Problems of Information Hygiene in the IT Sphere

Konstantyn Marchenko, Oleh Oryshaka, Anzhelyka Marchenko

Konstantyn Marchenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6269-5379

Oleh Oryshaka, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:

Anzhelyka Marchenko, student, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


In social production there is a constant expansion of the range of professions related to information processing. In addition to the emergence of new professions, computer information processing is also being introduced into a number of traditional professions. Therefore, requests to ensure healthy working conditions in such workplaces have led to the emergence of such an area of life safety and health and safety as information hygiene. An urgent task is to study the rules and regulations when working with information in the field of information technology. Problems that arise when working with information include increased intensity of information flows, simultaneous inclusion of multiple information flows, heterogeneity of incoming tasks, or excessive monotony of information flow, ambiguous information, ignorance of the operator regarding information, short deadlines. In addition, the state of the user of information is significantly affected by the emotional color of information, increased density of destructive facts, calls for hostility and violence, negative predictions, covert manipulation and more. The mental burden on the employee who processes information and makes decisions based on it depends on the spread of responsibility and the degree of responsibility, the magnitude of possible losses in making mistakes or making decisions, especially when it comes to significant financial obligations, and even more risk to the state. for human health and life. Due to the expansion of the range of professions related to the interaction of workers with information flows, the introduction of information hygiene as a unit of labor protection is an urgent task. Due to the specifics of working with information as a means and product of labor, it is necessary to study the working conditions of workers in typical IT jobs and the impact of information flows on the well-being and health of people performing different types of work. It is necessary to develop a set of rules and recommendations of information hygiene in the interaction of employees with information. An important task is to determine the types of work associated with intensive information flows and to conduct experimental research to determine the maximum allowable workload of workers in the performance of these works.


information, information flow, information technologies, IT sphere, information hygiene, working conditions, information load, time of continuous work, labor protection

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  • Copyright (c) 2022 Konstantyn Marchenko, Oleh Oryshaka, Anzhelyka Marchenko