Influence of Metal Base Material on Mechanical Characteristics of Arc-Deposited Coatingsatings
About the Authors
Volodymyr Hvozdetskii, Senior Research, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
Mykhajlo Student, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences)к, leading researcher, , Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5992-5898
Khrystyna Zadopozna, Senior Research, кандидат технічних наук, Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
Sergiy Markovych, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine, e-mail:, ОRCID ID: 0000-0003-1393-2360
Aluminum alloys are characterized by low abrasive wear resistance, which significantly hinders their widespread use in technological environments, especially in the presence of abrasive particles. Recently, there has been a trend to replace steels with aluminum alloys with wear-resistant coatings. This makes it possible to reduce, firstly, the weight of parts, and secondly, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect. In the process of spraying wear-resistant coatings on a steel base, significant tensile stresses arise in the coating, which can lead to the appearance of micro and macro cracks in the coatings. There is no reliable data in the literature on the cohesive strength and level of stresses that are formed in powder wire coatings sprayed on a base of aluminum alloys, which hinders the development of a technology for restoring aluminum alloy parts by electric arc spraying.
The purpose of the work: to investigate the mechanical characteristics of electric arc coatings sprayed on samples of aluminum alloy D16 and compare them with the mechanical characteristics of coatings sprayed on a steel base with the same parameters.
For spraying, an electrometallizer with a coating spraying system with two vertically arranged air channels was used to form a supersonic air flow velocity (with a Mach number of 2). Electric arc coatings sprayed on a steel or aluminum base have a typical lamellar structure. When using a supersonic air jet (pressure 1.2 MPa) compared to a subsonic (pressure 0.6 MPa) coating has a more dispersed structure and a smaller number of pores.In the structure of coatings sprayed onto an aluminum base, significantly fewer pores and microcracks were recorded. On the surface of aluminum alloys, there is always a natural refractory film with Tpl = 2050°C, which significantly reduces the adhesion strength of coatings to the aluminum base. The use of an exothermic charge (FeCr+B4C) increased the temperature of the melt droplets to 2400°C, which facilitated the melting of the surface film Al2O3 and the fusion of droplets with the aluminum base, and as a result, the adhesion strength of the coating to the base increased by 70% to 50 MPa. To assess the operability of coatings, a new parameter was introduced, namely the ratio between the values of the residual tensile stresses of the first kind and the cohesive strength - σcol/σv. It was determined that the formation of cracks begins at the values of this indicator σcol/σv 0,75, while at σcol/σv 0,85 a network of cracks appears in the coatings.
Conclusions. 1. The use of a supersonic air jet for spraying coatings increases the kinetic energy of the droplets forming the coating, and, as a result, increases the cohesive strength of the coatings and reduces the magnitude of the residual tensile stresses of the first kind in them on a steel and aluminum base.
2. The ratio of the residual tensile stresses of the first kind in coatings σcol to their cohesive strength σv (σcol/σv) is proposed to be used as an indicator of the coating's resistance to cracking. Based on the analysis of the obtained coatings, it is shown that cracks begin to form in coatings for which the indicator σcol/σv 0.75, while at σcol/σv 0.85 a network of cracks appears in the coatings.
3.The level of tensile stresses of the first kind in coatings sprayed onto an aluminum base is lower than in coatings sprayed onto steel, which is due to the greater coefficient of thermal expansion of the aluminum alloy D16 than that of steel St3.
Arc-Deposited Coatingsatings, spraying mode, spraying mode, cohesive strength
Full Text:
1. Prospects for the use of plasma spraying in the restoration of the surfaces of the cylinder rods of aviation equipment / S.V. Ustinov, I.O. Bulich, G.O. Shumilin Collection of Scientific Works of the State Research Institute of Aviation.
