The Results of Experimental Studies of the Quality of Bulk Materials Mixing by an Automated Installation of a Screw Conveyor with a Rotating Casing
About the Authors
Andrii Diachun, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1354-9468
Ivan Нevk, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5170-0857
Roman Zolotyi,, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9435-2642
Serhii Koval, post-graduate, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0009-0005-8175-9258
Oleg Derysh, post-graduate, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 009-0000-4028-1239
Andrii Bryksa, post-graduate, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, ORCID ID: 0009-0001-3223-0682
The study of the effectiveness of mixing process by screw conveyor using analytical methods is difficult and does not provide sufficient accuracy, so experimental studies with the design and manufacture of screw conveyor installations, in particular with rotating casings, are important. The purpose of the work is to conduct and present the results of experimental research on the bulk materials mixing quality using an automated installation of a screw conveyor with a rotating casing.
A prototype of an automated screw conveyor with adjustable material supply in the area of loading from the hopper and with provided rotary movement of the casing in the direction of rotation of the screw for simultaneous mixing and transportation of bulk materials was developed and manufactured. The experimental studies were conducted to determine the relationship between the structural and technological parameters of the screw conveyor-mixer, in particular the rotation frequency of the screw, the rotation frequency of the casing, the angle of inclination of the screw mixer, with the coefficient of inhomogeneity of mixing a combination of different bulk materials: grains of corn, millet, peas, wheat, buckwheat. Statistical processing of data from the results of experimental studies was carried out to obtain regression equations in coded and natural values of the dependence of the coefficient of inhomogeneity of mixing by a screw conveyor on its constructive and technological independent variable parameters, as well as checking the adequacy of the obtained equations using application software.
It was established that with a decrease in the rotation frequency of the screw and an increase in the rotation frequency of the casing and the angle of inclination of the screw mixer, the value of the coefficient of inhomogeneity of the mixing of three-component and two-component mixtures decreases. The maximum value of the coefficient of inhomogeneity of the three-component mixture of corn, buckwheat and millet grains was 11.28%, and the minimum value was 7.32%. The coefficient of inhomogeneity of mixing of a two-component mixture by a screw mixer with a rotating casing is 1.64 times smaller than the coefficient of inhomogeneity of mixing by a conventional screw conveyor with a spiral screw working body within the studied screw rotation frequencies from 250 rpm to 350 rpm.
mixing, screw conveyor, automated installation, coefficient of inhomogeneity of mixing, bulk material, grains, regression equation
Full Text:
1. Rohatynskyi R.M., Hevko I.B., Liashuk O.L., Hud V.Z., Diachun A.Ie., Melnychuk A.L. & Slobodian L.M. (2019). Prospective screw conveyors: designs, calculations, research. Ternopil [in Ukrainian].
2. Dheeraj M., Abhishek S., Harsh P., Ram D., Jyeshtharaj B. &Shankar S. (2020). A review of granular flow in screw feeders and conveyors. Powder Technology, 366. P. 369 381.
3. Hewko B.M., Popovich P.V., Diachun A.Y., Lyashuk O.L. & Liubachivskyi R.O. (2015). The study of bulk material kinematics in a screw conveyor-mixer. INMATEH: Agricultural engineering, Bucharest/Romania, 47, 3. P. 156 163.
4. Rohatynskyi R., Gevko I., Diachun A, Lyashuk O., Skyba O. & Melnychuk A. (2019). Feasibility study of improving the transport performance by means of screw conveyors with rotary casings. Acta Technologica Agriculturae. Nitra, Slovaca Universitas Agriculturae Nitriae, 4/2019. P. 141 146.
5. Hu, G., Chen, J., Jian, B., Wan, H. & Liu, L. (2010). Modeling and simulation of transportation system of screw conveyors by the discrete element method. 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE 2010, 5536244. P. 927 930.
6. Aca Jovanović, Lato Pezo, Sanja Stanojlović, Nenad Kosanić & Ljubinko Lević. (2015). Discrete element modelling of screw conveyor-mixers. Hem. Ind, 69 (1). P. 95–101.
