Synthesis of Screw Conveyors-mixers With a Rotating Casing

Sergii Koval

About the Authors

Sergii Koval, post graduate, Ternopil National Technical University named after Ivan Pulyu, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:


Carrying out a structural-schematic synthesis often allows you to obtain a significant range of quite effective constructive solutions of various technical means, which fully also applies to the generation of alternative solutions for screw mixers. Screw conveyors-mixers with a rotating casing (GKZOK) are atypical mechanical means for performing the operation of mixing materials, however, they can become quite widely used in various sectors of the economy by combining the operation of moving loose material with the operation of mixing it. For their creation and further research, it is necessary to develop separate rational structures that would meet the relevant parameters in terms of achieving quality indicators of the mixing process, high performance of the process, as well as acceptable cost of manufacturing, operation and maintenance of such structures. For this reason, it is advisable to use the method of structural-schematic synthesis by the method of hierarchical groups with the help of morphological analysis to obtain appropriate technical solutions. As a result of the analysis of the influence of various factors on the process of mixing materials by screw mechanisms, the characteristics of the structural elements of such mechanisms and their interrelationships were determined, which made it possible to build an appropriate morphological table of these elements for GKZOK, from which a model of the mechanical system was selected. Screw conveyor-mixer with a rotating casing". As a result of the structural and diagrammatic synthesis of GKZOK, the following basic morphological features were selected: drive; screw, which includes a casing (gutter) and a screw working body; bunker; unloading mechanism; locomotor mechanism. The structural and schematic synthesis of screw conveyors-mixers with a rotating casing made it possible to obtain effective design solutions for the screw working bodies of the mixers with the possibility of selecting the necessary gap between the blades of the screw working body for intensifying the process of mixing materials of different fractions, for which Ukrainian patents were obtained, as well as mixer conveyors with a rotating casing without forced rotation of the casing with the possibility of braking and with forced rotation of the casing with the possibility of changing the length of the mixing track and moving materials, for which applications for obtaining patents of Ukraine have been submitted. The developed structures can provide significantly higher productivity and efficiency of the technological process of mixing with screw conveyors-mixers, as well as have extended functional characteristics. A dependency was also developed, according to which the final selection of synthesized constructive solutions of GKZOK is carried out by maximizing the expected positive result, which takes into account the weight of such factors as the total cost, productivity, efficiency of the technological process of mixing and the number of functional characteristics.


structural-schematic synthesis, screw conveyor-mixer, rotary casing, mixing, morphological analysis, screw working body

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23. Hevko, I.B., Dyachun, A.Ye., Hud, V.Z., Rohatynska, L.R. & Klendiy, V.M. (2015). Investigation of the stability of the torsorial vibrations of a screw conveyer under the influence of pulse forces. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Vol. 45, № 1, 77-86 [in English].

24. Hevko, I.B., Lyashuk, O.L., Leshchuk, R.Y., Rogatinska, L.R. & Melnychuk, A.L. (2016). Investigation of the radius of bending for flexible screw sectional conveyers. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Polytechnic University of Bucharest, , Vol. 48, № 1, Pp. 35-42 [in English].

25. Oleg Lyashuk, Roman Rohatynskyi, Ivan Hevko, Olena Dmytriv, Oleg Tson, Ihor Tkachenko, Marіana Sokol, Roman Leshchuk & Volodymyr Kobelnyk (2023). Investigation of Bulk Material Transportation by Screw Conveyer with Hinge-Pan Operating Device. Key Engineering Materials. Engineering Materials, Devices and Equipments-2023. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, Vol. 948, pp 169-182 [in English].

26. Hud, V., Rogatynskyy, R., Hevko, Iv., Lyashuk, O., Pic, A. & Huryk, O. (2020). Research in resonant oscillations of the telescopic screw – granular media system caused by external periodic forces. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Vol. 60, № 1, P. 29-36 [in English].

27. Lyashuk, O. L., Hevko, I. B., Hud, V. Z., Tkachenko I. G., Hevko, O. V., Sokol, M. O., Tson, O. P., Kobelnyk, V. RShmatko., D. Z., & Stanko, A. I. (2022). Research of non-resonant oscillations of the "telescopic screw - fluid medium" system. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Vol. 68, № 3, P. 499-510 [in English].

28. Hud, V., Hevko, I., Lyashuk, O., Hevko, O., Sokil, M. & Shust I. (2020). Research of resonance vibrations of the system “Telescopic screw is a bulk medium” caused by torsional vibrations., Karaganda, № 2 (98). Pp. 119-126 [in English].

29. Hevko, I., Lyashuk, O., Sokil, M., Slobodian, L., Hud, V. & Vovk, Yu.. (2019). Resonant oscillation of vertical working part of conveyer-loader. Karaganda, Karaganda State University Publishing house. № 2 (94), Pp. 73-81 [in English].

30. Hud, V., Lyashuk, O., Hevko, I., Ungureanu, N., Vlăduț ,N.-V., Stashkiv, M., Hevko, O. & Pik, A. (2023). Enhancement of Agricultural Materials Separation Efficiency Using a Multi-Purpose Screw Conveyor-Separator. Agriculture, Vol. 13, № 4. Р. 870. ( [in English].


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  24. Hevko I.B., Lyashuk O.L., Leshchuk R.Y., Rogatinska L.R., Melnychuk A.L. Investigation of the radius of bending for flexible screw sectional conveyers. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Polytechnic University of Bucharest. 2016. Vol. 48, № 1. P. 35-42.
  25. Investigation of Bulk Material Transportation by Screw Conveyer with Hinge-Pan Operating Device. Oleg Lyashuk, Roman Rohatynskyi, Ivan Hevko, Olena Dmytriv, Oleg Tson, Ihor Tkachenko, Marіana Sokol, Roman Leshchuk, Volodymyr Kobelnyk. Key Engineering Materials. Engineering Materials, Devices and Equipments-2023. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, Vol. 948, pp 169-182.
  26. Research in resonant oscillations of the telescopic screw – granular media system caused by external periodic forces. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. V. Hud, R. Rogatynskyy, Iv. Hevko, O. Lyashuk, A. Pic, O. Huryk. Polytechnic University of Bucharest, 2020, Vol. 60, № 1, P. 29-36.
  27. Research of non-resonant oscillations of the "telescopic screw - fluid medium" system. O. L., Lyashuk; I. B., Hevko; V. Z., Hud; I. G., Tkachenko; O. V., Hevko; M. O., Sokol; O. P., Tson; V. R., Kobelnyk; D. Z., Shmatko; A. I., Stanko. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Polytechnic University of Bucharest, 2022, Vol. 68, № 3, P. 499-510.
  28. Research of resonance vibrations of the system “Telescopic screw is a bulk medium” caused by torsional vibrations. V. Hud, I. Hevko, O. Lyashuk, O. Hevko, M. Sokil, I. Shust. Karaganda, 2020, № 2 (98), Ст. 119-126.
  29. Resonant oscillation of vertical working part of conveyer-loader. Karaganda State University Publishing house. I. Hevko, O. Lyashuk, M. Sokil, L. Slobodian, V. Hud, Yu. Vovk. Karaganda, 2019, № 2 (94), Ст. 73-81.
  30. Hud V., Lyashuk O., Hevko I., Ungureanu N., Vlăduț N.-V., Stashkiv M., Hevko O., Pik A. Enhancement of Agricultural Materials Separation Efficiency Using a Multi-Purpose Screw Conveyor-Separator. Agriculture, 2023. Vol. 13, № 4. Р. 870. (
Copyright (c) 2023 Sergii Koval