Study of the Loads of the Load-carrying System Depending on the Parameters of the Hinged Connection of the Half-frames
About the Authors
Oleh Sherbak, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Kharkiv National Automobile Highway University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7953-2135
Andrey Suminov, Assistent, Kharkiv National Automobile Highway University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7953-2135
Serhiy Khachaturian, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3562-1267
This work is the first part of a series of studies of the hinge joint of the bearing system of a front loader with a lifting capacity of 3 tons. For comparison, the concept of building a frame of Western manufacturers with approximately the same load capacity was chosen and a 3D model of the new frame was created in four to three variants with different sizes of the connecting hinge. The situation when a forklift encounters an insurmountable obstacle while picking up material in a bucket is considered. The loads at the upper and lower joints of the half-frames and the load of the entire frame were analyzed. The calculations were performed in dynamics using the Ansys software package for engineering analysis and numerical modeling using the Motion calculation module. The same conditions (boom position, time and speed of movement) were taken as the initial data for all prototypes of the new bearing system. Computer modeling allows us to simulate various scenarios of the loader's load-bearing system behavior during the work process in a short time. In this way, we get results that can be used to identify design weaknesses and make changes at the design stage, and we save material, time, and money for the production of the first samples of new equipment.
This method of computer simulation of machine operating processes allows a complete assessment of the behavior of the supporting system and other elements of the machine and draw conclusions about design flaws in a short time, without manufacturing a metal product and conducting full-scale tests.
In addition, it is necessary to obtain a general understanding of the loads in various situations, for example, when the center of the bucket comes into contact with an obstacle, when the angle of the bucket is changed, when moving a full bucket to a dump point, when driving the loader on an uneven surface, when driving on a slope, and others work processes. Further analysis should be carried out to obtain an overall picture of the loads in various situations, such as when moving the forklift to the unloading point, when moving the forklift on uneven ground, when driving on a slope and during other work processes. After obtaining the overall picture, you can begin to design a supporting system with optimal parameters.
loading, CAD, CAE, Solidworks, Ansys, bearing system, dynamics, hinged frame, strength
Full Text:
1. Sherbak O.V., Suminov A.V., Hachaturyan S.L. (2021). Rozrobka metodiki proyektuvannya specializovanih mashin na bazi sharnirnogo tyagacha. Zbirnik naukovih prac «Visnik HNADU». № 95. P. 32–37. [in Ukrainian].
2. Sherbak O.V., Ragulin V.M., Suminov A.V. (2022). Analysis of the load-bearing system of the loader according to the results of dynamic tests in the environment of Ansys Motion. Avtomobilnij transport. №. 51. P. 58–65. [in Ukrainian].
3. Sherbak O.V., Suminov A.V., Hachaturyan S.L. (2023). Doslidzhennya dinamichnih navantazhen rami frontalnogo navantazhuvacha z vikoristannyam komp’yuternih 3D modelej u seredovishi Siemens NX. Zbirnik naukovih prac «Centralnoukrayinskij naukovij visnik. Tehnichni nauki». №. 7(38) Ch.II. P. 104–112. [in Ukrainian].
4. Sherbak O.V., Suminov A.V. Komp'yuterne modelyuvannya nesuchih sistem z vikoristannyam avtomatizovanogo rozrahunkovogo kompleksu ANSYS. Konferenciya komp’yuterno-integrovani tehnologiyi avtomatizaciyi tehnologichnih procesiv na transporti ta u virobnictvi: tezi dop. vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. (m. Harkiv, 23 listopada 2022r). Harkiv 2022.P. 41–45. [in Ukrainian]
5. O.V. Yefimenko, Z.R. Musayev. (2016) Modelyuvannya robochih procesiv odnokivshovih navantazhuvachiv za dopomogoyu «Autodesk Inventor». Zbirnik naukovih prac «Visnik HNADU». № 73. P. 220–224. [in Ukrainian].
6. Chernikov O.V., A.I. Moskalenko, O.S. (2012). Obolenskij Doslidzhennya ruhu frontalnogo navantazhuvacha v paketi Autodesk Inventor. Prikladna geometriya ta inzhenerna grafika. № 89. P. 382–386. [in Ukrainian].
7. Liang Sun. Research on Fatigue Life Prediction Method of Tractor Frame. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 5th International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering. Shanghai, China. 16–18 August 2019, № 358. P. 2–6.
