The Hybrid Structures of Beams on Transport Using Metal

Ihor Kuziev

About the Authors

Ihor Kuziev, Senior Lecturer, Cherkassy State Technological University, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3403-7069


To analyze the future use of hybrid and combined structures for floors of buildings and structures for civil and industrial purposes, including in transport, to expand the range of beam structures, to develop an innovative design solution for a hybrid beam with low material consumption with increased reliability and durability of the structure. Analysis of the advantages of hybrid structures, materials used for their design, calculation of a metal-composite beam using existing engineering methods according to STO “Strengthening steel structures with composite materials. Design and production technology of works ”and numerical methods of calculation with the involvement of calculation programs. The advantages of hybrid and combined structures were revealed, a decrease in the material consumption of a metal-composite beam reinforced with boroplastic was revealed in comparison with a steel one. The proposed constructive solution of the beam can be used in floors and roofs of buildings and structures, transport facilities, especially in aggressive environments, as well as in the overhaul and reconstruction of industrial and civil facilities. New developments of beams using steel concrete and composite materials for designed and reinforced structures are presented. An innovative design of a metal-composite beam was developed - a steel beam reinforced with an external reinforcement system made of a composite material, protected by a utility model patent, its static and structural calculation was performed using the SCAD computer complex, the stress-strain state was analyzed, an analysis was made of reducing the consumption of steel of a metal-composite beam and others. its advantages over traditional steel and reinforced concrete beam solutions.


construction, hybrid construction, floor beam, numerical calculation, reliability, durability

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Copyright (c) 2023 Ihor Kuziev