2. Yu. Borisov, A. Borisova, L. Adeeva, A. Tunik, M. Panko Thermal sprayed coatings containing quasicrystalline phase, them properties and application / Physics and chemistry of solid state т. 6, № 1 (2005) с. 124-136 v. 6, № 1 (2005). Р. 124-136
3. Danial Qadir, Rabia Sharif, Rizwan Nasir, Ali Awad /A review on coatings through thermal spraying // Chemical Papers 78(2) September 2023, DOI:10.1007/s11696-023-03089-4
4. Iron-based coatings arc-sprayed with cored wires for applications at elevated temperatures / Wielage B. et al. Surface and coating technology. 2013. № 220. P. 27–35.
5. Arc-sprayed iron-based coatings for erosion-corrosion protection of boiler tubes at elevated temperatures / Pokhmurskyi V. I. et al. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. 2013. Vol. 22. P. 34-41
6. Optimization of the Chromium Content of Powder Wires of the Fe–Cr–C and Fe–Cr–B Systems According to the Corrosion Resistance of Electric-Arc Coatings / Stupnyts’kyi T.R. et al. Materials Science. 2016. Vol. 52, № 2. Р. 165–172.
7. Abrasive Wear Resistance and Tribological Characteristics of Electrometallized Composite Coatings / Student, M.M. et al. Materials Science. 2022, 58(1). P. 96–104
8. Student, M. M., Pokhmurs'ka, H. V., Hvozdets'kyj, V. M. et al. (2018). Bahatofunktsional'ni elektroduhovi pokryttia [Multifunctional electric arc coatings]. Lviv : Prostir-M [in Ukrainian].
9. Mechanical properties of arc coatings sprayed with cored wires with different charge compositions / Student, M.; Hvozdetskyi, V.; Stupnytskyi, T.; Student, O.; Maruschak, P.; Prentkovskis, O.; Skačkauskas, P. Coatings, 2022, 12(7), 925. DOI:10.3390/coatings12070925
10. Student, M.M. et al. (2020). Vplyv diametra elektrodnykh poroshkovykh drotiv na mekhanichni kharakterystyky elektroduhovykh pokryttiv [The effect of the diameter of the electrode flux-cored wires on the mechanical characteristics of electric arc coatings]. Tsentral'noukrains'kyj naukovyj visnyk. Tekhnichni nauky - Central Ukrainian scientific bulletin. Technical sciences, 3(34), 32-44 [in Ukrainian].
11. Application of Functional Coating in Delaying the Corrosion of Titanium Alloys: A Review, Chapter, Jun 2024 / Obidimma Ikeh, Ugochukwu Okoli, Amamchukwu Ilogebe, // Corrosion Engineering - Recent Breakthroughs and Innovative Solutions, Submitted: 24 June 2024DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005679
12. Review of Functionally Graded Thermal Sprayed Coatings / Leszek Łatka, Lech Pawłowski, Marcin Winnicki, Pawel Sokołowski, Aleksandra Małachowska, Stefan Kozerski // Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(15), 5153;
13. The effect of increasing the air flow pressure on the properties of coatings during the arc spraying of cored wires./ Student Mykhailo, Gvozdetsky Volodymyr, Student Oleksandra, Prentkovskis Olegas, Maruschak Pavlo, Olenyuk Olena, Titova Liudmyla. Strojnícky časopis - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(4):133-146 December 2019, DOI:10.2478/scjme-2019-0048
14. Mechanical Properties of Arc Coatings Sprayed with Cored Wires with Different Charge Compositions / Student M. et al. Coatings. 2022. №12(7). 925.
15. Student M.M., et al. (2022). Abrazyvna znosostijkist' ta trybolohichni kharakterystyky elektrometalizatsijnykh kompozytsijnykh pokryttiv [Abrasive wear resistance and tribological characteristics of electrometallization composite coatings]. Fizyko-khimichna mekhanika materialiv – Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials, 1, 90-97 [in Ukrainian].
