Formation of the microclimate in the cabins of motor vehicles by heaters of various designs
About the Authors
Viktor Aulin, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2737-120X
Mykhailo Mahopets, Master, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1522-4555
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the rational technology of microclimate formation in the cabins of motor vehicles operated in the climatic zone of Ukraine, at low temperature indicators of the environment based on the use of heaters of various designs.
The impact of high and low temperatures in the car interior on the condition of the driver and passengers was determined. It was determined that the optimal temperature values are +16...+26 °C and must be provided by a ventilation, heating and air conditioning system. Failure of these systems should preclude further operation of the vehicle. For heating, the thermal energy of the engine is used through the heated coolant passing through the heat exchanger. This design is simple and reliable, but the time it takes to warm up the interior depends on the ambient temperature and engine warm-up, especially in winter.
The efficiency of autonomous heaters of various types (fuel-liquid, fuel-air, electric-air, electric-liquid built-in and electric-liquid wired) and their impact on the level of environmental pollution were evaluated. All types of autonomous heaters effectively perform their function of heating the coolant or air in the car interior. It is shown that compared to remote engine start systems, pre-start heaters are more appropriate for providing the necessary microclimate in winter. The use of fuel preheaters reduces the overall percentage of toxic emissions, especially in older vehicles. In addition to increasing comfort and reducing emissions, pre-heating the engine reduces its wear and tear and fuel consumption.
The expediency of using autonomous heaters for motor vehicles is substantiated. For cars with internal combustion engines, this allows for a comfortable microclimate, and for electric cars - to increase the range by 25-50% in severe frosts. From a financial point of view, heaters are more economical compared to a standard heating system, although the initial cost of the devices is significant.
motor vehicles, interior, microclimate, interior heating, heater, coolant, thermal energy of the engine, heat exchanger
Full Text:
1. Решетило А. О., Решетило О. М., Гуменюк П. О., Маркіна Л. М. Системи забезпечення мікроклімату салону легкового автомобіля. Комп'ютерно-інтегровані технології: освіта, наука, виробництво. 2017. №26. С. 227-232.
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3. Методологічні і теоретичні основи забезпечення та підвищення надійності функціонування автомобільних транспортних систем: монографія. / Аулін В.В., Голуб Д.В., Гриньків А.В. та ін. Кропивницький: Видавництво ТОВ «КОД», 2017. 370 с.
4. What is the most suitable temperature for the vehicle interior? Avtotachki : веб-сайт. URL:
5. Winter weather driving tips. NHTSA: веб-сайт. URL: .
6. How do air conditioning systems work in a car? Universal Technical Institute : веб-сайт. URL: .
7. What is Webasto? Advantages and disadvantages and installation cost. Moje Auto : веб-сайт. URL:
8. Preheater types. Powerheat : веб-сайт. URL:
9. The pros and cons of remote starters. Car RC : веб-сайт. URL:
10. Elektroauto im Winter: So wirkt sich Kälte auf Verbrauch und Reichweite aus. ADAC : веб-сайт. URL:
11. Автомобілістам розповіли, скільки пального витрачає машина під час прогріву. TSN : веб-сайт. URL: https://
1. Reshetylo, A.O., Reshetylo, O.M., Humeniuk, P.O., & Markina, L.M. (2017). Systemy zabezpechennia mikroklimatu salonu lehkovoho avtomobilia [Microclimate systems for passenger car interior]. Kompiuterno-intehrovani tekhnolohii: osvita, nauka, vyrobnytstvo - Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production, 26, 227-232 [in Ukrainian].
2. Sitovskyi, O.P., & Derkach, V.L. (2014). Vyznachennia vplyvu peredpuskovoho pidihrivu na kharakterystyku roboty dvyhuna z pidvyshchenymy obertamy kholostoho khodu [Determination of the influence of pre-start heating on the performance characteristics of the engine at high idle speeds]. Naukovi notatky - Scientific notes, 44, 282-285 [in Ukrainian].
3. Aulin, V.V., Holub, D.V., & Hrynkiv A.V. (2017). Metodolohichni i teoretychni osnovy zabezpechennia ta pidvyshchennia nadiinosti funktsionuvannia avtomobilnykh transportnykh system [Methodological and theoretical foundations of ensuring and improving the reliability of the functioning of automobile transport systems] Kropyvnytskyi: Vydavnytstvo TOV «KOD» [in Ukrainian].
