The Features of Cog Engagement’s Functioning of Gear Hydraulic Machines
About the Authors
Yuriy Kuleshkov, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6492-6919
Timofey Rudenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8791-3264
Mikhail Krasota, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6879-7624
Yevheniy Shtompel, post-graduate, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University
The purpose of this paper is to establish the relationship between the angle of rotation of the driving gear of a gear hydraulic machine and the angles of rotation of the radii connecting the axes of rotation of the gears with the meshing point, as well as to take into account the slippage of involute profiles of gear teeth relative to each other in mathematical models of the movement of working fluid in gear hydraulic machines.
To study the peculiarities of slipping of involute profiles, the problem of determining the dependence of the angles of rotation of the radii connecting the axes of rotation of the gears with the meshing point on the angle of rotation of the driving gear or the coordinate of the position of the meshing point of the teeth T on the meshing line was set and successfully solved.
The dependences of the lengths of the radii connecting the axes of rotation of the gears with the meshing point on the angle of rotation of the drive gear or the coordinate of the position of the tooth meshing point on the meshing line were found.
The obtained expressions will improve the existing mathematical models of the working fluid motion, which will make it possible to study a number of processes occurring in gear hydraulic machines.
The analysis of scientific and technical information sources showed that existing models of the working process of gear hydraulic machines do not take into account the feature of involute gearing, which consists in the fact that involute tooth profiles in their movement mutually slip over each other.
To study this feature, the task of determining the dependence of the angles of rotation and and radii and connecting the axes of rotation of the gears with the meshing point T on the angle of rotation of the drive gear or the coordinate of the position of the meshing point of the teeth T on the meshing line was set and successfully solved. The slippage of the involute profiles of the gear teeth is taken into account.
involute tooth profiles, sliding involute surfaces, gear pump
Full Text:
1. Uginchus A.A(1970) Gidravlika I gidravlichni mashunu./ Uginchus A.A - 3-е pererob I dop. Kharkiv, – 399 s. [in Ukrainian]
2. THE THEORETICAL FLOW RIPPLE OF AN EXTERNAL GEAR PUMP A Thesis presented lo the Faculty of the Graduate School University of Missouri-Columbia In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science By SURESH BABU KASARAGADDA Dr. Noah D. Manring. Thesis Supervisor DECEMBER 2003.[in USA]
3. Kinematic Displacement Optimization of External Helical Gear Pumps Kuo Jao Huang and Chih Chieh Chen. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Hua University No. 707, Sec.2, Wu-Fu Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan, 300 R.O.C. [in Taiwan]
4. A NUMERICAL MODEL FOR THE SIMULATION OF EXTERNAL GEAR PUMPS. Paolo CASOLI, Andrea VACCA and Germano FRANZONI Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale Università degli Studi di Parma Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43100 Parma, [in Italy].
5. P. Casoli, A. Vacca, G.L. Berta.( 2008) A numerical model for the simulatio 4. Chernovol M.I. Osnovni napryamy vdoskonalennya shesterennyh nasosiv silskogospodarskoy tehniky/ Kuleshkov Y.V., Chernovol M.I, // Visnyk agrarnoy nauky, serpen, № 8. P. 52 - 54. [in Italy].
6. Kuleshkov Y.V.( 2009) Shesterennye nasosy s asimmetrichnoy liniey zacepleniya shesteren/ [Kyleshkov Y.V. Chernovol M.I, Bevz О.V., Titov Y.A.] //Teoriya, konstrukciya I raschet.- Monografiya – Kirivigrad: «КОD», – 243 p. [in Ukrainian]
7. Kuleshkov Y.V. (2010) Doslidzhennya povedinky matematychnoy modeli putomogo robochogo obemu shesterennogo nasosa typu NSh vid parametriv zubchatogo pacheplennya. / Kuleshkov Y.V., Chernovol M.I,. Rudenko T. V, Gucul V.I., Osin R.А. //Zbirnuk naukovuh prac Kirivigradskogo nacionalnogo tehnichnogo universytetu. Tehnika v silskogospodarskomy vyrobnyctvi, galuzeve mashinobuduvannya, avtomatyzaciya. Vypusk 23 Kirovograd. P. 278 – 390. [in Ukrainian]
8. Kinickiy Ya. T. (2002) Praktikum z teorii mahanizmov I mashin/ Ya. Т. Kinickiy. – Lviv : Afisha,. – 450 p. [in Ukrainian]
9. W.E. Wilson.(1949) Performance Criteria for Positive Displacement Pumps and Flind Motors. “Trans ASME” vol 71. Febr. [in English]
10. M.L. Unna. (1957.) Innere Verlust sn Zannradpumpen. “Hydraulik und Pneumatik”, Nr 4, [in German]
1. Угінчус А.А. Гідравліка і гідравлічні машини. / Угінчус А.А. - 3-е перероб і доп. Харків, 1970 – 399 с.
