Classification of Partially Regular Microreliefs Formed on the End Surfaces of Rotary Bodies

Volodymyr Dzyura

About the Authors

Volodymyr Dzyura, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine


The aim of the article is to classify partially regular microreliefs that are formed on the end surfaces of rotating bodies. The article analyzes the known classifications of regular microreliefs in scientific publications and regulations. The parameters by which regular microreliefs are classified and their characteristics are analyzed. The lack of information on the classification of partially regular microreliefs formed on the end surfaces of rotating bodies as a new class of microreliefs has been established. The proposed classification reveals a set of options for the implementation of partially regular microreliefs formed on the end surfaces of bodies of rotation and their characteristics. For the first time the classification of partially regular microreliefs that are formed on the end surfaces of rotating bodies is offered, carried out on the basis of features of kinematics of technological process. It c can be a basis for creation of their mathematical models and definition of the relative area of vibro-rolling. Signs of classification are proposed to take: methods of forming a partially regular microrelief; the shape of the centerline of continuous regular micro-irregularities; mutual arrangement of adjacent grooves; mutual placement of axial lines of continuous regular micro-inequalities; groove shapes. Each of these features is divided into certain sub-features, which consist of the corresponding characteristics, which are expressed by the elements of the mode of vibration rolling, the dimensional parameters of the elements of the grooves, their mutual placement. For the first time, analytical dependences were obtained to determine the parameter of partially regular microreliefs classification formed on the end surfaces of rotating bodies by the nature of the change in the radii of the axial lines and their axial steps.


partially regular microrelief, groove, profile, classification, parameter, feature

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