Supply chain management – evaluation of models and methods

Olena Khachaturyan

About the Authors

Olena Khachaturyan, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economics Sciences), Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail: elenarice1210@gmail.comt, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7917-2838


A study of models and methods of supply chain management was conducted. In an ever changing business conditions, the need has been identified for adapting existing and creating new mechanisms in logical stick. An overview is presented and an analytical assessment of models, methods and concepts used in supply chain management in modern conditions. Generalization of the experience of leading experts made it possible to conditionally divide the models and methods used in logistics into general scientific and special ones. Special models and methods are modeling tools that are designed and effectively applied to solving such logistics problems as problems of managing logistics infrastructure objects (object modeling) and tasks of managing logistics flows and processes (process modeling). The optimal approach to supply chain regulation is substantiated. The most current model for restoration the normal mode of operation of supply chains is the Quick Response model, which is based on immediate action taken when delivery dates change; the model is being implemented into digital platforms to actively track cargo status and possible delays. In conditions of lack of information, it is proposed to use analytical methods, including mathematical models, and various auxiliary tools for solving assigned problems. The prospects for applying a multimodal approach to the regulation of supply chains, «green» logistics reengineering, models and methods of supply chain management based on the introduction of digital technologies: block chain, as well as the creation of an information platform in which the main objects of supply chains will be involved are explored. A draft European electronic certificate is being considered cleaning, designed to reduce the time costs of finding logistics operators; digital Cargo Stream platform, which is an aggregator for ordering logistics services. The key features of «green» logistics reengineering, based on the unification of the mechanism for selecting raw materials and the use of reusable containers, have been identified.


lancet supply management, logistics, lancet supply planning, models and methods, digital technologies

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Copyright (c) 2023 Olena Khachaturyan