Technological and Сonstructive Features of the Production of Screw Elements of Agricultural Machinery

Oleg Stibailo

About the Authors

Oleg Stibailo, post-graduate,Ternopil National Technical University named after Ivan Pulyu, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0009-0007-9680-5426


Expanding the technological capabilities of screw mechanisms provides increased opportunities for their application in various sectors of the economy. This applies to agricultural production, where they are most widely used as screw technological elements of agricultural machinery, and especially in the production of various fodder for feeding animals and poultry. Given that a significant percentage of production costs in the overall structure of animal husbandry production is accounted for by the share of preparation of various feeds using root crops, the problem of their production using special transport-technological screw elements that combine various operations is particularly relevant. Thus, when using special screw elements equipped with blades or knives, it is possible to carry out grinding, mixing, pressing and transportation at the same time, which is especially important in agricultural production. Therefore, the development of new methods of manufacturing screw elements of agricultural machinery equipped with blades and chopper knives is an urgent task. In practice, there is a whole range of screw spirals, which should be classified according to the method of manufacture, direction of movement, shape, profile and according to the functional purpose. The production of screw spirals is a complex, energy-consuming and time-consuming process. The main methods of manufacturing screw spirals include winding, rolling, stamping and welding, cutting and drawing spirals from flat blanks, casting, creating a helical line from separate elements on a certain basis. Depending on the functional purpose, the manufacturing technology has certain features. Such special production methods include the production of auger spirals equipped with blades and chopper knives. There are methods of manufacturing auger spirals equipped with blades and chopper knives, which involve bending the blades or chopper knives to a certain angle when using a hand tool. In order to improve the functionality of screw elements of agricultural machinery, new mechanized methods of manufacturing screw spirals equipped with blades and chopper knives have been developed, which are implemented with the help of technological equipment and equipment. The article presents a device and a method of manufacturing shredder knives on a screw spiral, shredder knives on a screw spiral, which involves the performance of certain technological operations. Such spirals in agricultural equipment are widely used for grinding and mixing agricultural products in the preparation of various types of fodder for animal feeding. The article also presents devices and a method of manufacturing blades on a screw spiral using calibration-bending tools using reciprocating motion. The article also presents a formula for determining the force that must be applied to bend the blade with a calibration-bending tool, and the force of spring pressure. After carrying out the transformation, the formula for determining the pretension of the spring in the proposed devices for the manufacture of blades was derived. The work presents rational structural and technological parameters of the methods of manufacturing screw spirals equipped with blades and chopper knives. It was determined that the longitudinal feed of the roller should correspond to the thickness of the spiral workpiece.


method, technology, technological process, blades, chopper knives, mandrel, roller

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