8. R. Rajappan, M. (2013). Vivekanandhan. Static and Modal Analysis of Chassis by Using Fea. The International Journal of Engineering and Science. № 2. P. 63-73.
9. Roslan Abd. Rahman Statics and dynamics structural analysis of a 4.5-ton truck chassis. Journal Mechanical. 2007. № 24. P 56-67.
10. Mohd Azizi Muhammad Nora, Helmi Rashida, Wan Mohd Faizul Wan Mahyuddinb, Mohd Azuan Mohd Azlanc, Jamaluddin Mahmuda. Stress Analysis of a Low Loader Chassis. Procedia Engineering. 2012. № 41. P. 995-1001.
11. Hemant B. Patil, Sharad D. Kachave, Eknath R. (2013). Deore Stress Analysis of Automotive Chassis with Various Thicknesses. Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. №6. P. 44-49.
12. Roslan Abd. Rahman, Nasir Tamin. Stress analysis of heavy-duty truck chassis as a preliminary data for its fatigue life prediction using FEM. Journal Mechanical. 2008. № 26. P. 76-85.
13. Haval Kamal Asker, Arkan Fawzi Saeed. Stress analysis of standard truck chassis during Ramping on block using finite element method. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2012. №. 6. P. 641–648.
14. N.K. Ingole, D.V. Bhope. (2011). Stress analysis of tractor trailer chassis for self-weight reduction. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. № 9. P. 7218–7225.
15. Jing Yinghao. Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of Medium Truck Frame Based on ANSYS. 2023. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. № 10. P. 13-22.
16. Gillespie, T.D., Karamihas, S.M., Simplified models for truck dynamic response to road inputs. 2000. Heavy Vehicle Systems, International Journal of Vehicle Design. № 1. P. 52–63.
1. Щербак О.В., Сумінов А.В., Хачатурян С.Л. Розробка методики проєктування спеціалізованих машин на базі шарнірного тягача. Збірник наукових праць «Вісник ХНАДУ». 2021. № 95. С. 32–37.
2. Щербак О.В., Рагулін В.М., Сумінов А.В. Analysis of the load-bearing system of the loader according to the results of dynamic tests in the environment of Ansys Motion. Автомобільний транспорт. 2022. №. 51, С. 58–65.
3. Щербак О.В., Сумінов А.В., Хачатурян С.Л. Дослідження динамічних навантажень рами фронтального навантажувача з використанням комп’ютерних 3D моделей у середовищі Siemens NX. Збірник наукових праць «Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки». 2023. №. 7(38) Ч.II, С. 104–112.
4. Щербак О.В., Сумінов А.В. Комп'ютерне моделювання несучих систем з використанням автоматизованого розрахункового комплексу ANSYS. Конференція комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології автоматизації технологічних процесів на транспорті та у виробництві: тези доп. всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 23 листопада 2022р). Харків 2022, С. 41–45.
5. О.В. Єфименко, З.Р. Мусаєв, Моделювання робочих процесів одноківшових навантажувачів за допомогою «Autodesk Inventor». Збірник наукових праць «Вісник ХНАДУ». 2016. № 73, С. 220–224.
6. Черніков О.В., А.І. Москаленко, О.С. Оболенський Дослідження руху фронтального навантажувача в пакеті Autodesk Inventor. Прикладна геометрія та інженерна графіка. 2012. № 89. С. 382–386.
7. Liang Sun. Research on Fatigue Life Prediction Method of Tractor Frame. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 5th International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering. Shanghai, China. 16–18 August 2019, № 358. P. 2–6.
8. R. Rajappan, M. Vivekanandhan. Static and Modal Analysis of Chassis by Using Fea. The International Journal of Engineering and Science. 2013. № 2. P. 63-73.
9. Roslan Abd. Rahman Statics and dynamics structural analysis of a 4.5-ton truck chassis. Journal Mechanical. 2007. № 24. P. 56-67.
10. Mohd Azizi Muhammad Nora, Helmi Rashida, Wan Mohd Faizul Wan Mahyuddinb, Mohd Azuan Mohd Azlanc, Jamaluddin Mahmuda. Stress Analysis of a Low Loader Chassis. Procedia Engineering. 2012. № 41. P. 995-1001.
11. Hemant B. Patil, Sharad D. Kachave, Eknath R. Deore Stress Analysis of Automotive Chassis with Various Thicknesses. Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. 2013. №6. P. 44-49.