4. Site Avtotachki. What is the most suitable temperature for the vehicle interior? Retrieved from: [in English].
5. Site NHTSA. Winter weather driving tips. Retrieved from: [in English].
6. Site Universal Technical Institute. How do air conditioning systems work in a car? Retrieved from: [in English].
7. Site Moje Auto. What is Webasto? Advantages and disadvantages and installation cost. Retrieved from: [in English].
8. Site Powerheat. Preheater types. Retrieved from: [in English].
9. Site Car RC. The pros and cons of remote starters. Retrieved from: [in English].
10. Site ADAC. Elektroauto im Winter: So wirkt sich Kälte auf Verbrauch und Reichweite aus. Retrieved from: [in English].
11. Sait TSN. Avtomobilistam rozpovily, skilky palnoho vytrachaie mashyna pid chas prohrivu [Site TSN. Motorists were told how much fuel the car consumes during warm-up]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
Copyright (c) 2024 Viktor Aulin, Mykhailo Mahopets
Formation of the microclimate in the cabins of motor vehicles by heaters of various designs
About the Authors
Viktor Aulin, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2737-120X
Mykhailo Mahopets, Master, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1522-4555
Full Text:
1. Решетило А. О., Решетило О. М., Гуменюк П. О., Маркіна Л. М. Системи забезпечення мікроклімату салону легкового автомобіля. Комп'ютерно-інтегровані технології: освіта, наука, виробництво. 2017. №26. С. 227-232.
2. Сітовський О.П., Деркач В.Л. Визначення впливу передпускового підігріву на характеристику роботи двигуна з підвищеними обертами холостого ходу. Наукові нотатки. 2014. №44. С. 282-285.
3. Методологічні і теоретичні основи забезпечення та підвищення надійності функціонування автомобільних транспортних систем: монографія. / Аулін В.В., Голуб Д.В., Гриньків А.В. та ін. Кропивницький: Видавництво ТОВ «КОД», 2017. 370 с.
4. What is the most suitable temperature for the vehicle interior? Avtotachki : веб-сайт. URL:
5. Winter weather driving tips. NHTSA: веб-сайт. URL: .
6. How do air conditioning systems work in a car? Universal Technical Institute : веб-сайт. URL: .
7. What is Webasto? Advantages and disadvantages and installation cost. Moje Auto : веб-сайт. URL:
8. Preheater types. Powerheat : веб-сайт. URL:
9. The pros and cons of remote starters. Car RC : веб-сайт. URL:
10. Elektroauto im Winter: So wirkt sich Kälte auf Verbrauch und Reichweite aus. ADAC : веб-сайт. URL:
11. Автомобілістам розповіли, скільки пального витрачає машина під час прогріву. TSN : веб-сайт. URL: https://
1. Reshetylo, A.O., Reshetylo, O.M., Humeniuk, P.O., & Markina, L.M. (2017). Systemy zabezpechennia mikroklimatu salonu lehkovoho avtomobilia [Microclimate systems for passenger car interior]. Kompiuterno-intehrovani tekhnolohii: osvita, nauka, vyrobnytstvo - Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production, 26, 227-232 [in Ukrainian].
2. Sitovskyi, O.P., & Derkach, V.L. (2014). Vyznachennia vplyvu peredpuskovoho pidihrivu na kharakterystyku roboty dvyhuna z pidvyshchenymy obertamy kholostoho khodu [Determination of the influence of pre-start heating on the performance characteristics of the engine at high idle speeds]. Naukovi notatky - Scientific notes, 44, 282-285 [in Ukrainian].
3. Aulin, V.V., Holub, D.V., & Hrynkiv A.V. (2017). Metodolohichni i teoretychni osnovy zabezpechennia ta pidvyshchennia nadiinosti funktsionuvannia avtomobilnykh transportnykh system [Methodological and theoretical foundations of ensuring and improving the reliability of the functioning of automobile transport systems] Kropyvnytskyi: Vydavnytstvo TOV «KOD» [in Ukrainian].
4. Site Avtotachki. What is the most suitable temperature for the vehicle interior? Retrieved from: [in English].
5. Site NHTSA. Winter weather driving tips. Retrieved from: [in English].
6. Site Universal Technical Institute. How do air conditioning systems work in a car? Retrieved from: [in English].
7. Site Moje Auto. What is Webasto? Advantages and disadvantages and installation cost. Retrieved from: [in English].
8. Site Powerheat. Preheater types. Retrieved from: [in English].
9. Site Car RC. The pros and cons of remote starters. Retrieved from: [in English].
10. Site ADAC. Elektroauto im Winter: So wirkt sich Kälte auf Verbrauch und Reichweite aus. Retrieved from: [in English].
11. Sait TSN. Avtomobilistam rozpovily, skilky palnoho vytrachaie mashyna pid chas prohrivu [Site TSN. Motorists were told how much fuel the car consumes during warm-up]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].