Materials and Technologies for Restoration of Worn Surfaces of Automobile Parts
About the Authors
Olena Ivankova, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava, Ukraine, е-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1825-0262
Alexei Burlaka, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava, Ukraine, е-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2296-7234
Vitaly Bartosh, director, Auto-Motor Company LLC, Poltava, Ukraine, е-mail:
The materials from which car parts are made determine: the level of manufacturability in the manufacturing process; reliability and durability during operation; economy and maintainability of the car. The purpose of the article. To study the level of defects of crankshafts of automobile engines, to analyze methods of restoration and to choose the optimal one. To conduct experiments on the use of electric spark build-up, to determine the optimal materials for build-up, as well as the parameters of the technological process.
The regularities of the formation of defects in the crankshafts of truck engines have been analyzed. A sample of 20 engines was studied. It has been determined which defects have the greatest effect on the service life of crankshafts. Recovery methods were analyzed and the optimal one was selected. Conducted research on the use of electrospark build-up, experiments on layer build-up on steel samples. The following were investigated: the dependence of the total growth of the cathode on the carbon content and the number of electrode passes, the thickness of the layer applied to the surface of the part, the hardness of the coated samples, and the adhesion strength of the built-up layer to the main one were determined. We determined the optimal materials for building up, as well as the parameters of the technological process. A high (638.7 MPa) level of strength was established by tests on the adhesion strength of the built-up layer to the base. On the basis of the conducted tests, it was established that the steel samples with the applied coating have a higher hardness compared to the sample after heat treatment. Experiments have shown that electrode materials with a carbon content of 1.0-2.5% and chromium content of 10.0-25.0% are optimal for electrospark build-up of 45G, 40X steel samples.
Conclusions. Most of the crankshafts that were overhauled had worn connecting rods (95%) and main journals (93.8%). Elimination of these defects is possible by applying a coating using the electrospark build-up method. Experiments on the dependence of the total growth of the cathode and the thickness of the coating on the chemical composition of the anode and the number of electrode passes when coating samples made of 45G and 40X steels showed that the growth of the cathode increases with increasing pulse energy. It was established that when using electrodes with a carbon content of 1.5-2.5% and chromium content of 10.0-25.0%, it is not advisable to make more than 3 passes of the electrode, since 3 passes provide sufficient growth of the cathode and coating thickness. It was established that the steel samples with the applied coating have a higher hardness compared to the sample after heat treatment and a high (638.7 MPa) level of adhesion strength of the built-up layer to the base. The possibility of using this method at technical service enterprises to increase the durability and reliability of parts has been confirmed. Therefore, research on the development of the technology for the restoration of specific parts of the equipment by the method of electrospark build-up is still an actual task and requires continued research.
car, crankshaft, defects, spark build-up, clutch strength, hardness
Full Text:
1. Komchatnykh, O.V., Petrovsʹka, S.I. & Redʹko, N.O. (2021). Suchasnyy stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku transportnoyi infrastruktury v Ukrayini. [The current state and prospects for the development of transport infrastructure in Ukraine] Prychornomorsʹki ekonomichni studiyi. Ekonomichnyy naukovo-praktychnyy zhurnal. №64. S. 11-16. [in Ukrainian].
2. Multimodal freight transportation planning: A literature review. 2014./ Steadie Seifi M. at al. European Journal of Operational Research. No233(1). Р.1–15. [in English].
3. Marchenko, A.P., Parsadanov, I.V., & Strokov, O.P. (2022). Dvyhuny vnutrishnʹoho z·horyannya i navkolyshnye seredovyshche. [Internal combustion engines and the environment]. Zahalʹni problemy dvyhunobuduvannya. № 2, S.3-12. DOI: 10.20998/0419-8719.2022.2.01 [in Ukrainian].
4. Dvyhun DAF XF105 z 2006 r. Zahal'na informatsiia. Monolyt.ukr: veb-sajt [DAF XF105 engine from 2006. General information. Monolyt.ukr: website]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
5. Aulin, V.V., Hrynʹkiv, A.V., & Livitsʹkyy, O.M. (2015) Pidvyshchennya nadiynosti mobilʹnoyi ta avtotransportnoyi tekhniky silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkoho vyrobnytstva na osnovi diahnostyky yikh stanu. [Increasing the reliability of mobile and motor vehicles of agricultural production on the basis of diagnostics of their condition] Problemy konstruyuvannya, vyrobnytstva ta ekspluatatsiyi s.-h. tekhniky. Materialy X Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. Kirovohrad: KNTU. S.163-164. [in Ukrainian].
