The Load-carrying Capacity and Mass and Mass and Dimensional Parameters of Body Machines for Applying Solid Organic Fertilizers
Anatoliy Limont, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Zhytomyr Agrotechnical Collede, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2243-008X
Zlata Limont, student, Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar, the city of Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000–0002–0011–7386
The aim of the study was to know the load capacity and weight of body machines for solid organic fertilizers, their overall length, width and height. Based on this knowledge, it is planned to determine the quantitative relationship between the load capacity of machines as a resultant feature and their weight and overall length, width and height, which in the study were considered as factorial features. The initial data on the load capacity and weight of machines and their overall dimensions were selected from the Catalogs of agricultural machinery produced by enterprises in the former Soviet Union. Relevant relationships were clarified using correlation-regression analysis and standard computer programs.
Between the load capacity of machines on the one hand and their mass and size parameters on the other there is a positive correlation with correlation coefficients in the range of 0.718-0.958 with correlation ratios of the effective feature on the factorial from 0.840 to 0.925. Positive correlation coefficients indicated an increase in the load capacity of machines as their other studied parameters increased. It was found that the load capacity of machines with increasing their overall length and width increases with the corresponding exponents, and depending on the overall height and weight of the machines increases with the straight lines with positive angular coefficients.
The developed graphs of changes in load capacity of machines depending on their mass and size parameters and the corresponding model regression lines should be taken into account when designing body machines for solid organic fertilizers and organizing their use in mechanized technological processes of crop production.
solid organic fertilizers, mechanization of application, body spreaders, parameters, correlation link
Full Text:
1. Vabishchevich, I.F. (2010). Vliyanie tekhnicheskikh kharakteristik mashin na proizvodstvo sel'skokhozyaystvennoy produktsii [Influence of technical characteristics of machines on the production of agricultural products.]. Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu silskoho hospodarstva im. Petra Vasylenka. Problemy tekhnichnoi ekspluatatsii mashyn. Systemotekhnika i tekhnolohii lisovoho kompleksu – Bulletin of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter Vasylenko. Problems of technical operation of machines. System engineering and technologies of the forest complex, Issue 94, 45–53 [in Russian].
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4. Semkovich, A.D. (1971). K opredeleniyu optimal'noy gruzopod"emnosti transportnykh sredstv dlya snabzheniya udobriteley zhidkimi udobreniyami [To determine the optimal carrying capacity of vehicles for supplying fertilizers with liquid fertilizers]. Optimal'noe proektirovanie sel'skokhozyaystvennykh proizvodstvennykh protsessov: nauch. trudy – Optimal design of agricultural production processes: scientific. works.; V.A. Zheligovskogo (Ed.), 162–178 [in Russian].
5. Limont, A.S. & Limont, Z.A. (2020). Vantazhopidiomnist i spozhyvana potuzhnist kuzovnykh mashyn dlia vnesennia tverdykh orhanichnykh dobryv [The Load-carrying Capacity and Power Consumption of Body Machines for Applying Solid Organic Fertilizers Konstrujuvannja, vyrobnyctvo ta ekspluatacija silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkyx mashyn – Design, manufacture and operation of agricultural machinery, Vol.. 50, 41–51 [in Ukrainian].
6. Limont, A. & Limont, Z. (2021). Vidnosna potuzhnist na pryvod robochykh orhaniv vid vala vidboru potuzhnosti traktora i vantazhopidiomnist kuzovnykh mashyn dlia vnesennia tverdykh orhanichnykh dobryv. Problemy konstruiuvannia, vyrobnytstva ta ekspluatatsii silskohospodarskoi tekhniky: Materialy KhIII Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf.. Kropyvnytskyi (10–12 lystopada 2021 r.). Kropyvnytskyi: TsNTU, p. 9–10 [in Ukrainian].
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8. Linnik, N.K. et al. (1992). Mashiny i oborudovanie dlya proizvodstva i vneseniya organicheskikh udobreniy: konstruirovanie i raschet [Machinery and equipment for the production and application of organic fertilizers: design and calculation]. L.V. Pogorelogo (Ed.). Kiev: Tekhnika [in Russian].
9. Pavlenko, S.I. (2018). Eksperymentalni doslidzhennia pokaznykiv roboty rozkydacha orhanichnykh dobryv PRT-10 iz dvobarabannym navisnym prystroiem [Experimental studies of performance indicators of the spreader of organic fertilizers PRT-10 with a two-drum attachment device]. Tekhnichnyi servis ahropromyslovoho, lisovoho ta transportnoho kompleksiv: nauk. zhurn – Technical service of agro-industrial, forestry and transport complexes: science. journal, 14, 156–164 [in Russian].
11. Dmitriev, E.A. (1972). Matematicheskaya statistika v pochvovedenii [Mathematical statistics in soil science]. Moskva: Izd-vo Moskov. un-ta [in Ukrainian].
