A theoretical Model of the Transport System as a Set of Interacting and Mutually Transforming Elements and Subsystems

Dmytro Holub

About the Authors

Dmytro Holub, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4984-1161


A theoretical model is presented, which makes it possible to implement the description of processes in the transport system and subsystems using the interaction of such elements as a set of channels and bunkers. This makes it possible to find out important effects in various transport systems, including regional ones. It is assumed that there is a structure of the transport system, which should be able to transform certain flows, and therefore absorb and generate their surges. It is substantiated that "channels" and "hoppers" can be abstract elements of the theoretical model of the transport system, since it performs a double function: channels pass flows, and bunkers absorb and generate bursts of flows.It was found that the theoretical model of the transport system primarily reflects the principles of interaction of elements and subsystems in it, and also exerts a management influence on the ongoing processes. Different combinations of elements are considered when representing real transport systems. It was found that the more uneven the incoming flow and the greater the damping capacity of the hopper, the greater the difference in the capacity of connecting channels in the structure of transport systems can be. It is stated that in the chain of channels and bunkers, the resulting capacity of the transport system depends on the capacity of the bunkers, due to their disorganizing influence on the flow indicators. At the same time, the total effective capacity of the chain depends on the capacity of the channels, because their parameters must correspond to the nature of distributed bursts of flow in the transport system.


transport system, theoretical model, interaction of elements, channel, bunker, carrying capacity, flow surges

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  • Copyright (c) 2022 Dmytro Holub