authors

Oleksandr Lizunkov, доцент, кандидат технічних наук, Центральноукраїнський національний технічний університет, м. Кропивницький, Україна, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7639-8842


The increase in cement production at the existing cement plants of Ukraine may lead to an increase in emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere due to the intensification of technological processes. The second way to increase cement production is to design and build new cement plants. In this case, at the stage of project development, it is important to take into account the requirements for the control of air pollution during the operation of the cement plant. The issues of organization of control of air pollution by industrial dust of cement plant by creation of new and operation of the existing fixed points and route posts of control of concentration of industrial dust in atmospheric air are considered in the work. The number and location of the fixed checkpoints for the concentration of industrial dust depends on the number of people living close to the enterprise, and in the case of construction of new plants, it may be necessary to organize additional fixed points. As a result of the reorganization of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine, the abolition of some regulations, some functions of sanitary supervision were transferred to the State Food and Consumer Service of Ukraine and the State Environmental Service of Ukraine, so there is a need to consider the organization of project of organization of construction of new enterprises. The author considers the requirements of the current State Sanitary Rules for Atmospheric Air Protection of Settlements (from chemical and biological pollution), the method of calculating concentrations in the air of harmful substances contained in emissions of enterprises, standards of Ukraine for air quality control. Conclusions: intensification of technological processes at cement plants leads to an increase in emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, which requires constant monitoring of air pollution. Due to the abolition of some regulations and standards, it is necessary to consider the organization of control of emissions of harmful substances from cement plants in accordance with current standards of control bodies. To take into account the development of the project of organization of construction of the cement plant system of external control over emissions of harmful substances at stationary and route checkpoints.


cement, industrial dust, harmful substances, maximum permissible concentrations, labour protection, control of atmospheric air

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