1. Перспективи використання плазмового напилення при відновленні поверхонь штоків циліндрів авіаційної техніки / С.В. Устінов, І.О. Буліч, Г.О. Шумілін Збірник наукових праць Державного науково-дослідного інституту авіації. 2022. Вип. 18 (25) 107-200, DOI: 10.54858/dndia.2022-18-30
2. Ю.С. Борисов, А.Л. Борисова, Л.І. Адєєва, А.Ю. Тунік, М.Т. Панько Газотермічні покриття, що містять квазікристалічну фазу, властивості і застосування (огляд) / Фізика і хімія твердого тіла т. 6, № 1 (2005) с. 124-136 v. 6, № 1 (2005) p. 124-136
3. Danial Qadir, Rabia Sharif, Rizwan Nasir, Ali Awad /A review on coatings through thermal spraying // Chemical Papers 78(2) September 2023, DOI:10.1007/s11696-023-03089-4
4. Iron-based coatings arc-sprayed with cored wires for applications at elevated temperatures / Wielage B. et al. Surface and coating technology. 2013. № 220. P. 27–35.
5. Arc-sprayed iron-based coatings for erosion-corrosion protection of boiler tubes at elevated temperatures / Pokhmurskyi V. I. et al. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. 2013. Vol. 22. P. 34-41
6. Optimization of the Chromium Content of Powder Wires of the Fe–Cr–C and Fe–Cr–B Systems According to the Corrosion Resistance of Electric-Arc Coatings / Stupnyts’kyi T.R. et al. Materials Science. 2016. Vol. 52, № 2. Р. 165–172.
7. Abrasive Wear Resistance and Tribological Characteristics of Electrometallized Composite Coatings / Student, M.M. et al. Materials Science. 2022, 58(1). P. 96–104
8. Багатофункціональні електродугові покриття : монографія / М. М. Студент та ін. - Львів : Простір-М, 2018. 335 с.
9. Mechanical properties of arc coatings sprayed with cored wires with different charge compositions / Student, M.; Hvozdetskyi, V.; Stupnytskyi, T.; Student, O.; Maruschak, P.; Prentkovskis, O.; Skačkauskas, P. Coatings, 2022, 12(7), 925. DOI:10.3390/coatings12070925
10. Вплив діаметра електродних порошкових дротів на механічні характеристики електродугових покриттів / Студент М.М. та ін. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки. 2020. Вип. 3(34). С. 32-44.
11. Application of Functional Coating in Delaying the Corrosion of Titanium Alloys: A Review, Chapter, Jun 2024 / Obidimma Ikeh, Ugochukwu Okoli, Amamchukwu Ilogebe, // Corrosion Engineering - Recent Breakthroughs and Innovative Solutions, Submitted: 24 June 2024DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005679
12. Review of Functionally Graded Thermal Sprayed Coatings / Leszek Łatka, Lech Pawłowski, Marcin Winnicki, Pawel Sokołowski, Aleksandra Małachowska, Stefan Kozerski // Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(15), 5153;
13. The effect of increasing the air flow pressure on the properties of coatings during the arc spraying of cored wires./ Student Mykhailo, Gvozdetsky Volodymyr, Student Oleksandra, Prentkovskis Olegas, Maruschak Pavlo, Olenyuk Olena, Titova Liudmyla. Strojnícky časopis - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(4):133-146 December 2019, DOI:10.2478/scjme-2019-0048
14. Mechanical Properties of Arc Coatings Sprayed with Cored Wires with Different Charge Compositions / Student M. et al. Coatings. 2022. №12(7). 925.
15. Абразивна зносостійкість та трибологічні характеристики електрометалізаційних композиційних покриттів / М.М. Студент та ін. Фізико-хімічна механіка матеріалів. 2022. № 1. C. 90-97.
Copyright (c) 2024 Volodymyr Hvozdetskii, Mykhajlo Student, Khrystyna Zadopozna Sergiy Markovych
Influence of Metal Base Material on Mechanical Characteristics of Arc-Deposited Coatingsatings
About the Authors
Volodymyr Hvozdetskii, Senior Research, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
Mykhajlo Student, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences)к, leading researcher, , Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5992-5898
Khrystyna Zadopozna, Senior Research, кандидат технічних наук, Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
Sergiy Markovych, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine, e-mail:, ОRCID ID: 0000-0003-1393-2360
Full Text:
1. Prospects for the use of plasma spraying in the restoration of the surfaces of the cylinder rods of aviation equipment / S.V. Ustinov, I.O. Bulich, G.O. Shumilin Collection of Scientific Works of the State Research Institute of Aviation.
