Comparative Analysis of Buses and Electric Buses by the Indicator of Transport Resultancy of Technological Impacts of Machine Procedures

Ramazan Khabutdinov, Iryna Fedorenko

About the Authors

Ramazan Khabutdinov, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1329-5739

Iryna Fedorenko, post-graduate , National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8690-5673


The article presents the methodology of analysis of transport efficiency of machine-technological procedures for buses and electric buses on urban routes, which is aimed at scientific and methodological support of technologically intensive and environmental projects of urban bus transportation taking into account the concept of technologically sustainable development in the field of passenger transportation. The model of operational behaviour of bus and electric bus as resource-technical and technological means of production (ARTOV) in natural processes of passenger transportation is considered. The principle of operational intensification of these processes on the basis of criterion of transport efficiency of machine-technological procedures for buses and electric buses on urban routes, analyzed on the basis of operational and simulation modeling, is introduced in the methodology. The quantitative regularities of influence of different factors (technical, traffic, transport) on the values of transport return indicator TV (efficiency) of machine-technological procedures of buses and electric buses have been obtained. The object of the study is the process of production and technological functioning of buses and electric buses on urban routes. The purpose of the research is to obtain quantitative regularities of impact of various factors (technical, traffic, transport) on the value of the output TW (efficiency) of techno-machine procedures of buses and electric buses. Research method - operational-simulative analysis of production and technological functioning of buses and electric buses on urban routes, taking into account the principles of improvement of operational and technological intensity and environmental friendliness of passenger traffic when using buses and electric buses. The results of the article can be used by technologically competent managers of motor transport for realization of strategies of complex increase of operational and technological intensity and ecological compatibility of passenger transportation using the above-mentioned transport means. Forecast assumptions of the research object development - realization of strategies and projects of conceptually and technologically sustainable development of technical resources (buses and electric buses) and processes of passenger road transportations in passenger road transport enterprises.


road transport operation, road transport technology, technical resources, energy efficiency, machine technology procedures, bus, electric bus

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Copyright (c) 2023 Ramazan Khabutdinov, Iryna Fedorenko