Parametric Design of 3D Models of crank Mechanism of a Car with CAD Solidworks

Lyudmyla Tarandushka, Alla Yovchenko

Lyudmyla Tarandushka, Associate Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1410-9088

Alla Yovchenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7069-1092


The main possibilities of SolidWorks CAD for parameterization of complex mechanisms on the example of crank mechanism (CM), including operations of forming volumes, methods of working with sketches, technologies of forming assembly units using coupling tools are investigated. The use of parameterization will increase the efficiency of development and design of standard mechanisms and parts. At the same time the parametrized assembly design of CM in SolidWorks CAD is formed, which allows to quickly reconstruct CM details, to carry out calculation of the given details on durability with the SolidWorks Simulation module connected. As a result of the analysis the main possibilities of SolidWorks CAD for parameterization of complex mechanisms on the example of CM parameterization are considered. When designing parametric models of CM elements and forming the assembly structure of the CM node, the methods of working with sketches, operations of forming volumes, technologies of forming assembly units with the use of conjugation tools are considered. As a result, a parameterized assembly of the CM in the SolidWorks system is formed, which allows not only to quickly rebuild the parts of the CM, but also to calculate the strength of these parts with the SolidWorks Simulation module connected using the finite element method. That is, with the use of parametric models significantly reduces the cost of product design, reduces computing resources, time ratio simulation - prototyping by automating the calculation process and building a 3D model.


parametrization, mathematical model, crank mechanism, modeling, design

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  • Copyright (c) 2022 Lyudmyla Tarandushka, Alla Yovchenko