Analysis of design features of mini sprayers for small farms

Bohdan Levytskyi, Andrii Babii

About the Authors

Bohdan Levytskyi, рost-graduate, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0009-0004-6786-3625

Andrii Babii, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6198-0100


The purpose of the study is to perform an analysis of the design characteristics and efficiency of various types of mini-sprayers in small areas of row crops and to form criteria by which a new self-propelled mini-sprayer with a rod stabilization system should be designed. An analysis of the efficiency of various types of mini-sprayers in small areas used for planting various crops in small farms was carried out. For the outlined areas of treatment of field crops (within 0.2 hectares), it was established that knapsack sprayers require a significant amount of physical labor of the operator: to move the mass of the sprayer with the working fluid, pumping with a manual pump (for the option without an electric pump), frequent refueling. In addition, manual movement of the rod cannot guarantee the uniformity of application of the working preparation over the entire area, especially with continuous application. For wheelbarrow sprayers, it is established that their mass is transferred to the chassis, but the operator must push it to move. If we talk about the inter-row of plants, then a furrow is formed in the loose soil, which greatly complicates the movement of such a sprayer. In addition, small ground clearance and unregulated furrow do not allow movement by inter-rows of row crops. In the option of using a hinged rod, it is difficult to maintain a constant speed of movement if the sprayer is moved manually. When using the mini energy tool, the same issues arise – a small clearance of the energy tool and the inability to adjust the furrow width. There is also no rod stabilization system. Hinged sprayers are more dependent on the parameters of the power supply chassis. Here, mainly, the same problems arise – limited adjustment of furrow width and fixed clearance, which narrows their use in certain phases of plant growth, when the ground clearance of the energy source is insufficient to avoid damaging plants during processing. In addition, the absence of a rod stabilization system can be seen. This leads to its oscillations, which are transmitted from the wheels of the energy store when moving by field irregularities, and this has an effect on the uniformity of the introduction of the operating solution and the resource of work. Regarding trailed mini-sprayers, it is possible to eliminate some of the described drawbacks in their designs, but their functionality is significantly limited by the parameters of the energy tools with which they are aggregated. To increase the efficiency of applying the operating solution to the treated areas, at least the simplest pendulum suspensions should be used to stabilize the rod. In order to improve the quality of application of the operating solution on the treated surfaces, universal use for processing various crops, including work in gardens, reducing the manual labor of the operator, etc., it is necessary to develop a self-propelled small-sized sprayer, analogues of which are not observed on the Ukrainian market. The following requirements are put forward to the developed design: self-moving (using an engine); the ability to change the furrow width using service mechanisms; have sufficient clearance or regulate it; the hinged rod must have a stabilization system and be adjustable in height of the installation; the pressure line must maintain a constant and controlled pressure of the operating solution; the developed model of a self-propelled sprayer should be affordable for the average agricultural producer in the subsistence farming. Taking into account these requirements and the implementation of the sprayer design in practice, we will get a highly efficient and competitive machine in the mini sprayer market.


chemical protection, sprayer, rod, stabilization, oscillation, resistance to movement, working pressure, self-propelled, subsistence farming, furrow width, clearance, operating life, spraying rate.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Bohdan Levytskyi, Andrii Babii