Analysis of the Truck Body Structure

Ihor Khitrov

About the Authors

Ihor Khitrov, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2310-1472


Transport is an important component of the unified transport system of our country, which helps to meet the needs of the population and social production in passenger transportation and cargo delivery. Special attention is paid to specialized rolling stock of road transport. The design parameters of modern truck bodies should take into account the defining properties of the transported cargo, operating conditions and special requirements for their transportation. The purpose of the body actually determines the scope of the vehicle (or vice versa). The purpose of this paper is to analyze the bodies of vehicles in terms of their purpose, design, and layout, which are widely used in all sectors of the national economy and must meet the stated requirements. A truck is a vehicle that is designed and equipped for the transportation of goods. It is divided into general purpose, specialized and special purpose. The basis for building a family of trucks is the basic chassis. Since the cargo (products) differ in their properties, certain requirements are imposed on the vehicle body for its transportation, in particular - for sand, gravel - an open body is required; - for cement, animal feed - a closed body with the possibility of constant mixing; - for liquids (food and chemical products) - sealed tanks, in which the liquid should not react with the tank material; - for perishable products - isothermal refrigerators that can be used for cooling or heating; - for building materials, long materials, floor panels, a special frame structure is required. Depending on the body design, it is possible to produce a frame, semi-frame or frameless body. The cross-section of the body is selected for different cargoes based on the need to ensure a lower center of gravity of the cargo, complete unloading of the cargo, and the required structural rigidity. An additional requirement for the design of bodies is compliance with specified thermal properties, which are achieved through the use of insulating materials and a cooling system. Based on the data obtained from the analysis of the body design, taking into account the requirements for the transported cargo and operating conditions, it is possible to develop basic criteria for improving the quality of transportation and selecting rolling stock, both for each individual cargo, transportation in general, and for industry purposes.


freight vehicle, body, construction, method of execution

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