7. Liqing S. Xiaodi Z. Qingliang Z., Kuidong G., Kao J. & Jiawei Z. (2022) Application of a screw conveyor with axial tilt blades on a shearer drum and investigation of conveying performance based on DEM. Particuology, 61. P. 91 102.
8. Gud V.Z. (2020). Synthesis of mixers with screw working bodies. Journal "Environment Engineering", Harkiv, 1(15). P. 66 72 [in Ukrainian].
9. Hud V.Z., Klendii V.M. & Shust I.M. (2019). Research results of the telescopic screw conveyor. Agricultural machines, Lutsk, 42. P. 12-20 [in Ukrainian].
10. Fenglei Q., Theodore J. H. & Mark Mba W. (2017). Numerical study of particle mixing in a lab-scale screw mixer using the discrete element method. Powder Technology, 308. P.334 345.
11. Milada P., Lato P., Aca J., Anja T., Ljubiša A., Biljana L. & Predrag K. (2018) Discrete element model of particle transport and premixing action in modified screw conveyors. Powder Technology, 336.P. 255-264.
12. Lato P., Aca J., Milada P., Radmilo Č. & Biljana L. (2015) Modified screw conveyor-mixers – Discrete element modeling approach. Advanced Powder Technology, 26, 5. P. 1391-1399.
13. Naumenko Yu.V. (2009) Fundamentals of the theory of operating modes of drum mills: monograph. Rivne [in Ukrainian].
14. Diachun A.Ie., Dmytriv O.R., Hevko B.R., Koval S.O. & Tsapyk R.P. (2024). Experimental automated installation of a screw conveyor with a rotating casing for mixing bulk materials. Prospective technologies and devices, Lutsk, 24. P. 38-44 [in Ukrainian].
1. Рогатинський Р.М., Гевко І.Б., Ляшук О.Л., Гудь В.З., Дячун А.Є., Мельничук А.Л., Слободян Л.М. Перспективні гвинтові конвеєри: конструкції, розрахунок, дослідження. Тернопіль, 2019. 212 с.
2. Dheeraj M., Abhishek S., Harsh P., Ram D., Jyeshtharaj B., Shankar S. A review of granular flow in screw feeders and conveyors. Powder Technology. 2020. Vol. 366. P. 369 381.
3. Hewko B.M., Popovich P.V., Diachun A.Y., Lyashuk O.L., Liubachivskyi R.O. The study of bulk material kinematics in a screw conveyor-mixer. INMATEH: Agricultural engineering. Bucharest/Romania, 2015. Vol. 47. No. 3. P. 156 163.
4. Rohatynskyi R., Gevko I., Diachun A, Lyashuk O., Skyba O., Melnychuk A. Feasibility study of improving the transport performance by means of screw conveyors with rotary casings. Acta Technologica Agriculturae. Nitra, Slovaca Universitas Agriculturae Nitriae, 2019. 4/2019. P. 141 146.
5. Hu, G., Chen, J., Jian, B., Wan, H., Liu, L. Modeling and simulation of transportation system of screw conveyors by the discrete element method. 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE 2010. Article number 5536244. P. 927 930.
6. Aca Jovanović, Lato Pezo, Sanja Stanojlović, Nenad Kosanić, Ljubinko Lević. Discrete element modelling of screw conveyor-mixers. Hem. Ind. 2015. 69 (1). P. 95–101.
7. Liqing S. Xiaodi Z. Qingliang Z., Kuidong G., Kao J., Jiawei Z. Application of a screw conveyor with axial tilt blades on a shearer drum and investigation of conveying performance based on DEM. Particuology. 2022. Vol. 61. P. 91 102.
8. Гудь В.З. Синтез змішувачів з гвинтовими робочими органами. Журнал «Інженерія природокористування». Харків, 2020. Вип. 1(15). С. 66 72.
9. Гудь В.З., Клендій В.М., Шуст І.М. Результати досліджень телескопічного гвинтового транспортера. Сільськогосподарські машини. Луцьк, 2019. Вип. 42. С. 12-20.
10. Fenglei Q., Theodore J. H., Mark Mba W. Numerical study of particle mixing in a lab-scale screw mixer using the discrete element method. Powder Technology. 2017. Vol. 308. P. 334 345.