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Copyright (c) 2022 Anatoliy Limont, Zlata Limont
The Load-carrying Capacity and Mass and Mass and Dimensional Parameters of Body Machines for Applying Solid Organic Fertilizers
Anatoliy Limont, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Zhytomyr Agrotechnical Collede, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2243-008X
Zlata Limont, student, Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar, the city of Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000–0002–0011–7386
Full Text:
1. Vabishchevich, I.F. (2010). Vliyanie tekhnicheskikh kharakteristik mashin na proizvodstvo sel'skokhozyaystvennoy produktsii [Influence of technical characteristics of machines on the production of agricultural products.]. Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu silskoho hospodarstva im. Petra Vasylenka. Problemy tekhnichnoi ekspluatatsii mashyn. Systemotekhnika i tekhnolohii lisovoho kompleksu – Bulletin of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter Vasylenko. Problems of technical operation of machines. System engineering and technologies of the forest complex, Issue 94, 45–53 [in Russian].
2. Matsepuro, M.E. (1959). K voprosu razrabotki podvizhnogo sostava sel'skokhozyaystvennogo transporta [On the issue of development of rolling stock for agricultural transport]. Voprosy zemledel'cheskoy mekhaniki – Questions of agricultural mechanics, Vol. 1, 230–283 [in Russian].
3. Limont, A.S. (2012). Vantazhopidiomnist i rozmiry kuzoviv traktornykh prychepiv [Carrying capacity and body dimensions of tractor trailers].. Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu silskoho hospodarstva im. Petra Vasylenka. Mekhanizatsiia silskohospodarskoho vyrobnytstva – Bulletin of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter Vasylenko. Mechanization of agricultural production, Issue 124, Vol. 1, 110–120 [in Ukrainian].
4. Semkovich, A.D. (1971). K opredeleniyu optimal'noy gruzopod"emnosti transportnykh sredstv dlya snabzheniya udobriteley zhidkimi udobreniyami [To determine the optimal carrying capacity of vehicles for supplying fertilizers with liquid fertilizers]. Optimal'noe proektirovanie sel'skokhozyaystvennykh proizvodstvennykh protsessov: nauch. trudy – Optimal design of agricultural production processes: scientific. works.; V.A. Zheligovskogo (Ed.), 162–178 [in Russian].
5. Limont, A.S. & Limont, Z.A. (2020). Vantazhopidiomnist i spozhyvana potuzhnist kuzovnykh mashyn dlia vnesennia tverdykh orhanichnykh dobryv [The Load-carrying Capacity and Power Consumption of Body Machines for Applying Solid Organic Fertilizers Konstrujuvannja, vyrobnyctvo ta ekspluatacija silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkyx mashyn – Design, manufacture and operation of agricultural machinery, Vol.. 50, 41–51 [in Ukrainian].
6. Limont, A. & Limont, Z. (2021). Vidnosna potuzhnist na pryvod robochykh orhaniv vid vala vidboru potuzhnosti traktora i vantazhopidiomnist kuzovnykh mashyn dlia vnesennia tverdykh orhanichnykh dobryv. Problemy konstruiuvannia, vyrobnytstva ta ekspluatatsii silskohospodarskoi tekhniky: Materialy KhIII Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf.. Kropyvnytskyi (10–12 lystopada 2021 r.). Kropyvnytskyi: TsNTU, p. 9–10 [in Ukrainian].
7. Marchenko, N.M., Lichman, G.I. & Shebalkin, A.E. (1990). Mekhanizatsiya vneseniya organicheskikh udobreniy (Tekhnologicheskie osnovy proektirovaniya protsessov i rabochikh organov) [Mechanization of the application of organic fertilizers (Technological bases for the design of processes and working bodies)]. Moskva: Agropromizdat [in Russian].
8. Linnik, N.K. et al. (1992). Mashiny i oborudovanie dlya proizvodstva i vneseniya organicheskikh udobreniy: konstruirovanie i raschet [Machinery and equipment for the production and application of organic fertilizers: design and calculation]. L.V. Pogorelogo (Ed.). Kiev: Tekhnika [in Russian].
9. Pavlenko, S.I. (2018). Eksperymentalni doslidzhennia pokaznykiv roboty rozkydacha orhanichnykh dobryv PRT-10 iz dvobarabannym navisnym prystroiem [Experimental studies of performance indicators of the spreader of organic fertilizers PRT-10 with a two-drum attachment device]. Tekhnichnyi servis ahropromyslovoho, lisovoho ta transportnoho kompleksiv: nauk. zhurn – Technical service of agro-industrial, forestry and transport complexes: science. journal, 14, 156–164 [in Russian].
11. Dmitriev, E.A. (1972). Matematicheskaya statistika v pochvovedenii [Mathematical statistics in soil science]. Moskva: Izd-vo Moskov. un-ta [in Ukrainian].