Analysis of Theoretical Preconditions for the Development of Equipment for Obtaining the Same Type of Raw Materials for the Production of Textile Materials

Alla Lisikh, Victoria Nestrenko

Alla Lisikh, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Pervomaysk, Mykolaiv region, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0979-7736

Victoria Nestrenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Pervomaysk, Mykolaiv region, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5570-3059


The production of the same type of fiber involves the processing of flax raw materials in order to remove fiber from it with maximum purification from chaff and other non-fibrous impurities with minimal damage. The article analyzes the theoretical prerequisites for obtaining the same type of fiber, namely the use of various aggregates in the process of mechanical influences on the stems of the processed material. To improve the conditions for processing stems in the soft part of the unit, the raw material must first be parallelized with the arrangement of the layer elements in the axial direction of the unit. The parallelization of the stems is achieved by drawing the layer of the processed material due to the difference in the linear speeds of the pulverizing pairs; at the same time, the speed of movement of the material in each subsequent milling pair is greater than in the previous one. The layer of material pre-washed in the breaking part of the unit enters the scutching part. From the last plow pair, the layer enters the feed unit, which feeds the material to the scutching drum. The working bodies of the scutching drum are radially arranged beater bars and combs. When the scutching drum rotates at high speed, the beater bars and combs alternately act on the layer of the processed material, and due to the change in the direction of the relative speed, the absolute speed of the layer elements changes under the action of the bar and combs. It has been established that to enhance the crushing process, the upper rollers are driven from the lower rollers due to the grip of the grooves through the layer of the processed material, and not with the help of gears. With an increase in the depth of entry of the flute, the pressure on the layer of the processed material increases. When using corrugated rollers, the stems follow the path of a broken line.When processing fiber on shaking machines with an upper combed field and a needle conveyor, the speed of movement of the material in the shaking part of it is determined by the lead angle, the amount of entry of the shaking needles between the conveyor needles and the speed of the conveyor. The efficiency of shaking machines depends on a number of factors, which include the speed of material advancement in the combed field, the number of strokes of the combed roller needles per unit time, material loading density, lead angle, needle span, and position of the grid relative to the tips of the needles. The expediency of using in the process of obtaining the same type of flax fiber of slatted type crushing rollers with a gradual increase in their circumferential speed in the direction of movement of the material, which ensures the sliding of the material relative to the edge of the corrugation of the roller, which intensifies the process of destruction of the bond between the fiber and the wood of the stem, is substantiated.


single-type fiber, chaff, crushing process, shaking process, scutching drum

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  • Copyright (c) 2022 Alla Lisikh, Victoria Nestrenko