Design features and work efficiency of mini potato diggers

Ivan Holovetskyi, Andrii Babii

About the Authors

Ivan Holovetskyi, рost-graduate, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0009-0004-8841-2508

Andrii Babii, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6198-0100


The purpose of the study is to identify the main approaches to the construction and design features of machines and tools used to dig potatoes in the areas of small farms in order to improve p125 otato harvesting equipment and theoretically justify its design and technological parameters. Particular attention is focused on the processes of diggingand separation of the tuberous layer. The statistical analysis of the areas where potatoes are grown in Ukraine is carried out, specific shares of production of this crop in subsistence farms of the population are established. In accordance with the value of the treated areas, the technique by which the technological assembly operation is carried out is outlined. For samples of potato harvesting minitechnics, its functional and constructive efficiency was analyzed. The ability of potato diggers to dig a tuberous layer of soil, its primary and main separation using different types of working bodies is characterized. Emphasis is placed on the work efficiency of such equipment on weed-clogged soils. As a result, it is outlined that it is promising to develop a potato harvesting minicombine or other potato digger capable of fully or partially accumulating the collected potatoes in boxes or other containers, excluding the laying of fruits on the surface of the field. The implementation of such an idea is possible under the condition of qualitative separation of the buried tuberous layer and minimal clogging of tubers with lumps of soil, plant remains, rhizomes etc. Therefore, there is a serious issue of increasing the efficiency of separation at all stages of the movement of the digged tuberous layer for the structures of simple mini-diggers above that are aggregated with low-power energy tools. The limitation here is the relatively short path of movement of the tuberous layer between the planes of the digging and separating working elements. Also the effectiveness of the separation of soil and foreign residues depends on the possibility of collecting seeds in certain containers. The implementation of this idea will significantly reduce the complexity of the harvesting operation of potatoes as a whole. This will give significant advantages to such a machine on the market in terms of its competitive attractiveness compared to analogues.


potato, soil, tuberous layer, vibrating ploughshare, potato digger, digging, separation, working body, conveyor, separation cylinder

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Copyright (c) 2023 Ivan Holovetskyi, Andrii Babii