6. Buryak, M.V. et al. (2022). Otsinka dovhovichnosti metalokonstruktsiy avtotransportnykh zasobiv. [ Assessment of durability of metal structures of motor vehicles]. Visnyk mashynobuduvannya ta transportu No1(15) S.11-16. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
7. Aulin, V.V., Holub, D.V., Hrynʹkiv, A.V., & Lysenko, S.V. (2017). Metodolohichni i teoretychni osnovy zabezpechennya ta pidvyshchennya nadiynosti funktsionuvannya avtomobilʹnykh transportnykh system: monohrafiia [Methodological and theoretical foundations of ensuring and improving the reliability of the functioning of automobile transport systems: monograph]. Kropyvnytsʹkyy: Vydavetsʹ «KOD». 370s. [in Ukrainian].
8. Ivankova, O.V. et al. (2020). Doslidzhennia metodiv vidnovlennia znoshenykh detalej sil's'kohospodars'koi tekhniky [Research of methods of restoration of worn parts of agricultural machinery]. Visnyk PDAA - PDAA Bulletin, 4, 283-292 [in Ukrainian].
9. Our technologies to best serve you. Eutectic Сastolin. URL: (date of access: 27/06/2024). [in English].
10. O. Chivu Vîrlan, C. Rontescu, D. Cicic, M. Vasile, (2015). Reconditioning of Crankshaft in the Automotive Industry by Using TIG Welding, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 1111, p. 43. DOI: [in English].
11. Tian, H., Wang, C., Guo, M., Wei, S., Liang, X., Xu, B. (2017) High velocity arc spraying remanufacture process and thermal control for engine crankshaft. Jinshu Rechuli/Heat Treatment of Metals, 42 (12), pp. 117-121. doi: 10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2017.12.024 [in English].
12. Ivankova, O.V., Burlaka, O.A. (2024). Doslidzhennya vidnovlennya korpusnykh detaley avtomobilʹnykh dvyhuniv metodom elektroduhovoyi metalizatsiyi. [Research on the restoration of body parts of automobile engines by the method of electric arc metallization]. Tsentralʹnoukrayinsʹkyy naukovyy visnyk. Tekhnichni nauky. Vyp. 9(40), ch.1. S. 127-134.: [in Ukrainian].
13. Ding S., Ma G., Chen S., He P., Wang Y., Wang H., Xu B. (2019). Research State on Heat Accumulation Behavior and Temperature Control in Thermal Spraying Forming Process. Cailiao Daobao/Materials Reports, 33 (11), pp. 3644 – 3653. DOI: 10.11896/cldb.18110093 [in English].
14. Skoblo, T. S. et al. (2019). Analyz sposobiv vyhotovlennya, zmitsnennya i vidnovlennya lap kulʹtyvatora. [Analysis of methods of manufacturing, strengthening and restoration of cultivator paws]. Tekhnichnyy servis ahropromyslovoho, lisovoho ta transportnoho kompleksiv - Technical service of agro-industrial, forestry and transport complexes. No. 15. P. 60-85. [in Ukrainian].
15. Hrynʹ, O. H., Trembach, B. O., Trembach, I. O. (2018). Suchasni materialy dlya pidvyshchennya znosostiykosti detaley mashyn naplavlennyam pry hidroabrazyvnomu znosi. [Modern materials for increasing the wear resistance of machine parts by surfacing during hydroabrasive wear]. Visnyk Donbasʹkoyi derzhavnoyi mashynobudivnoyi akademiyi. № 2 (44), S. 41-46. [in Ukrainian].
16. Skoblo, T. S. et al. (2004). Pidvyshchennya yakosti pokryttiv nanesennkh elektroiskrovym metodom. [Improving the quality of coatings applied by the electrospark method]. Visnyk Kharkivsʹkoho derzhavnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu silʹsʹkoho hospodarstva: zbirnyk naukovykh pratsʹ: Tekhnichnyy servis APK, tekhnika ta tekhnolohiyi u silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkomu mashynobuduvanni - Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture: collection of scientific works / KhDTUSG. Vol. 23. 191-198. Kharkiv: KHDTUS. [in Ukrainian].