2. Yu. Borisov, A. Borisova, L. Adeeva, A. Tunik, M. Panko Thermal sprayed coatings containing quasicrystalline phase, them properties and application / Physics and chemistry of solid state т. 6, № 1 (2005) с. 124-136 v. 6, № 1 (2005). Р. 124-136
3. Danial Qadir, Rabia Sharif, Rizwan Nasir, Ali Awad /A review on coatings through thermal spraying // Chemical Papers 78(2) September 2023, DOI:10.1007/s11696-023-03089-4
4. Iron-based coatings arc-sprayed with cored wires for applications at elevated temperatures / Wielage B. et al. Surface and coating technology. 2013. № 220. P. 27–35.
5. Arc-sprayed iron-based coatings for erosion-corrosion protection of boiler tubes at elevated temperatures / Pokhmurskyi V. I. et al. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. 2013. Vol. 22. P. 34-41
6. Optimization of the Chromium Content of Powder Wires of the Fe–Cr–C and Fe–Cr–B Systems According to the Corrosion Resistance of Electric-Arc Coatings / Stupnyts’kyi T.R. et al. Materials Science. 2016. Vol. 52, № 2. Р. 165–172.
7. Abrasive Wear Resistance and Tribological Characteristics of Electrometallized Composite Coatings / Student, M.M. et al. Materials Science. 2022, 58(1). P. 96–104
8. Student, M. M., Pokhmurs'ka, H. V., Hvozdets'kyj, V. M. et al. (2018). Bahatofunktsional'ni elektroduhovi pokryttia [Multifunctional electric arc coatings]. Lviv : Prostir-M [in Ukrainian].
9. Mechanical properties of arc coatings sprayed with cored wires with different charge compositions / Student, M.; Hvozdetskyi, V.; Stupnytskyi, T.; Student, O.; Maruschak, P.; Prentkovskis, O.; Skačkauskas, P. Coatings, 2022, 12(7), 925. DOI:10.3390/coatings12070925
10. Student, M.M. et al. (2020). Vplyv diametra elektrodnykh poroshkovykh drotiv na mekhanichni kharakterystyky elektroduhovykh pokryttiv [The effect of the diameter of the electrode flux-cored wires on the mechanical characteristics of electric arc coatings]. Tsentral'noukrains'kyj naukovyj visnyk. Tekhnichni nauky - Central Ukrainian scientific bulletin. Technical sciences, 3(34), 32-44 [in Ukrainian].
11. Application of Functional Coating in Delaying the Corrosion of Titanium Alloys: A Review, Chapter, Jun 2024 / Obidimma Ikeh, Ugochukwu Okoli, Amamchukwu Ilogebe, // Corrosion Engineering - Recent Breakthroughs and Innovative Solutions, Submitted: 24 June 2024DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005679
12. Review of Functionally Graded Thermal Sprayed Coatings / Leszek Łatka, Lech Pawłowski, Marcin Winnicki, Pawel Sokołowski, Aleksandra Małachowska, Stefan Kozerski // Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(15), 5153;
13. The effect of increasing the air flow pressure on the properties of coatings during the arc spraying of cored wires./ Student Mykhailo, Gvozdetsky Volodymyr, Student Oleksandra, Prentkovskis Olegas, Maruschak Pavlo, Olenyuk Olena, Titova Liudmyla. Strojnícky časopis - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(4):133-146 December 2019, DOI:10.2478/scjme-2019-0048
14. Mechanical Properties of Arc Coatings Sprayed with Cored Wires with Different Charge Compositions / Student M. et al. Coatings. 2022. №12(7). 925.
