Study of the Mechanics of the Movement of Loose Lumpy Material in the Acceleration Section of the Pneumo-transport Pipeline of the Vibration-pneumotransport Machine of Cyclic action
About the Authors
Volodymyr Yatsun, Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2737-120X
Ivan Skrynnik, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1949-3197
Olha Horpynchenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1271-4145
The purpose of this work is to analyze the processes taking place in the acceleration section of the pneumo-transport pipeline of the vibration-pneumatic machine of cyclic action, control the movement of the aeromixture by changing the parameters of the air flow on the moving material, and identify the optimal technical solutions regarding the conditions of transportation of loose lumpy materials with different physical mechanical properties.
The brought results over of researches of influence of size of parts of mountain breed that is transported, on the parameters of pneumatic portage. The got dependences are for determination of speed of pneumatic portage and charges of the compressed air from the size of parts of material that is transported, taking into account the parameters of the pneumatic portage system.
The combination of the above dependencies allows you to establish the trajectory and time of movement of a piece of loose material in the "detachment from the surface - weighing in the air flow - fall" mode. The obtained data indicate that in the working range of parameters, the length of the particle flight section, depending on the physical and mechanical properties of the material, and in particular on the recovery coefficient when the particle hits the pipeline surface, varies from 0.5 m to 12 m.
The research data will allow to improve the structural scheme of the vibration-pneumatic machine of cyclic action in order to improve technical and economic indicators and work efficiency.
particle flight section, movement of a single particle, transport pipeline
Full Text:
1. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., & Ponomaryov B.V. (2000). Investigation and Design Considerations for Vibrating Pneumatic Units in the Bulk Material Transport Systems / Bulk materials: keeping, loading and unloading operation and transportation. Pap. 3 rd Int. Conf. Newcastle, Australia, 27 - 29 june [in Australia].
2. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., & Ponomaryov B.V. Vibratory pneumatic machines for transportation of bulk materials / Pap. 4 th Int. Conf. of Pneumatic Conveying. Budapest, Hungaru, 2002. [in Hungaru].
3. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., & Ponomaryov B.V.( 2002). Periodical regimes of solid particles motion in the gas flow horizontal channal / Pap. The 18 Int. Congr. Theor. аnd Appl. Mech. (UTAM). Haifa, Israel. [in Israel].
4. Voloshyn O.I., Bulat A.F., Ponomarenko S.M., & Kordyuk O.L. (2019). Mechanics of two-phase flows. Volume 2. Vibration effect during pneumatic transportation of loose materials. K.: Naukova dumka, 148 p. [in Ukrainian].
5. Voloshyn O.I., & Ponomarenko S.M. (2020). Mechanics of two-phase flows in pneumatic transport systems of the ejector type. K.: Naukova dumka,. 168 p. [in Ukrainian].
6. Ponomarenko S. (2021). Еfficiency and of reliability the ejector-type pneumatic transport facilities application in mining industry. International independent scientific journal № 24. Kraków, Rzeczpospolita Polska. P. 40-45. [in Polska].
7. Ponomaryov B. V. (2006). Development of the theory of vibro-pneumatic transportation of laying materials: thesis... Dr. Tech. Sciences: 05.15.11 / NAS of Ukraine; Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named after M. S. Polyakova. D. [in Ukrainian].
8. Gushchin V.M. (2000) A new concept and its implementation in the development of highly efficient means of pneumatic transportation of bulk materials / V.M. Gushchin // Mechanical Science, No. 2 (23). P. 39-43. [in Ukrainian].
9. Bredenbruch E. Entstehung und Verhütung von Gruben branden // Glückauf.-2004.-H. 15/16.-S.393-404.
10. Tsuji Y., Morikawa Y., & Tanaka L. (2017). Numerical simulation of gas-solid twophase flow in a two-dimensional horizontal channel // Int. J. Multiphase Flow. 13, № 5. P. 671-684. [in Japan].
11. Li K., Kuang S. B., & Pan R. H. (2014). Numerical study of horizontal pneumatic conveying:effectof materia lprop–erties, Powder Technology, vol. 251. P. 15–24. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2013.10.013 [in English].
