Multi-Module Electroerosion Head for arc Dimensional Processing

Anton Sergeev, Viktor Bokov, Vitaly Shmelov

About the Authors

Anton Sergeev, graduate-student, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine

Viktor Bokov, Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Cen, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine, е-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9340-1617

Vitaly Shmelov, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Cen, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2567-9980


In modern conditions at repair plants and workshops, there is a need to process various parts from hard-to-machine materials, for example, from G13 steel, hardened steels and hard alloys. When implementing electropulse processing, the process is accompanied by mandatory pauses that negatively affect processing performance. A distinctive feature of the arc dimensional processing method, compared to electric pulse processing, is a significantly higher processing productivity (approximately by an order of magnitude or more), but stationary machines are massive, difficult to manufacture, occupy a large area and are very expensive. Therefore, only some of them are used for repair work. In addition, portable EDM machines and heads implementing the ROD process are used for repair work, but they have a narrow technological purpose. The purpose of the research is to expand the technological capabilities of the head without significantly increasing its cost due to the use of multi-module equipment. Conceptually, the problem is solved in a well-known electroerosion head of arc dimensional processing (module 1) with a working fluid station and a power source with technological current based on a desktop drilling machine due to the fact that the table for the machine is made in the form of a container in which one or two additional mobile modules are stored of another technological purpose, for example, module 2 for dimensional arc processing of bodies of rotation, which is installed on a lathe instead of a cutter, and module 3 for dimensional arc processing of holes in large-sized parts, which is made autonomously in the form of a portable EDM machine, and all modules are powered by one working fluid station and one power source with process current, but do not work simultaneously. The concept of the electroerosion multi-module head for dimensional processing of the arc, which includes the composition, general technical description and module connection diagrams, has been developed. It is shown that the use of an EDM head for dimensional processing with an arc with a working fluid station and a power source with a technological current based on a desktop drilling machine allows you to expand its technological capabilities due to the use of a multi-module processing principle without significantly increasing the cost of equipment.


EDM head, dimensional arc processing, desktop drilling machine, working fluid station, process current power source

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Copyright (c) 2023 Anton Sergeev, Viktor Bokov, Vitaly Shmelov