2. THE THEORETICAL FLOW RIPPLE OF AN EXTERNAL GEAR PUMP A Thesis presented lo the Faculty of the Graduate School University of Missouri-Columbia In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science By SURESH BABU KASARAGADDA Dr. Noah D. Manring. Thesis Supervisor DECEMBER 2003.
3. Kinematic Displacement Optimization of External Helical Gear Pumps Kuo Jao Huang and Chih Chieh Chen. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Hua University No. 707, Sec.2, Wu-Fu Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan, 300 R.O.C.
4. A NUMERICAL MODEL FOR THE SIMULATION OF EXTERNAL GEAR PUMPS. Paolo CASOLI, Andrea VACCA and Germano FRANZONI Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale Università degli Studi di Parma Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43100 Parma, Italy.
5. P. Casoli, A. Vacca, G.L. Berta. A numerical model for the simulation of flow in hydraulic external gear machines [Tener]: Power Transmission and Motion Control. 2006.-P. 147-165.
6. Кулєшков Ю.В. Шестеренні насоси з асиметричною лінією зачеплення шестерен / [Кулєшков Ю.В., Черновол М.И., Бевз О.В., Тітов Ю.А.] //Теорія, конструкція та розрахунок: монографія . Кіровоград: КОД, 2009. 243 с.
7. Кулєшков Ю.В. Дослідження поведінки математичної моделі питомого робочого об’єму шестеренного насоса типу НШ від параметрів зубчастого зачеплення. / Кулешков Ю.В., Черновол М.І., Руденко Т.В. Гуцул В.І., Осін Р.А. // Збірник наукових праць Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація Випуск 23 Кіровоград 2010, С. 278 – 390.
8. Кіницький Я. Т. Практикум із теорії механізмів і машин / Я. Т. Кіницький. – Львів : Афіша, 2002. – 450 с.
9. W.E. Wilson. Performance Criteria for Positive Displacement Pumps and Flind Motors. “Trans ASME” vol 71. Febr, 1949.
10. M.L. Unna. Innere Verlust sn Zannradpumpen. “Hydraulik und Pneumatik”, Nr 4, 1957.
Copyright (c) 2024 Yuriy Kuleshkov, Timofey Rudenko, Mikhail Krasota, Yevheniy Shtompel
The Features of Cog Engagement’s Functioning of Gear Hydraulic Machines
About the Authors
Yuriy Kuleshkov, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6492-6919
Timofey Rudenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8791-3264
Mikhail Krasota, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6879-7624
Yevheniy Shtompel, post-graduate, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University
Full Text:
1. Uginchus A.A(1970) Gidravlika I gidravlichni mashunu./ Uginchus A.A - 3-е pererob I dop. Kharkiv, – 399 s. [in Ukrainian]
2. THE THEORETICAL FLOW RIPPLE OF AN EXTERNAL GEAR PUMP A Thesis presented lo the Faculty of the Graduate School University of Missouri-Columbia In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science By SURESH BABU KASARAGADDA Dr. Noah D. Manring. Thesis Supervisor DECEMBER 2003.[in USA]
3. Kinematic Displacement Optimization of External Helical Gear Pumps Kuo Jao Huang and Chih Chieh Chen. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Hua University No. 707, Sec.2, Wu-Fu Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan, 300 R.O.C. [in Taiwan]
4. A NUMERICAL MODEL FOR THE SIMULATION OF EXTERNAL GEAR PUMPS. Paolo CASOLI, Andrea VACCA and Germano FRANZONI Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale Università degli Studi di Parma Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43100 Parma, [in Italy].
