Experimental Tests of Prestressed Load-Bearing Elements of Fencing Structures Made of Cold-Formed Steel Profiles for Oblique Bending

Olexander Drobotia

About the Authors

Olexander Drobotia, graduate student, National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", Poltava, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0288-081X


Wall purlins serve as load-bearing elements of the light external wall girders of buildings. Structurally, such wall girders are horizontal beam elements. The external load on the wall girders is the vertical load from the own weight of the wall enclosure and the horizontal wind load. Thus, wall girders work for bending in two planes or the so-called oblique bending. The wide application of elements operating in conditions of oblique bending requires a comprehensive theoretical and experimental study of their operation. The load from the own weight of the wall enclosure, made of light sandwich panels, is approximately equal to the wind load on the territory of Ukraine. Therefore, in this case, the wall girders are designed with equal strength in two planes. To find out the real operation of obliquely bent elements, it is necessary to determine all the parameters that can affect the picture of the destruction of such elements. The purpose of the work is to study experimentally the possibility of applying pre-stressing in one plane of reinforced concrete girders with reduced metal capacity in this plane. The subject of the study is the stress-strain state and bearing capacity of a reinforced concrete rod prestressed in this way. The investigated steel-concrete girders were made of bent channel No. 10 with a wall thickness of 3 mm, the inner cavity of which was filled with concrete of class C20/25. Before concreting the inner cavity, a preliminary bending of the steel profile opposite to the operational one was carried out. The magnitude of the previous bending of the steel profile compensated for its reduced geometric characteristics in this plane. The use of a pre-stressed trough-shaped steel profile in the form of a bent channel No. 10 with a wall thickness of 3 mm for a wall run, followed by its concreting, allows you to reduce steel consumption by up to 38,5% compared to, for example, the use of an 80×3 mm pipe of the same bearing capacity for a run.


wall girders, reinforced concrete, pre-stressing, experimental tests, oblique bending

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Copyright (c) 2023 Olexander Drobotia