12. Voloshyn O.I., & Yatsun V.V. (2007). Some issues of creation of laying vibration-pneumatic machines of cyclic action. Collection of scientific papers of the National Academy of Sciences, issue 2 (34). Modern ways of development of mining equipment. Dnipropetrovs’k: NGA. P. 67 -73. [[in Ukrainian].
13. A. with. 1444541 USSR, MKY E 21 F 15/10. Vibration-pneumatic chamber laying machine / V.N. Poturaev, A.I. Voloshyn, V.V. Yatsun. Application No. 4248362. 02.04.87 : publ. 15.12.87, Bull. 46.
14. A. with. 1530799 USSR, MKY E 21 F 15/10. Vibration-pneumatic chamber laying machine / V.N. Poturaev, A.I. Voloshyn, V.V. Yatsun. Application No. 4374984. 08.02.88: publ. 23.12.89, Bull. 47.
15. A. with. 1532720 USSR, MKY E 21 F 15/10. Vibration-pneumatic chamber laying machine / V.N. Poturaev, A.I. Voloshyn, V.V. Yatsun. No. 4394936: application. 21.03.88: publ. 30.12.89, Bull. 48.
1. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., Ponomaryov B.V. Investigation and Design Considerations for Vibrating Pneumatic Units in the Bulk Material Transport Systems / Bulk materials: keeping, loading and unloading operation and transportation. Pap. 3 rd Int. Conf. Newcastle, Australia, 27 - 29 june 2000.
2. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., Ponomaryov B.V. Vibratory pneumatic machines for transportation of bulk materials / Pap. 4 th Int. Conf. of Pneumatic Conveying. Budapest, Hungaru, 2002.
3. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., Ponomaryov B.V. Periodical regimes of solid particles motion in the gas flow horizontal channal / Pap. The 18 Int. Congr. Theor. аnd Appl. Mech. (UTAM). Haifa, Israel, 2001.
4. Волошин О.І., Булат А.Ф., Пономаренко С.М., Кордюк О.Л. Механіка двофазних потоків. Том 2. Вібраційний вплив при пнемо-транспортуванні сипких матеріалів. К.: Наукова думка, 2019. 148 с.
5. Волошин О.І., Пономаренко С.М. Механіка двофазних потоків у пнемо-транспортних системах ежекторного типу. К.: Наукова думка, 2020. 168 с. [in Ukrainian].
6. Ponomarenko S. Еfficiency and reliability of the ejector-type pneumatic transport facilities application in mining industry. International independent scientific journal № 24. Kraków, Rzeczpospolita Polska. 2021. P. 40-45.
7. Пономарьов Б. В. Розвиток теорії вібропневмо-транспортування закладальних матеріалів: дис. д-ра техн. наук: 05.15.11 / НАН України; Інститут геотехнічної механіки ім. М.С. Полякова. Д., 2006.
8. Гущин В.М. Нова концепція та її реалізація в розробках високоефективних засобів пневматичного транспортування сипучих матеріалів / В.М. Гущин // Машинознавство, 2000, №2 (23). С. 39-43.
9. Bredenbruch E. Entstehung und Verhütung von Gruben branden // Glückauf. 2004.H. 15/16.P. 393-404.
10. Tsuji Y., Morikawa Y., Tanaka L. Numerical simulation of gas-solid twophase flow in a two-dimensional horizontal channel // Int. J. Multiphase Flow. 2017. 13, № 5. P. 671-684.
11. Li K., Kuang S. B., Pan R. H. (2014). Numerical study of horizontal pneumatic conveying:effectof materia lprop–erties, PowderTechnology, vol. 251. P. 15–24. doi: 10.1016 / j. powtec. 2013.10.013
12. Волошин О.І., Яцун В.В. Деякі питання створення закладальних вібраційно-пневматичних машин циклічної дії. Збірник наукових праць НГА, вип. 2 (34). Сучасні шляхи розвитку гірничого обладнання. Дніпропетровськ: НГА, 2007. С. 67-73.
13. А. с. 1444541 CРСР, МКІ Е 21 F 15/10. Вібраційно – пневматична камерна закладальна машина / В.Н. Потураєв, О.І. Волошин, В.В. Яцун. № 4248362 заяв. 02.04.87 : опуб. 15.12.87, Бюл. 46.
