System-oriented Approach to Improving the Operational Reliability of Transport Vehicles at the Stages of Their Life Cycle

Serhii Lysenko

Serhii Lysenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0845-7817


The paper, based on a system-oriented approach, identifies how to increase the level of their operational reliability at the stages of the life cycle of transport machines operating in open pits and in the conditions of agro-industrial production. At the start-up stage of power units, a method of reducing the wear of parts is proposed. The scheme of realization of a way is developed. It is determined that it is effective to use this method when operating vehicles in harsh non-stationary conditions and "start-stop" modes. It is experimentally proven that the proposed method allows to save up to 15% of consumables and increase the life of the engine oil. The study of the effectiveness of the use of additives NIOD-5, RoilGold and the proposed additive KGMT-1 to motor oil was carried out at the stage of bench tests of power units of transport vehicles. It has been determined that the addition of a composite additive to the engine oil provides a steady increase in power, torque and reduction of specific fuel consumption. RoilGold and KGMT-1 additives work especially effectively. At the stage of operation of transport vehicles in open quarries and conditions of agro-industrial production, research proved the extension of the use of motor and transmission oil by 25 ... 40%, revealed a decrease in maintenance and the need to adjust the maintenance of vehicles. Based on the results of operational studies, a corrective table of terms of replacement of motor oil of transport vehicles operating in harsh non-stationary conditions is constructed. It is found out how to ensure the proper level of operational reliability of transport vehicles.


operational reliability, transport machine, system-oriented approach, power unit, motor oil, transmission oil, non-stationary conditions, replacement period, composite additive

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Copyright (c) 2022 Serhii Lysenko