Justification of the optimal scheme of bulk cargo transportation during interaction of different types of transport

Maria Babii, Volodymyr Dzyura, Andrii Babii, Nataliia Rozhko, Volodymyr Valiashek

About the Authors

Maria Babii, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Ivan Pulyuy Ternopil National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7933-9546

Volodymyr Dzyura, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Ivan Pulyuy Ternopil National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1801-2419

Andrii Babii, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Ivan Pulyuy Ternopil National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6198-0100

Nataliia Rozhko, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Ivan Pulyuy Ternopil National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1400-9503

Volodymyr Valiashek, Associate Professor, PhD in Physical & Mathematicals (Candidate of Physical & Mathematical Sciences) , Ivan Pulyuy Ternopil National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8186-6396


In agricultural production technologies, a significant share in the cost of the final product belongs to transport processes. Such operations include the transportation of bulk material, for example grain seeds from warehouses to dryers on elevators with their subsequent storage. Since the volume of traffic is large, the task of developing optimal routes is very relevant. The efficiency of its solution depends on the savings of the manufacturer. The mathematical model of the transport problem was built in the work, on the basis of which a transport matrix was formed for transporting bulk cargo from warehouses to elevators. A technique is presented. It allows the researcher to correctly impose restrictions and write down the expression of the objective function in order to find the optimal solution. The essence of the problem is to determine the optimal route for transporting grain material from warehouses to elevators at the lowest cost of the transport process. The warehouses have a limited capacity of loading facilities in their interaction with trucks and taken into account the ability to take certain volumes of cargo by elevators, which are limited by the capacity of dryers. The problem of linear programming is solved using the Microsoft Excel program, where solutions for the best and worst transportation options are obtained when taking into account the restrictions imposed. According to the constructed general mathematical model of the transport problem, a transport matrix was formed for a specific task of transporting bulk cargo from warehouses to elevators. As a result of the solutions, two solutions were obtained. According to the first option of solving the optimization problem, the values of the volume of transportation from warehouses to the corresponding elevators are established: from warehouse No. 1, 40 tons should be shipped within hours to elevator No. 1 and 40 tons to elevator No. 2; from warehouse No. 2 – 20 tons to elevator No. 2 and 60 tons to elevator No. 3. Under such conditions, the cost of transportation of the specified volume of cargo (160 tons) will have the lowest cost and will be 890 standard units. According to the second, the most expensive option, the cost of transportation will be 920 standard units and there will be the following distribution: from warehouse No. 1 – 40 tons to elevator No. 1 and 60 tons to elevator No. 2; from warehouse No. 2 – 60 tons to elevator No. 3. Having received such results, you can always make the right decision to ensure high economic efficiency of the transportation process in any branch of the national economy.


transport problem, bulk cargo, warehouse, elevator, productivity, interaction, loading facility, truck, grain material, objective function, limitation

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Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Babii, Volodymyr Dzyura, Andrii Babii, Nataliia Rozhko, Volodymyr Valiashek