14. А. с. 1530799 СРСР, МКІ Е 21 F 15/10. Вібраційно – пневматична камерна закладальна машина / В.Н. Потураєв, О.І. Волошин, В.В. Яцун. № 4374984 заяв. 08.02.88 : опуб. 23.12.89, Бюл. 47.
15. А. с. 1532720 СРСР, МКІ Е 21 F 15/10. Вібраційно – пневматична камерна закладальна машина
Copyright (c) 2024 Volodymyr Yatsun, Ivan Skrynnik, Olha Horpynchenko
Study of the Mechanics of the Movement of Loose Lumpy Material in the Acceleration Section of the Pneumo-transport Pipeline of the Vibration-pneumotransport Machine of Cyclic action
About the Authors
Volodymyr Yatsun, Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2737-120X
Ivan Skrynnik, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1949-3197
Olha Horpynchenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1271-4145
Full Text:
1. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., & Ponomaryov B.V. (2000). Investigation and Design Considerations for Vibrating Pneumatic Units in the Bulk Material Transport Systems / Bulk materials: keeping, loading and unloading operation and transportation. Pap. 3 rd Int. Conf. Newcastle, Australia, 27 - 29 june [in Australia].
2. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., & Ponomaryov B.V. Vibratory pneumatic machines for transportation of bulk materials / Pap. 4 th Int. Conf. of Pneumatic Conveying. Budapest, Hungaru, 2002. [in Hungaru].
3. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., & Ponomaryov B.V.( 2002). Periodical regimes of solid particles motion in the gas flow horizontal channal / Pap. The 18 Int. Congr. Theor. аnd Appl. Mech. (UTAM). Haifa, Israel. [in Israel].
4. Voloshyn O.I., Bulat A.F., Ponomarenko S.M., & Kordyuk O.L. (2019). Mechanics of two-phase flows. Volume 2. Vibration effect during pneumatic transportation of loose materials. K.: Naukova dumka, 148 p. [in Ukrainian].
5. Voloshyn O.I., & Ponomarenko S.M. (2020). Mechanics of two-phase flows in pneumatic transport systems of the ejector type. K.: Naukova dumka,. 168 p. [in Ukrainian].
6. Ponomarenko S. (2021). Еfficiency and of reliability the ejector-type pneumatic transport facilities application in mining industry. International independent scientific journal № 24. Kraków, Rzeczpospolita Polska. P. 40-45. [in Polska].
7. Ponomaryov B. V. (2006). Development of the theory of vibro-pneumatic transportation of laying materials: thesis... Dr. Tech. Sciences: 05.15.11 / NAS of Ukraine; Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named after M. S. Polyakova. D. [in Ukrainian].
8. Gushchin V.M. (2000) A new concept and its implementation in the development of highly efficient means of pneumatic transportation of bulk materials / V.M. Gushchin // Mechanical Science, No. 2 (23). P. 39-43. [in Ukrainian].
9. Bredenbruch E. Entstehung und Verhütung von Gruben branden // Glückauf.-2004.-H. 15/16.-S.393-404.
10. Tsuji Y., Morikawa Y., & Tanaka L. (2017). Numerical simulation of gas-solid twophase flow in a two-dimensional horizontal channel // Int. J. Multiphase Flow. 13, № 5. P. 671-684. [in Japan].
11. Li K., Kuang S. B., & Pan R. H. (2014). Numerical study of horizontal pneumatic conveying:effectof materia lprop–erties, Powder Technology, vol. 251. P. 15–24. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2013.10.013 [in English].
12. Voloshyn O.I., & Yatsun V.V. (2007). Some issues of creation of laying vibration-pneumatic machines of cyclic action. Collection of scientific papers of the National Academy of Sciences, issue 2 (34). Modern ways of development of mining equipment. Dnipropetrovs’k: NGA. P. 67 -73. [[in Ukrainian].
13. A. with. 1444541 USSR, MKY E 21 F 15/10. Vibration-pneumatic chamber laying machine / V.N. Poturaev, A.I. Voloshyn, V.V. Yatsun. Application No. 4248362. 02.04.87 : publ. 15.12.87, Bull. 46.