17. Storozhenko, M. S. et al. (2020). Rozrobka tekhnolohiy i materialiv dlya elektroiskrovoho nanesennya pokryttiv z metoyu pidvyshchennya terminu ekspluatatsiyi i nadiynosti detaley tekhnolohichnoho i enerhetychnoho obladnannya ta instrumentiv. [Development of technologies and materials for electrospark coating in order to increase the service life and reliability of parts of technological and energy equipment and tools]. Avtomatychne zvaryuvannya-Automatic welding, 10, 21-25. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
18. Marchenko, D. D. & Matvyeyeva, K. S. (2023). Increasing the Wear Resistance of Restored Car Parts by Using Electrospark Coatings. [Development of technologies and materials for electrospark coating in order to increase the service life and reliability of parts of technological and energy equipment and tools]. Problems of Tribology, 28.1/107, 65-72. [in Ukrainian].
19. Demʺyanchuk, YA. M. & Voytsekhivsʹka, T. Y., & Sumer, A. R. (2015). Vplyv khimichnoho skladu elektrodiv dlya elektroiskrovoho lehuvannya na trybolohichnu povedinku shtokiv naftovykh nasosiv. [Influence of the chemical composition of electrodes for electrospark alloying on the tribological behavior of oil pump rods]. Naukovi notatky - Scientific notes, 49, 47-50. [in Ukrainian].
20. Kozak F. V. et al. (2023). Optymizatsiya protsesu nanesennya elektroiskrovykh pokryttiv pry zmitsnenni avtomobilʹnykh detaley typu “val”. [Optimization of the process of applying electrospark coatings during strengthening of automobile parts of the "shaft" type]. Materialy, konstruktsiyi ta obladnannya obʺyektiv naftohazovoho kompleksu. Naftohazova enerhetyka - Materials, constructions and equipment of oil and gas complex objects. Oil and gas energy, № 2(40), 66-72. DOI: 10.31471/1993-9868-2023-2(40)-66-72. [in Ukrainian].
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Copyright (c) 2024 Olena Ivankova, Alexei Burlaka, Vitaly Bartosh
Materials and Technologies for Restoration of Worn Surfaces of Automobile Parts
About the Authors
Olena Ivankova, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava, Ukraine, е-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1825-0262
Alexei Burlaka, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava, Ukraine, е-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2296-7234
Vitaly Bartosh, director, Auto-Motor Company LLC, Poltava, Ukraine, е-mail:
Full Text:
1. Komchatnykh, O.V., Petrovsʹka, S.I. & Redʹko, N.O. (2021). Suchasnyy stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku transportnoyi infrastruktury v Ukrayini. [The current state and prospects for the development of transport infrastructure in Ukraine] Prychornomorsʹki ekonomichni studiyi. Ekonomichnyy naukovo-praktychnyy zhurnal. №64. S. 11-16. [in Ukrainian].
2. Multimodal freight transportation planning: A literature review. 2014./ Steadie Seifi M. at al. European Journal of Operational Research. No233(1). Р.1–15. [in English].
3. Marchenko, A.P., Parsadanov, I.V., & Strokov, O.P. (2022). Dvyhuny vnutrishnʹoho z·horyannya i navkolyshnye seredovyshche. [Internal combustion engines and the environment]. Zahalʹni problemy dvyhunobuduvannya. № 2, S.3-12. DOI: 10.20998/0419-8719.2022.2.01 [in Ukrainian].
4. Dvyhun DAF XF105 z 2006 r. Zahal'na informatsiia. Monolyt.ukr: veb-sajt [DAF XF105 engine from 2006. General information. Monolyt.ukr: website]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
5. Aulin, V.V., Hrynʹkiv, A.V., & Livitsʹkyy, O.M. (2015) Pidvyshchennya nadiynosti mobilʹnoyi ta avtotransportnoyi tekhniky silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkoho vyrobnytstva na osnovi diahnostyky yikh stanu. [Increasing the reliability of mobile and motor vehicles of agricultural production on the basis of diagnostics of their condition] Problemy konstruyuvannya, vyrobnytstva ta ekspluatatsiyi s.-h. tekhniky. Materialy X Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. Kirovohrad: KNTU. S.163-164. [in Ukrainian].
6. Buryak, M.V. et al. (2022). Otsinka dovhovichnosti metalokonstruktsiy avtotransportnykh zasobiv. [ Assessment of durability of metal structures of motor vehicles]. Visnyk mashynobuduvannya ta transportu No1(15) S.11-16. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
7. Aulin, V.V., Holub, D.V., Hrynʹkiv, A.V., & Lysenko, S.V. (2017). Metodolohichni i teoretychni osnovy zabezpechennya ta pidvyshchennya nadiynosti funktsionuvannya avtomobilʹnykh transportnykh system: monohrafiia [Methodological and theoretical foundations of ensuring and improving the reliability of the functioning of automobile transport systems: monograph]. Kropyvnytsʹkyy: Vydavetsʹ «KOD». 370s. [in Ukrainian].
