Implementation of Intercept Parking Concept in Urban Environment

Viktoriia Nykonchuk, Ihor Khitrov, Svetlana Pachkevych

About the Authors

Viktoriia Nykonchuk, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7515-6016

Ihor Khitrov, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2310-1472

Svetlana Pachkevych, Senior Lecturer, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7667-8932


The implementation of intercept parking concepts in urban environments is crucial for improving transportation infrastructure and enhancing residents' quality of life. The city of Rivne, while compact, faces challenges of traffic congestion and air pollution due to its limited area and high population density. One of the key measures to address these issues is the implementation of parking systems, specifically intercept parking. Intercept parking involves creating parking zones outside the city center to reduce the flow of cars in central areas. This can significantly reduce traffic congestion and promote the use of public transportation, thereby improving the city's transportation system. For example, research has shown that effectively utilizing intercept parking can reduce the number of cars entering the city center and encourage the use of public transport. However, successful implementation of intercept parking requires a comprehensive approach and consideration of various aspects, including the needs of the local population, characteristics of the transportation infrastructure, and potential implications for city development and road safety. The article presents research and data collection on the capacity of inbound car flows in various parts of the intercept parking network aimed at evaluating the load on the road network of the city of Rivne during peak periods, taking into account the city's level of motorization. The study analyzed inbound traffic flows at six key points on the main arterial streets of the city. The research results identified a significant load on Rivne's road network from inbound traffic flows, negatively impacting the city's mobility. The only viable solution to this problem is the implementation of an automated intercept parking network both in the suburbs and in the central part of the city. Intercept parking represents a crucial step towards optimizing urban space and improving residents' quality of life by reducing traffic congestion in cities and fostering the development of sustainable urban environments. Implementing intercept parking concepts proves to be a significant step in urban space improvement and enhancing residents' quality of life. The practical application of this concept can contribute to further development and optimization of urban agglomerations, as it promotes efficient use of parking spaces and the development of safe and balanced urban environments.


urban environment, road network, intercept parking, traffic flow, transportation system service quality

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Copyright (c) 2024 Viktoriia Nykonchuk, Ihor Khitrov, Svetlana Pachkevych