11. Milada P., Lato P., Aca J., Anja T., Ljubiša A., Biljana L., Predrag K. Discrete element model of particle transport and premixing action in modified screw conveyors. Powder Technology. 2018. Vol. 336. P. 255-264.
12. Lato P., Aca J., Milada P., Radmilo Č., Biljana L. Modified screw conveyor-mixers – Discrete element modeling approach. Advanced Powder Technology. 2015. Vol. 26, Issue 5, P. 1391-1399.
13. Науменко Ю.В. Основи теорії режимів роботи барабанних млинів: монографія. Рівне: Видавництво СПД Зелент О.І., 2009. 282 с.
14. Дячун А.Є., Дмитрів О.Р., Гевко Б.Р., Коваль С.О., Цапик Р.П. Експериментальна автоматизована установка гвинтового конвеєра з обертовим кожухом для змішування сипких матеріалів. Перспективні технології та прилади. Луцьк, 2024. Вип. 24. С. 38-44.
Copyright (c) 2024 Andrii Diachun, Ivan Нevko, Roman Zolotyi, Serhii Koval, Oleg Derysh, Andrii Bryksa
The Results of Experimental Studies of the Quality of Bulk Materials Mixing by an Automated Installation of a Screw Conveyor with a Rotating Casing
About the Authors
Andrii Diachun, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1354-9468
Ivan Нevk, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5170-0857
Roman Zolotyi,, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9435-2642
Serhii Koval, post-graduate, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0009-0005-8175-9258
Oleg Derysh, post-graduate, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 009-0000-4028-1239
Andrii Bryksa, post-graduate, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, ORCID ID: 0009-0001-3223-0682
Full Text:
1. Rohatynskyi R.M., Hevko I.B., Liashuk O.L., Hud V.Z., Diachun A.Ie., Melnychuk A.L. & Slobodian L.M. (2019). Prospective screw conveyors: designs, calculations, research. Ternopil [in Ukrainian].
2. Dheeraj M., Abhishek S., Harsh P., Ram D., Jyeshtharaj B. &Shankar S. (2020). A review of granular flow in screw feeders and conveyors. Powder Technology, 366. P. 369 381.
3. Hewko B.M., Popovich P.V., Diachun A.Y., Lyashuk O.L. & Liubachivskyi R.O. (2015). The study of bulk material kinematics in a screw conveyor-mixer. INMATEH: Agricultural engineering, Bucharest/Romania, 47, 3. P. 156 163.
4. Rohatynskyi R., Gevko I., Diachun A, Lyashuk O., Skyba O. & Melnychuk A. (2019). Feasibility study of improving the transport performance by means of screw conveyors with rotary casings. Acta Technologica Agriculturae. Nitra, Slovaca Universitas Agriculturae Nitriae, 4/2019. P. 141 146.
5. Hu, G., Chen, J., Jian, B., Wan, H. & Liu, L. (2010). Modeling and simulation of transportation system of screw conveyors by the discrete element method. 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE 2010, 5536244. P. 927 930.
6. Aca Jovanović, Lato Pezo, Sanja Stanojlović, Nenad Kosanić & Ljubinko Lević. (2015). Discrete element modelling of screw conveyor-mixers. Hem. Ind, 69 (1). P. 95–101.
7. Liqing S. Xiaodi Z. Qingliang Z., Kuidong G., Kao J. & Jiawei Z. (2022) Application of a screw conveyor with axial tilt blades on a shearer drum and investigation of conveying performance based on DEM. Particuology, 61. P. 91 102.
8. Gud V.Z. (2020). Synthesis of mixers with screw working bodies. Journal "Environment Engineering", Harkiv, 1(15). P. 66 72 [in Ukrainian].
9. Hud V.Z., Klendii V.M. & Shust I.M. (2019). Research results of the telescopic screw conveyor. Agricultural machines, Lutsk, 42. P. 12-20 [in Ukrainian].
10. Fenglei Q., Theodore J. H. & Mark Mba W. (2017). Numerical study of particle mixing in a lab-scale screw mixer using the discrete element method. Powder Technology, 308. P.334 345.
11. Milada P., Lato P., Aca J., Anja T., Ljubiša A., Biljana L. & Predrag K. (2018) Discrete element model of particle transport and premixing action in modified screw conveyors. Powder Technology, 336.P. 255-264.