15. Student M.M., et al. (2022). Abrazyvna znosostijkist' ta trybolohichni kharakterystyky elektrometalizatsijnykh kompozytsijnykh pokryttiv [Abrasive wear resistance and tribological characteristics of electrometallization composite coatings]. Fizyko-khimichna mekhanika materialiv – Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials, 1, 90-97 [in Ukrainian].
1. Перспективи використання плазмового напилення при відновленні поверхонь штоків циліндрів авіаційної техніки / С.В. Устінов, І.О. Буліч, Г.О. Шумілін Збірник наукових праць Державного науково-дослідного інституту авіації. 2022. Вип. 18 (25) 107-200, DOI: 10.54858/dndia.2022-18-30
2. Ю.С. Борисов, А.Л. Борисова, Л.І. Адєєва, А.Ю. Тунік, М.Т. Панько Газотермічні покриття, що містять квазікристалічну фазу, властивості і застосування (огляд) / Фізика і хімія твердого тіла т. 6, № 1 (2005) с. 124-136 v. 6, № 1 (2005) p. 124-136
3. Danial Qadir, Rabia Sharif, Rizwan Nasir, Ali Awad /A review on coatings through thermal spraying // Chemical Papers 78(2) September 2023, DOI:10.1007/s11696-023-03089-4
4. Iron-based coatings arc-sprayed with cored wires for applications at elevated temperatures / Wielage B. et al. Surface and coating technology. 2013. № 220. P. 27–35.
5. Arc-sprayed iron-based coatings for erosion-corrosion protection of boiler tubes at elevated temperatures / Pokhmurskyi V. I. et al. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. 2013. Vol. 22. P. 34-41
6. Optimization of the Chromium Content of Powder Wires of the Fe–Cr–C and Fe–Cr–B Systems According to the Corrosion Resistance of Electric-Arc Coatings / Stupnyts’kyi T.R. et al. Materials Science. 2016. Vol. 52, № 2. Р. 165–172.
7. Abrasive Wear Resistance and Tribological Characteristics of Electrometallized Composite Coatings / Student, M.M. et al. Materials Science. 2022, 58(1). P. 96–104
8. Багатофункціональні електродугові покриття : монографія / М. М. Студент та ін. - Львів : Простір-М, 2018. 335 с.
9. Mechanical properties of arc coatings sprayed with cored wires with different charge compositions / Student, M.; Hvozdetskyi, V.; Stupnytskyi, T.; Student, O.; Maruschak, P.; Prentkovskis, O.; Skačkauskas, P. Coatings, 2022, 12(7), 925. DOI:10.3390/coatings12070925
10. Вплив діаметра електродних порошкових дротів на механічні характеристики електродугових покриттів / Студент М.М. та ін. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки. 2020. Вип. 3(34). С. 32-44.
11. Application of Functional Coating in Delaying the Corrosion of Titanium Alloys: A Review, Chapter, Jun 2024 / Obidimma Ikeh, Ugochukwu Okoli, Amamchukwu Ilogebe, // Corrosion Engineering - Recent Breakthroughs and Innovative Solutions, Submitted: 24 June 2024DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005679
12. Review of Functionally Graded Thermal Sprayed Coatings / Leszek Łatka, Lech Pawłowski, Marcin Winnicki, Pawel Sokołowski, Aleksandra Małachowska, Stefan Kozerski // Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(15), 5153;
13. The effect of increasing the air flow pressure on the properties of coatings during the arc spraying of cored wires./ Student Mykhailo, Gvozdetsky Volodymyr, Student Oleksandra, Prentkovskis Olegas, Maruschak Pavlo, Olenyuk Olena, Titova Liudmyla. Strojnícky časopis - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69(4):133-146 December 2019, DOI:10.2478/scjme-2019-0048
14. Mechanical Properties of Arc Coatings Sprayed with Cored Wires with Different Charge Compositions / Student M. et al. Coatings. 2022. №12(7). 925.
15. Абразивна зносостійкість та трибологічні характеристики електрометалізаційних композиційних покриттів / М.М. Студент та ін. Фізико-хімічна механіка матеріалів. 2022. № 1. C. 90-97.