Development of the method for ensuring quality paint coating during painting and body work in car service systems

Ludmyla Tarandushka, Ivan Tarandushka

About the Authors

Ludmyla Tarandushka, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1410-9088

Ivan Tarandushka, Senior Lecturer, Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5182-3811


A technique has been developed that makes it possible to determine the quality of paintwork in car service systems. This technique is based on the determination of important parameters that describe the technological process of applying a paint coating. Based on the Farrar-Glober algorithm, among the 16 parameters of the system, 8 independent ones affecting the quality of the coating were singled out and their degree of importance was determined. Isolation of independent parameters contributed to the construction of an adequate model for predicting the quality of the paint coating. This makes it possible to organize competitive car service systems for the restoration of vehicle paint coatings. Thanks to the proposed methodology, it becomes possible to provide the organizational and technological structure of production with the necessary equipment and technologies. The efficiency of car service enterprises increases, costs decrease. This technique can also be used to predict the quality of the paint coating, taking into account the important factors of this process. When implementing the proposed methodology, a mathematical model was developed for determining the quality of the paint coating from the factors affecting this process. The average quadratic deviation of the model values of the quality level of the obtained paint coating from the statistical values was =0,0008, which confirms the adequacy of the model. So, it can be concluded that the obtained linear model describing the level of quality of the applied paint coating can be used to predict the quality of the paint coating, knowing the 8 input parameters of the system, namely: - lighting of the dyeing chamber; - polymerization furnace (principle of operation); – method of paint feding; – compressed air source capacity; – amount of diluent; - temperature of the applied material; - distance from the spray gun to the base; - the number of applied material layers.


parameters, car service systems, paint coatings, mathematical model

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Copyright (c) 2024 Ludmyla Tarandushka, Ivan Tarandushka