12. Lato P., Aca J., Milada P., Radmilo Č. & Biljana L. (2015) Modified screw conveyor-mixers – Discrete element modeling approach. Advanced Powder Technology, 26, 5. P. 1391-1399.
13. Naumenko Yu.V. (2009) Fundamentals of the theory of operating modes of drum mills: monograph. Rivne [in Ukrainian].
14. Diachun A.Ie., Dmytriv O.R., Hevko B.R., Koval S.O. & Tsapyk R.P. (2024). Experimental automated installation of a screw conveyor with a rotating casing for mixing bulk materials. Prospective technologies and devices, Lutsk, 24. P. 38-44 [in Ukrainian].
1. Рогатинський Р.М., Гевко І.Б., Ляшук О.Л., Гудь В.З., Дячун А.Є., Мельничук А.Л., Слободян Л.М. Перспективні гвинтові конвеєри: конструкції, розрахунок, дослідження. Тернопіль, 2019. 212 с.
2. Dheeraj M., Abhishek S., Harsh P., Ram D., Jyeshtharaj B., Shankar S. A review of granular flow in screw feeders and conveyors. Powder Technology. 2020. Vol. 366. P. 369 381.
3. Hewko B.M., Popovich P.V., Diachun A.Y., Lyashuk O.L., Liubachivskyi R.O. The study of bulk material kinematics in a screw conveyor-mixer. INMATEH: Agricultural engineering. Bucharest/Romania, 2015. Vol. 47. No. 3. P. 156 163.
4. Rohatynskyi R., Gevko I., Diachun A, Lyashuk O., Skyba O., Melnychuk A. Feasibility study of improving the transport performance by means of screw conveyors with rotary casings. Acta Technologica Agriculturae. Nitra, Slovaca Universitas Agriculturae Nitriae, 2019. 4/2019. P. 141 146.
5. Hu, G., Chen, J., Jian, B., Wan, H., Liu, L. Modeling and simulation of transportation system of screw conveyors by the discrete element method. 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE 2010. Article number 5536244. P. 927 930.
6. Aca Jovanović, Lato Pezo, Sanja Stanojlović, Nenad Kosanić, Ljubinko Lević. Discrete element modelling of screw conveyor-mixers. Hem. Ind. 2015. 69 (1). P. 95–101.
7. Liqing S. Xiaodi Z. Qingliang Z., Kuidong G., Kao J., Jiawei Z. Application of a screw conveyor with axial tilt blades on a shearer drum and investigation of conveying performance based on DEM. Particuology. 2022. Vol. 61. P. 91 102.
8. Гудь В.З. Синтез змішувачів з гвинтовими робочими органами. Журнал «Інженерія природокористування». Харків, 2020. Вип. 1(15). С. 66 72.
9. Гудь В.З., Клендій В.М., Шуст І.М. Результати досліджень телескопічного гвинтового транспортера. Сільськогосподарські машини. Луцьк, 2019. Вип. 42. С. 12-20.
10. Fenglei Q., Theodore J. H., Mark Mba W. Numerical study of particle mixing in a lab-scale screw mixer using the discrete element method. Powder Technology. 2017. Vol. 308. P. 334 345.
11. Milada P., Lato P., Aca J., Anja T., Ljubiša A., Biljana L., Predrag K. Discrete element model of particle transport and premixing action in modified screw conveyors. Powder Technology. 2018. Vol. 336. P. 255-264.
12. Lato P., Aca J., Milada P., Radmilo Č., Biljana L. Modified screw conveyor-mixers – Discrete element modeling approach. Advanced Powder Technology. 2015. Vol. 26, Issue 5, P. 1391-1399.
13. Науменко Ю.В. Основи теорії режимів роботи барабанних млинів: монографія. Рівне: Видавництво СПД Зелент О.І., 2009. 282 с.
14. Дячун А.Є., Дмитрів О.Р., Гевко Б.Р., Коваль С.О., Цапик Р.П. Експериментальна автоматизована установка гвинтового конвеєра з обертовим кожухом для змішування сипких матеріалів. Перспективні технології та прилади. Луцьк, 2024. Вип. 24. С. 38-44.