Efficiency Upgrading of Service Enterprises at the Price of Interest of Auto Services’ Clients

Olexander Subochev, Vyacheslav Martynyuk, Olexander Sichko

About the Authors

Olexander Subochev, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Vyacheslav Martynyuk, master, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Olexander Sichko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine


The problems of functioning of the service enterprises, whose main point is the underutilization of production facilities due to the lack of customers, are identified. An increase in the utilization capacity of a service enterprise is associated with the need to select criteria for evaluating the enterprise's production activity. Special attention is paid to the principles of design and construction of the service enterprise, optimization of placement, estimation methods and indicators of production and technical base, feasibility study of the size and capacity of service enterprises, as well as planning issues. New approaches have been developed in the design of the production and technical base of automobile service, which are related to the certification of work posts, licensing, rational choice and placement of communication systems of modern service enterprises. The priorities of the service enterprise are to evaluate the degree of consumer satisfaction with the goods and services of the firm, to increase the commitment among clients. The importance of production factors of service enterprises is determined using a cause and effect diagram. It is established that the magnitude of the utilization factor of the car service production capacity depends on the factors: location of the service, closeness of competitors and their quantity, structure of demand for services with seasonal changes and level of service. A customer who has requested services for a service company more than 3 times is a permanent customer. A customer who has applied less than 3 times for the service, is in the category of new. Service companies, through a system of discounts, stimulate repeat customer appeal. The reserve of increasing the utilization capacity of a service enterprise from improving the quality of services in the i – production zone depends on the indicators of increasing the complexity of work from the introduction of additional services, the increase in the number of customers due to retention and involvement, the increase in the complexity of ordering regular customers compared to new regularities regular customers services compared to new ones. The scheme of technological process of service enterprise is made according to which the car is first directed to the site of acceptance for repair, and then to any of the production areas of the car service (areas of diagnosis, maintenance, repair and repair stations). The choice of low-quality service (work) of the surveyed production area (site) is carried out according to the normalized ranking of importance, taking about the specific weight of orders. The analysis of production activity of the service enterprise is carried out in which at different stages the dispatcher, the master - the receiver, the foreman, the engineer of engineering and technical service take part. The graphical interpretation of the services quality at the engine diagnostics department based on the generalized customer questionnaire data and data on the production activity of the station is given. To improve the quality of maintenance work on fuel systems is the technological equipment of the workplace in accordance with the typical requirements and bringing in the necessary technical condition of the main technological equipment.


service enterprise, production capacity, regular customers, services quality

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Copyright (c) 2020 Olexander Subochev, Vyacheslav Martynyuk, Olexander Sichko