Analysis of Methods of Error Correction of Measuring Devices

Dmytro Kvashuk, Vasyl Yegunko

About the Authors

Dmytro Kvashuk, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4591-8881

Vasyl Yegunko, Head of Department, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the study of methods for correcting errors of measuring devices. Features of the application of correction of multiplicative and additive component errors are considered. The article investigated the methods of correcting the errors of the measuring instruments as part of the measuring systems. This made it possible to find ways to improve the accuracy of measurements. Sample signal methods and test methods based on the functional transformation of measuring devices during a cycle of specially organized measurements were studied. An analysis of various error correction methods caused by static and dynamic factors has been carried out. Literary sources were studied, which consider ways to eliminate the influence of instrumental error. Thus, to eliminate the instrumental error, separate correction coefficients representing the relative values of the probabilities of erroneous decisions were considered. During the study, inverse mathematical models of measuring channels were considered, as which Lagrange interpolation polynomials are used. A method of eliminating the influence of the parameters of the additive and multiplicative component of the measurement on the accuracy of the test method is proposed by creating additional inverse converters and a system of equations describing the transformation of the input values of the measuring converter in each measuring cycle, which can be used to obtain the adjusted value of the measured value. The effectiveness of this improvement for use as part of the information and measurement system is substantiated. It is shown that the most important directions for improving the efficiency of such a system are the provision of the necessary experimental base, as well as the accuracy of setting correction algorithms.


error, measurement, error correction, regulation, transducer, feedback

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Copyright (c) 2022 Dmytro Kvashuk, Vasyl Yegunko