Methods and Approaches to Modeling the Effectiveness of Operational Objectives in Transport Systems

Dmytro Holub

Dmytro Holub, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4984-1161


Methods and approaches to modeling the goals of operations in transport systems are given, which allows to obtain not only purposeful, but also flexibly oriented solutions when choosing a strategy for forecasting their work. Partial decision-making tasks for structuring the initial information using the mapping method are defined. The classification of factors by the nature of uncertainty is given, which is one of the results of solving the problem of uncertainty analysis. Tasks are formulated that allow to quickly receive, analyze and process information. A formalized formulation of the problem of forming the initial set of strategies for modeling the problem situation in the transport system is presented. It was found that on the one hand, the set of alternatives between the desired result and the conditions of its implementation should be as wide as possible, which will ensure freedom of choice of the decision-maker and minimize the possibility of missing the optimal decision. It is determined that the initial set of strategies should be comprehensive and, therefore, quite narrow, which will allow the decision-maker to verify the alternatives on the available models with resource constraints. It was found that many components of the task of forming the initial set of strategies are clearly not set and are heuristically formed by the decision maker. Taking into account the indicator of reliability of transport systems, the main directions of solving the problem of satisfying conflicting requirements for many initial strategies are identified. It is found that the need, in the general case, to consider not one model, but their multilevel hierarchy is determined by the peculiarity of the efficiency study scheme, in which the description of the higher level depends on generalized and factorized lower level variables. The mathematical formula of the criterion of adaptability in the choice of solutions is given. The set of features that can be used as a basis for the classification of decision-making tasks in the transport system on the basis of the degree of certainty of information about the problem situation is generalized.


transport system, model, operation, strategy, forecasting, analysis, tasks, efficiency, adaptability

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Copyright (c) 2022 Dmytro Holub