8. Ivankova, O.V. et al. (2020). Doslidzhennia metodiv vidnovlennia znoshenykh detalej sil's'kohospodars'koi tekhniky [Research of methods of restoration of worn parts of agricultural machinery]. Visnyk PDAA - PDAA Bulletin, 4, 283-292 [in Ukrainian].
9. Our technologies to best serve you. Eutectic Сastolin. URL: (date of access: 27/06/2024). [in English].
10. O. Chivu Vîrlan, C. Rontescu, D. Cicic, M. Vasile, (2015). Reconditioning of Crankshaft in the Automotive Industry by Using TIG Welding, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 1111, p. 43. DOI: [in English].
11. Tian, H., Wang, C., Guo, M., Wei, S., Liang, X., Xu, B. (2017) High velocity arc spraying remanufacture process and thermal control for engine crankshaft. Jinshu Rechuli/Heat Treatment of Metals, 42 (12), pp. 117-121. doi: 10.13251/j.issn.0254-6051.2017.12.024 [in English].
12. Ivankova, O.V., Burlaka, O.A. (2024). Doslidzhennya vidnovlennya korpusnykh detaley avtomobilʹnykh dvyhuniv metodom elektroduhovoyi metalizatsiyi. [Research on the restoration of body parts of automobile engines by the method of electric arc metallization]. Tsentralʹnoukrayinsʹkyy naukovyy visnyk. Tekhnichni nauky. Vyp. 9(40), ch.1. S. 127-134.: [in Ukrainian].
13. Ding S., Ma G., Chen S., He P., Wang Y., Wang H., Xu B. (2019). Research State on Heat Accumulation Behavior and Temperature Control in Thermal Spraying Forming Process. Cailiao Daobao/Materials Reports, 33 (11), pp. 3644 – 3653. DOI: 10.11896/cldb.18110093 [in English].
14. Skoblo, T. S. et al. (2019). Analyz sposobiv vyhotovlennya, zmitsnennya i vidnovlennya lap kulʹtyvatora. [Analysis of methods of manufacturing, strengthening and restoration of cultivator paws]. Tekhnichnyy servis ahropromyslovoho, lisovoho ta transportnoho kompleksiv - Technical service of agro-industrial, forestry and transport complexes. No. 15. P. 60-85. [in Ukrainian].
15. Hrynʹ, O. H., Trembach, B. O., Trembach, I. O. (2018). Suchasni materialy dlya pidvyshchennya znosostiykosti detaley mashyn naplavlennyam pry hidroabrazyvnomu znosi. [Modern materials for increasing the wear resistance of machine parts by surfacing during hydroabrasive wear]. Visnyk Donbasʹkoyi derzhavnoyi mashynobudivnoyi akademiyi. № 2 (44), S. 41-46. [in Ukrainian].
16. Skoblo, T. S. et al. (2004). Pidvyshchennya yakosti pokryttiv nanesennkh elektroiskrovym metodom. [Improving the quality of coatings applied by the electrospark method]. Visnyk Kharkivsʹkoho derzhavnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu silʹsʹkoho hospodarstva: zbirnyk naukovykh pratsʹ: Tekhnichnyy servis APK, tekhnika ta tekhnolohiyi u silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkomu mashynobuduvanni - Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture: collection of scientific works / KhDTUSG. Vol. 23. 191-198. Kharkiv: KHDTUS. [in Ukrainian].
17. Storozhenko, M. S. et al. (2020). Rozrobka tekhnolohiy i materialiv dlya elektroiskrovoho nanesennya pokryttiv z metoyu pidvyshchennya terminu ekspluatatsiyi i nadiynosti detaley tekhnolohichnoho i enerhetychnoho obladnannya ta instrumentiv. [Development of technologies and materials for electrospark coating in order to increase the service life and reliability of parts of technological and energy equipment and tools]. Avtomatychne zvaryuvannya-Automatic welding, 10, 21-25. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
18. Marchenko, D. D. & Matvyeyeva, K. S. (2023). Increasing the Wear Resistance of Restored Car Parts by Using Electrospark Coatings. [Development of technologies and materials for electrospark coating in order to increase the service life and reliability of parts of technological and energy equipment and tools]. Problems of Tribology, 28.1/107, 65-72. [in Ukrainian].
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