12. Roslan Abd. Rahman, Nasir Tamin. Stress analysis of heavy-duty truck chassis as a preliminary data for its fatigue life prediction using FEM. Journal Mechanical. 2008. № 26. P. 76-85.
13. Haval Kamal Asker, Arkan Fawzi Saeed. Stress analysis of standard truck chassis during Ramping on block using finite element method. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2012. №. 6. P. 641–648.
14. N.K. Ingole, D.V. Bhope. Stress analysis of tractor trailer chassis for self weight reduction. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 2011. № 9. P. 7218–7225.
15. Jing Yinghao. Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of Medium Truck Frame Based on ANSYS. 2023. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. № 10. P. 13-22.
16. Gillespie, T.D., Karamihas, S.M., Simplified models for truck dynamic response to road inputs. 2000. Heavy Vehicle Systems, International Journal of Vehicle Design. № 1. P. 52–63.
Copyright (c) 2024 Oleh Sherbak, Andrey Suminov, Serhiy Khachaturian
Study of the Loads of the Load-carrying System Depending on the Parameters of the Hinged Connection of the Half-frames
About the Authors
Oleh Sherbak, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Kharkiv National Automobile Highway University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7953-2135
Andrey Suminov, Assistent, Kharkiv National Automobile Highway University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7953-2135
Serhiy Khachaturian, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3562-1267
Full Text:
1. Sherbak O.V., Suminov A.V., Hachaturyan S.L. (2021). Rozrobka metodiki proyektuvannya specializovanih mashin na bazi sharnirnogo tyagacha. Zbirnik naukovih prac «Visnik HNADU». № 95. P. 32–37. [in Ukrainian].
2. Sherbak O.V., Ragulin V.M., Suminov A.V. (2022). Analysis of the load-bearing system of the loader according to the results of dynamic tests in the environment of Ansys Motion. Avtomobilnij transport. №. 51. P. 58–65. [in Ukrainian].
3. Sherbak O.V., Suminov A.V., Hachaturyan S.L. (2023). Doslidzhennya dinamichnih navantazhen rami frontalnogo navantazhuvacha z vikoristannyam komp’yuternih 3D modelej u seredovishi Siemens NX. Zbirnik naukovih prac «Centralnoukrayinskij naukovij visnik. Tehnichni nauki». №. 7(38) Ch.II. P. 104–112. [in Ukrainian].
4. Sherbak O.V., Suminov A.V. Komp'yuterne modelyuvannya nesuchih sistem z vikoristannyam avtomatizovanogo rozrahunkovogo kompleksu ANSYS. Konferenciya komp’yuterno-integrovani tehnologiyi avtomatizaciyi tehnologichnih procesiv na transporti ta u virobnictvi: tezi dop. vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. (m. Harkiv, 23 listopada 2022r). Harkiv 2022.P. 41–45. [in Ukrainian]
5. O.V. Yefimenko, Z.R. Musayev. (2016) Modelyuvannya robochih procesiv odnokivshovih navantazhuvachiv za dopomogoyu «Autodesk Inventor». Zbirnik naukovih prac «Visnik HNADU». № 73. P. 220–224. [in Ukrainian].
6. Chernikov O.V., A.I. Moskalenko, O.S. (2012). Obolenskij Doslidzhennya ruhu frontalnogo navantazhuvacha v paketi Autodesk Inventor. Prikladna geometriya ta inzhenerna grafika. № 89. P. 382–386. [in Ukrainian].
7. Liang Sun. Research on Fatigue Life Prediction Method of Tractor Frame. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 5th International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering. Shanghai, China. 16–18 August 2019, № 358. P. 2–6.
8. R. Rajappan, M. (2013). Vivekanandhan. Static and Modal Analysis of Chassis by Using Fea. The International Journal of Engineering and Science. № 2. P. 63-73.
9. Roslan Abd. Rahman Statics and dynamics structural analysis of a 4.5-ton truck chassis. Journal Mechanical. 2007. № 24. P 56-67.
10. Mohd Azizi Muhammad Nora, Helmi Rashida, Wan Mohd Faizul Wan Mahyuddinb, Mohd Azuan Mohd Azlanc, Jamaluddin Mahmuda. Stress Analysis of a Low Loader Chassis. Procedia Engineering. 2012. № 41. P. 995-1001.
11. Hemant B. Patil, Sharad D. Kachave, Eknath R. (2013). Deore Stress Analysis of Automotive Chassis with Various Thicknesses. Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. №6. P. 44-49.
