Element-modular Method of the System of Technical Service of Transport Machines

Andrey Hrinkiv

Andrey Hrinkiv, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Senior Researcher, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1888-6685


The paper proposes that the element-modular method of the system of technical service of transport machines is based on the characteristic intervals of change of diagnostic parameters that determine the technical condition of their components, systems and units as elements. Theoretically substantiated changes in diagnostic parameters taking into account the degree of restoration of the technical condition of systems and units for technical service operations. The maximum resource of elements of the transport machine and the law of distribution of this indicator are considered. From the economic point of view the expediency of restoration of a technical condition of elements of transport cars by the offered system of technical service is proved. The criterion of economic expediency of application of technical actions on restoration of a technical condition of transport cars is offered. It is shown that according to this criterion it is possible to estimate the cost of technical actions to improve the technical condition of the transport vehicle and the fleet as a whole. The criterion of efficiency of technical action on improvement of a technical condition of an element of transport cars and a factor of rational use of a resource with possible situations is offered also. An algorithm for controlling the system of technical service of transport machines by the element-modular method has been developed. The results of forecasting technical control and regulation of the studied elements of transport vehicles: engine and transmission are considered. It is shown that the proposed element-modular method of technical service makes it possible to adjust certain technical operations to ensure and restore the appropriate level of operational reliability of transport vehicles.


element-modular method, technical service, transport machine, diagnostic parameter, technical condition

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