5. P. Casoli, A. Vacca, G.L. Berta.( 2008) A numerical model for the simulatio 4. Chernovol M.I. Osnovni napryamy vdoskonalennya shesterennyh nasosiv silskogospodarskoy tehniky/ Kuleshkov Y.V., Chernovol M.I, // Visnyk agrarnoy nauky, serpen, № 8. P. 52 - 54. [in Italy].
6. Kuleshkov Y.V.( 2009) Shesterennye nasosy s asimmetrichnoy liniey zacepleniya shesteren/ [Kyleshkov Y.V. Chernovol M.I, Bevz О.V., Titov Y.A.] //Teoriya, konstrukciya I raschet.- Monografiya – Kirivigrad: «КОD», – 243 p. [in Ukrainian]
7. Kuleshkov Y.V. (2010) Doslidzhennya povedinky matematychnoy modeli putomogo robochogo obemu shesterennogo nasosa typu NSh vid parametriv zubchatogo pacheplennya. / Kuleshkov Y.V., Chernovol M.I,. Rudenko T. V, Gucul V.I., Osin R.А. //Zbirnuk naukovuh prac Kirivigradskogo nacionalnogo tehnichnogo universytetu. Tehnika v silskogospodarskomy vyrobnyctvi, galuzeve mashinobuduvannya, avtomatyzaciya. Vypusk 23 Kirovograd. P. 278 – 390. [in Ukrainian]
8. Kinickiy Ya. T. (2002) Praktikum z teorii mahanizmov I mashin/ Ya. Т. Kinickiy. – Lviv : Afisha,. – 450 p. [in Ukrainian]
9. W.E. Wilson.(1949) Performance Criteria for Positive Displacement Pumps and Flind Motors. “Trans ASME” vol 71. Febr. [in English]
10. M.L. Unna. (1957.) Innere Verlust sn Zannradpumpen. “Hydraulik und Pneumatik”, Nr 4, [in German]
1. Угінчус А.А. Гідравліка і гідравлічні машини. / Угінчус А.А. - 3-е перероб і доп. Харків, 1970 – 399 с.
2. THE THEORETICAL FLOW RIPPLE OF AN EXTERNAL GEAR PUMP A Thesis presented lo the Faculty of the Graduate School University of Missouri-Columbia In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science By SURESH BABU KASARAGADDA Dr. Noah D. Manring. Thesis Supervisor DECEMBER 2003.
3. Kinematic Displacement Optimization of External Helical Gear Pumps Kuo Jao Huang and Chih Chieh Chen. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Hua University No. 707, Sec.2, Wu-Fu Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan, 300 R.O.C.
4. A NUMERICAL MODEL FOR THE SIMULATION OF EXTERNAL GEAR PUMPS. Paolo CASOLI, Andrea VACCA and Germano FRANZONI Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale Università degli Studi di Parma Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43100 Parma, Italy.
5. P. Casoli, A. Vacca, G.L. Berta. A numerical model for the simulation of flow in hydraulic external gear machines [Tener]: Power Transmission and Motion Control. 2006.-P. 147-165.
6. Кулєшков Ю.В. Шестеренні насоси з асиметричною лінією зачеплення шестерен / [Кулєшков Ю.В., Черновол М.И., Бевз О.В., Тітов Ю.А.] //Теорія, конструкція та розрахунок: монографія . Кіровоград: КОД, 2009. 243 с.
7. Кулєшков Ю.В. Дослідження поведінки математичної моделі питомого робочого об’єму шестеренного насоса типу НШ від параметрів зубчастого зачеплення. / Кулешков Ю.В., Черновол М.І., Руденко Т.В. Гуцул В.І., Осін Р.А. // Збірник наукових праць Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація Випуск 23 Кіровоград 2010, С. 278 – 390.
8. Кіницький Я. Т. Практикум із теорії механізмів і машин / Я. Т. Кіницький. – Львів : Афіша, 2002. – 450 с.
9. W.E. Wilson. Performance Criteria for Positive Displacement Pumps and Flind Motors. “Trans ASME” vol 71. Febr, 1949.
10. M.L. Unna. Innere Verlust sn Zannradpumpen. “Hydraulik und Pneumatik”, Nr 4, 1957.