Simulation of the Process of Expanded Feed Preparation

Elchyn Aliiev, Mykolay Linko, Olga Aliieva

Elchyn Aliiev, Senior Researcher, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences),Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4006-8803

Mykolay Linko, post-graduate, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:

Olga Aliieva, Researcher, Institute of Oilseeds of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Zaporizhia, Ukraine, e-mail:


Expanded feed preparation is carried out on the appropriate high-temperature short-term equipment of the HTST family - expanders, which are able to perform the task of cooking food and feed under high pressure. In addition to the chemical processes that occur during expansion (denaturation of proteins, amino acids, vitamins, starch and enzymes), there is a change in the physical and mechanical properties of feed components and their transformation into expands. From the point of view of process physics, the process of expander formation in the expander is reduced to pressing a mixture of solid (grain components), liquid (in the form of moisture) and gaseous (vapor) phases by a screw working body through a forming nozzle under the action of an external heat source. From the point of view of mathematical description, this process is complex and therefore can be described by computer simulation. Analyzing the capabilities of these software packages for the task of simulating the formation of agglomerates (expanders) in the expander was chosen Star CCM +. The simulation of the process of expanded feed preparation in the software package Star CCM + provides the prerequisites for justifying the range of rational parameters of the expander. The simulation of the expander operation allows to determine as research criteria: the pressure in the cavity between the screw and the cylinder of the expander, the density of the obtained expands, the performance of the expander, the temperature scalar field and the velocity field vector of the multiphase mixture. As research factors should be chosen: the phase ratio of the multiphase mixture, the speed of rotation of the screw, the temperature of the heater, diameter, length and pitch of the screw.


feed, expands, modeling, simulation, pressure, speed, density

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GOST Style Citations

  • Huimin, Li The effect of expanded and extruded process on pellets physical properties and in sacco rumen degradability: Master’s Thesis. Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences Faculty of Biosciences, 2021. 40 p.
  • Guy, R (2001). Extrusion Cooking. Technologies and Applications. CRC Press Inc. Boca Ration. FL. 2001. 206 p.
  • Moscicki, L., Mitrus, M., Wojtowicz, A. Technika ekstruzjiw przetworstwie rolno-spo zywczym (in Polish). PWRiL. Warszawa, 2007. 222 p.
  • Aliev, E. B., Bandura, V. M., Pryshliak, V. M., Yaropud, V. M., Trukhanska, O. O. Modeling of mechanical and technological processes of the agricultural industry. INMATEH – Agricultural Engineering. 2018. Vol. 54, Nr. 1. P. 95-104.
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  • Copyright (c) 2022 Elchyn Aliiev, Mykolay Linko, Olga Aliieva