Influence of Aggressive Environments on the Performance Characteristics of Materials of Bearing Structures of Wheeled Vehicles

Mykola Buriak, Ruslan Rozum, Olena Zakharchuk, Pavlo Popovich, Pavlo Progniy, Leonid Chornii

About the Authors

Mykola Buriak, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Western Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5332-1498

Ruslan Rozum, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Western Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7812-8248

Olena Zakharchuk, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Western Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:

Pavlo Popovich, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Western Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5516-852X

Pavlo Progniy, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Western Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail:

Leonid Chornii, Head of the professional lyceum, Halytskyi College named after Vyacheslav Chornovol, Ternopil, Ukraine, e-mail: с


The influence of aggressive environments on the operational characteristics of metal structures of wheeled vehicles was investigated. It has been established that, in comparison with their dry concentrates, solutions of mineral fertilizers nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer and ammonium sulfate cause local corrosion damage not only to ordinary structural steels, but also to alloyed steels (Steel 25, Steel 45, Steel 1X13). At the same time, the rate of corrosion reaches 0.29...0.33 mm/year, which is up to 3 times higher than the rate of corrosion in rainwater. The specified metal materials have the highest rate of corrosion propagation during the first day, then the intensity of corrosion decreases to values equivalent to the rate of corrosion propagation in rainwater. Stationary potentials of steels have the largest negative value for ammonium sulfate solutions, and corrosion currents, in turn, in nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer solutions. Having considered the previously mentioned group of steels in the investigated environments, it can be noted that the difference in the Tafel constant b with cathodic reactions is insignificant, and the constant ba has the lowest value in the nitrophoska solution, which indicates a slight polarization of the anodic reaction.


corrosion of metals, mineral fertilizers, corrosion current, corrosion rate, stationary potential, depth index, polarization, anodic and cathodic reaction

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1. Buriak, M.V., Rozum, R.I., Falovych, N.M., Prohnii, P.B., Popovych, P.V., Shevchuk, O.S., Antoniuk, O.P. (2022). Otsinka mitsnosti ta nadiinosti avtotransportnykh zasobiv [Оцінка міцності та надійності автотранспортних засобів], Visnyk mashynobuduvannia ta transportu – Herald of mechanical engineering and transport., Vol. 15, 1, 17–22 [in Ukrainian].

2. Buriak, M.V., Rozum, R.I, Zakharchuk, O.P., Prohnii, P.B., Popovych, P.V., Shevchuk, O.S., & Halushchak, D.O. (2022). Otsinka dovhovichnosti metalokonstruktsii avtotransportnykh zasobiv [Assessment of durability of metal structures of motor vehicles]. Visnyk mashynobuduvannia ta transportu – Herald of mechanical engineering and transport, Vol. 15, 1 s. 11-17 [in Ukrainian].

3. Zakharchuk, O.P. Rozum, R.I., Buriak, M.V. & Falovych, N.M. (2022). Obgruntuvannia dotsilnosti udoskonalennia transmisii pasazhyrskykh avtobusiv typu Van Hool Acron 915 Ta Neoplan N316 [Justification of the feasibility of improving the transmission of passenger buses of the Van Hool Acron 915 and Neoplan N316/ 3 Ul type]. Suchasni tekhnolohii v mashynobuduvanni ta transporti: zb. nauk. st. – Modern technologies in machine building and transport: coll. of science Art., 1(18) , 81-86 [in Ukrainian].

4. Rozum, R.I., Buriak, M.V., Popovych, P.V., Prohnii, P.B. & Zakharchuk, O.P. (2022). Metodolohiia diahnostuvannia avtomobilnykh dyzelnykh dvyhuniv [Methodology for diagnosing automotive diesel engines]. Suchasni tekhnolohii v mashynobuduvanni ta transporti Zb. nauk. st. – Modern technologies in machine building and transport: coll. of science Art., 1(18), 138-142. [in Ukrainian].

5. Rozum, R.I., Buriak, M.V., Prohnii, P.B., Falovych, N.M., Shevchuk, O.S., Popovych, P.V., Zakharchuk, O.P. (2022). Ekspluatatsiina nadiinist i robotozdatnist vantazhnoho avtomobilnoho rukhomoho skladu [Operational reliability and efficiency of freight automobile rolling stock. Tsentralnoukrainskyi naukovyi visnyk. Tekhnichni nauky – Central Ukrainian scientific bulletin. Technical sciences: coll. of science works, Vol. 2, 5(36), 201-205 [in Ukrainian].

6. Hevk,o B.M., Hevko, R.B., Klendii, O.M., Buriak, M.V., Dzyadykevych, Y.V. & Rozum R.I. (2018). Improvement of machine safety devices. Acta Polytechnica. Journal of Advanced Engineering, Vol. 58, no.1, pр.17-25 [in English].


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  6. Hevko B.M., Hevko R.B., Klendii O.M., Buriak M.V., Dzyadykevych Y.V., Rozum R.I. Improvement of machine safety devices. Acta Polytechnica, Journal of Advanced Engineering. 2018. Vol.58, no.1. Pр.17-25
Copyright (c) 2023 Mykola Buriak, Ruslan Rozum, Olena Zakharchuk, Pavlo Popovich, Pavlo Progniy, Leonid Chornii