14. A. with. 1530799 USSR, MKY E 21 F 15/10. Vibration-pneumatic chamber laying machine / V.N. Poturaev, A.I. Voloshyn, V.V. Yatsun. Application No. 4374984. 08.02.88: publ. 23.12.89, Bull. 47.
15. A. with. 1532720 USSR, MKY E 21 F 15/10. Vibration-pneumatic chamber laying machine / V.N. Poturaev, A.I. Voloshyn, V.V. Yatsun. No. 4394936: application. 21.03.88: publ. 30.12.89, Bull. 48.
1. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., Ponomaryov B.V. Investigation and Design Considerations for Vibrating Pneumatic Units in the Bulk Material Transport Systems / Bulk materials: keeping, loading and unloading operation and transportation. Pap. 3 rd Int. Conf. Newcastle, Australia, 27 - 29 june 2000.
2. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., Ponomaryov B.V. Vibratory pneumatic machines for transportation of bulk materials / Pap. 4 th Int. Conf. of Pneumatic Conveying. Budapest, Hungaru, 2002.
3. Poturayev V.N., Voloshin A.I., Ponomaryov B.V. Periodical regimes of solid particles motion in the gas flow horizontal channal / Pap. The 18 Int. Congr. Theor. аnd Appl. Mech. (UTAM). Haifa, Israel, 2001.
4. Волошин О.І., Булат А.Ф., Пономаренко С.М., Кордюк О.Л. Механіка двофазних потоків. Том 2. Вібраційний вплив при пнемо-транспортуванні сипких матеріалів. К.: Наукова думка, 2019. 148 с.
5. Волошин О.І., Пономаренко С.М. Механіка двофазних потоків у пнемо-транспортних системах ежекторного типу. К.: Наукова думка, 2020. 168 с. [in Ukrainian].
6. Ponomarenko S. Еfficiency and reliability of the ejector-type pneumatic transport facilities application in mining industry. International independent scientific journal № 24. Kraków, Rzeczpospolita Polska. 2021. P. 40-45.
7. Пономарьов Б. В. Розвиток теорії вібропневмо-транспортування закладальних матеріалів: дис. д-ра техн. наук: 05.15.11 / НАН України; Інститут геотехнічної механіки ім. М.С. Полякова. Д., 2006.
8. Гущин В.М. Нова концепція та її реалізація в розробках високоефективних засобів пневматичного транспортування сипучих матеріалів / В.М. Гущин // Машинознавство, 2000, №2 (23). С. 39-43.
9. Bredenbruch E. Entstehung und Verhütung von Gruben branden // Glückauf. 2004.H. 15/16.P. 393-404.
10. Tsuji Y., Morikawa Y., Tanaka L. Numerical simulation of gas-solid twophase flow in a two-dimensional horizontal channel // Int. J. Multiphase Flow. 2017. 13, № 5. P. 671-684.
11. Li K., Kuang S. B., Pan R. H. (2014). Numerical study of horizontal pneumatic conveying:effectof materia lprop–erties, PowderTechnology, vol. 251. P. 15–24. doi: 10.1016 / j. powtec. 2013.10.013
12. Волошин О.І., Яцун В.В. Деякі питання створення закладальних вібраційно-пневматичних машин циклічної дії. Збірник наукових праць НГА, вип. 2 (34). Сучасні шляхи розвитку гірничого обладнання. Дніпропетровськ: НГА, 2007. С. 67-73.
13. А. с. 1444541 CРСР, МКІ Е 21 F 15/10. Вібраційно – пневматична камерна закладальна машина / В.Н. Потураєв, О.І. Волошин, В.В. Яцун. № 4248362 заяв. 02.04.87 : опуб. 15.12.87, Бюл. 46.
14. А. с. 1530799 СРСР, МКІ Е 21 F 15/10. Вібраційно – пневматична камерна закладальна машина / В.Н. Потураєв, О.І. Волошин, В.В. Яцун. № 4374984 заяв. 08.02.88 : опуб. 23.12.89, Бюл. 47.
15. А. с. 1532720 СРСР, МКІ Е 21 F 15/10. Вібраційно – пневматична камерна закладальна машина