Possibilities of Logistic Models for Choosing a Complex of Technical Influences on Ensuring the Operational Efficiency of Transport Vehicles

Andrey Grinkiv

Andrey Hrinkiv, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Senior Researcher, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1888-6685


Based on the logistic approach, the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy relations between their elements, the paper examines the possibilities of logistic models for choosing a complex of technical influences on ensuring the operational efficiency of transport vehicles. The quality of ensuring the working capacity of machines is connected with the variant of their maintenance and repair strategies. Five logistic models were analyzed based on six options for ensuring machine performance: the model of maximum contraction, the model of the absolute solution, the model of the main parameter (factor), the model of a compromise solution, and the model of reference comparison. Ensuring the operational efficiency of transport vehicles by the system of their technical maintenance and repair based on the logistic approach is substantiated, and the appropriate statement of the problem is made using the criteria and relations of the elements of the theory of fuzzy sets. It was found that each of the considered logistic models can be used on one and the same set of variants of strategies for maintenance and repair of transport vehicles. By comparing the results of different decision options regarding the choice of a strategy for maintenance and repair of transport vehicles, their consistency was determined, despite the unequal amount of information. If the information is sufficiently complete, then the logistic model of reference comparison is the most optimal for implementation in practice. For each of the models, the task was formalized and a step-by-step solution algorithm was developed, advantages and disadvantages were determined, and a comparative analysis was carried out. It was found that the quality of optimization of the given task depends on the amount of information and the approach implemented in a specific logistic model. It was determined that if there is sufficiently complete information about the researched processes, it is possible to recommend the logistic model of reference comparison as effective and more optimal for implementation in practice.


performance, transport machines, technical influence, logistic models, fuzzy sets, optimization

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