12. Roslan Abd. Rahman, Nasir Tamin. Stress analysis of heavy-duty truck chassis as a preliminary data for its fatigue life prediction using FEM. Journal Mechanical. 2008. № 26. P. 76-85.
13. Haval Kamal Asker, Arkan Fawzi Saeed. Stress analysis of standard truck chassis during Ramping on block using finite element method. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2012. №. 6. P. 641–648.
14. N.K. Ingole, D.V. Bhope. (2011). Stress analysis of tractor trailer chassis for self-weight reduction. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. № 9. P. 7218–7225.
15. Jing Yinghao. Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of Medium Truck Frame Based on ANSYS. 2023. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. № 10. P. 13-22.
16. Gillespie, T.D., Karamihas, S.M., Simplified models for truck dynamic response to road inputs. 2000. Heavy Vehicle Systems, International Journal of Vehicle Design. № 1. P. 52–63.
1. Щербак О.В., Сумінов А.В., Хачатурян С.Л. Розробка методики проєктування спеціалізованих машин на базі шарнірного тягача. Збірник наукових праць «Вісник ХНАДУ». 2021. № 95. С. 32–37.
2. Щербак О.В., Рагулін В.М., Сумінов А.В. Analysis of the load-bearing system of the loader according to the results of dynamic tests in the environment of Ansys Motion. Автомобільний транспорт. 2022. №. 51, С. 58–65.
3. Щербак О.В., Сумінов А.В., Хачатурян С.Л. Дослідження динамічних навантажень рами фронтального навантажувача з використанням комп’ютерних 3D моделей у середовищі Siemens NX. Збірник наукових праць «Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки». 2023. №. 7(38) Ч.II, С. 104–112.
4. Щербак О.В., Сумінов А.В. Комп'ютерне моделювання несучих систем з використанням автоматизованого розрахункового комплексу ANSYS. Конференція комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології автоматизації технологічних процесів на транспорті та у виробництві: тези доп. всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 23 листопада 2022р). Харків 2022, С. 41–45.
5. О.В. Єфименко, З.Р. Мусаєв, Моделювання робочих процесів одноківшових навантажувачів за допомогою «Autodesk Inventor». Збірник наукових праць «Вісник ХНАДУ». 2016. № 73, С. 220–224.
6. Черніков О.В., А.І. Москаленко, О.С. Оболенський Дослідження руху фронтального навантажувача в пакеті Autodesk Inventor. Прикладна геометрія та інженерна графіка. 2012. № 89. С. 382–386.
7. Liang Sun. Research on Fatigue Life Prediction Method of Tractor Frame. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 5th International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering. Shanghai, China. 16–18 August 2019, № 358. P. 2–6.
8. R. Rajappan, M. Vivekanandhan. Static and Modal Analysis of Chassis by Using Fea. The International Journal of Engineering and Science. 2013. № 2. P. 63-73.
9. Roslan Abd. Rahman Statics and dynamics structural analysis of a 4.5-ton truck chassis. Journal Mechanical. 2007. № 24. P. 56-67.
10. Mohd Azizi Muhammad Nora, Helmi Rashida, Wan Mohd Faizul Wan Mahyuddinb, Mohd Azuan Mohd Azlanc, Jamaluddin Mahmuda. Stress Analysis of a Low Loader Chassis. Procedia Engineering. 2012. № 41. P. 995-1001.
11. Hemant B. Patil, Sharad D. Kachave, Eknath R. Deore Stress Analysis of Automotive Chassis with Various Thicknesses. Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. 2013. №6. P. 44-49.
12. Roslan Abd. Rahman, Nasir Tamin. Stress analysis of heavy-duty truck chassis as a preliminary data for its fatigue life prediction using FEM. Journal Mechanical. 2008. № 26. P. 76-85.
13. Haval Kamal Asker, Arkan Fawzi Saeed. Stress analysis of standard truck chassis during Ramping on block using finite element method. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2012. №. 6. P. 641–648.
14. N.K. Ingole, D.V. Bhope. Stress analysis of tractor trailer chassis for self weight reduction. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 2011. № 9. P. 7218–7225.
15. Jing Yinghao. Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of Medium Truck Frame Based on ANSYS. 2023. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports. № 10. P. 13-22.
16. Gillespie, T.D., Karamihas, S.M., Simplified models for truck dynamic response to road inputs. 2000. Heavy Vehicle Systems, International Journal of Vehicle Design. № 1. P. 52–63.