Increasing the wear resistance of the working bodies of soil processing machines by nitridation in the ignition discharge

Myroslav Stechyshyn, Mykola Lukyanyuk, Andriy Martynyuk, Viktor Olekasandrenko, Nadiya Stechyshyna

About the Authors

Myroslav Stechyshyn, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Instytutska St., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5780-2790

Mykola Lukyanyuk, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Instytutska St., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail: а, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1641-8068

Andriy Martynyuk, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Instytutska St., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8277-1308

Viktor Olekasandrenko, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Instytutska St., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2404-2104

Nadiya Stechyshyna, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Instytutska St., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2045-4774


The article considers the problem of increasing the wear resistance of the cutting elements of the working bodies of tillage machines by nitriding in a glow discharge. Solving the problem of increasing the wear resistance of the cutting elements of the working bodies of soil tillage machines reduces the resistance to cutting when tilling the soil, which helps to reduce the traction force of the unit and, in the final version, save fuel. Nitriding of the studied samples was carried out on the UATR-1 installation, designed for surface modification of parts, tools and equipment by the BATR method or similar diffusion vacuum processes. It was established that the following main mutually competing processes occur during anhydrous nitriding in a glow discharge: formation of nitrides, diffusional saturation of the surface with nitrogen, and sputtering of the surface layer. The formation of nitrides occurs at low values of the specific energy flow, the surface sputtering process is activated at high voltage values, and the current density is responsible for nitrogen diffusion into the depth of the metal. The structure and phase composition of nitrided layers is determined by a combination of regime and energy parameters. The ability to control the energy parameters of the armored personnel carrier allows you to significantly expand the area of obtaining nitrided layers with predetermined operational characteristics of parts of machines and equipment while simultaneously reducing the energy consumption of the nitriding process. The research results showed that the amount of wear of a nitrided tool, compared to a non-nitrided one, decreased by 25-40%.


anhydrous nitriding in glow discharge (ANGD), cutting bodies of soil tillage machines (CBTM), operational and energy parameters of ANGD

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1. Bobrytskyi, V.M. (2007). Pidvyshchennia znosostiikosti rizalnykh elementiv robochykh orhaniv gruntoobrobnykh mashyn: dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia kand. tekhn. nauk : spets. 05.02.04 “Tertia ta znoshuvannia v mashynakh” / Bobrytskyi Vitalii Mykolaiovych; Natsionalnyi transportnyi universytet. K. 182s.

2. Denysenko, M.I. & Voitiuk, V. D. (2016). Zmitsnennia lez gruntoobrobnykh robochykh orhaniv silskohospodarskykh mashyn z utvorenniam efektu samozahostriuvannia. Tekhnichnyi servis ahropromyslovoho, lisovoho ta transportnoho kompleksiv. №6, S.175-182.

3. Sainsus O.D. Pidvyshchennia dovhovichnosti lap kultyvatoriv kompozytsiinymy pokryttiamy pereminnoho skladu. Avt. dys. kand. tekh. nauk. Kirovohrad, 2008. s.28.

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5. Borak K. V. Pidvyshchennia nadiinosti robochykh orhaniv gruntoobrobnykh mashyn / K.V. Borak // Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu silskoho hospodarstva imeni Petra Vasylenka. 2015. Vyp. 163. S. 120 – 125.

6. Stechyshyn M.S. Znosostiikist lap kultyvatora, shcho modyfikovani azotuvanniam v tliiuchomu rozriadi / M. S. Stechyshyn, M. V. Lukianiuk, V. P. Oleksandrenko, A. V. Martyniuk, Yu. M. Bilyk // Silskohospodarski mashyny: Zb. nauk. statei. Vyp. 44. Lutsk, 2020. S.123-134.

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8. Stechyshyn M. S. Zastosuvannia kompozytsiinykh elektrolitychnykh pokryttiv dlia pidvyshchennia znosostiikosti robochykh orhaniv hruntoobrobnykh mashyn / M. S. Stechyshyn., A. V. Martyniuk, A. O. Korniienko, N. K. Medvedchuk // Tekhnichnyi servis ahropromyslovoho, lisovoho ta transportnoho hospodarstv. Kharkiv: KhNTU, 2020, №22. S.193-199.

9. Stechyshyna N. M. Koroziino-mekhanichna znosostiikist detalei obladnannia kharchovykh vyrobnytstv: monohrafiia / N. M., Stechyshyna, M. S. Stechyshyn, N. S. Mashovets. Khmelnytskyi: KhNU, 2022.181s.

10. Pastukh I. M. Teoryia y praktyka bezvodorodnoho azotyrovanyia v tleiushchem razriade. Kharkov: Natsyonalnыi nauchnыi tsentr «Kharkovskyi fyzyko–tekhnycheskyi ynstytut», 2006. 364s.

11. Pastukh Y. M. Эnerhetycheskye preduslovyia azotyrovanyia v tleiushchem razriade s nezavysymыmy parametramy / Y. M. Pastukh, H. N. Sokolova // Problemы trybolohyy. 2013. № 4. S. 53–57.

12. Stechyshyn M. S. Vplyv enerhetychnykh i rezhymnykh parametriv na fazovu strukturu i mikrotverdist ionno–azotovanykh konstruktsiinykh stalei / M. S. Stechyshyn, H. M. Sokolova, Yu. M. Bilyk // Problemy tertia ta znoshuvannia. K.:NAU, 2017. №2 , S.56-64.

13. Stechyshyn M.S. Strength and Plasticity of the Surface Layers of Metals Nitrided in Glow Discharge. / Stechyshyn, M.S., Stechyshyna, N.M., Martynyuk, A.V., Lukyanyuk, M.M. // Materials Science: Springer (USA). 2018. 54 (5). PP. 55 – 60.

14. Stechyshyn, M.S., Stechyshyna, N.M., Martynyuk, A.V., Lukyanyuk, M.M. (2018). Strength and Plasticity of the Surface Layers of Metals Nitrided in Glow Discharge. // Materials Science: Springer (USA). 54 (5). PP. 55 – 60.

Copyright (c) 2023 Myroslav Stechyshyn, Mykola Lukyanyuk, Andriy Martynyuk, Viktor Olekasandrenko, Nadiya Stechyshyna