Crushers for Small Pig Farms

Iryna Velit, Yaroslav Nedilko, Roman Dorohin

About the Authors

Iryna Velit, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Poltava, Ukraine

Yaroslav Nedilko, Master student , Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Poltava, Ukraine

Roman Dorohin, Master student , Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Poltava, Ukraine


The purpose of this work is to substantiate the selection of equipment in the technology of the process of feed preparation on a small pig farm, using a centrifugal impact crusher. For the successful operation of a small pig farm, it is necessary, first of all, to provide a stable feed for animals, a sufficient level of energy and protein nutrition, the use of diets, balancing on all the essential nutrients and biologically active elements.To facilitate the preparation of feed for feeding on pig farms and improve their assimilation by the body of animals use small-sized grinders of grain components, which satisfy the productivity, quality of work, versatility of use. The working body of the crusher for grinding is a hammer. To it the grain falls under the action of its own mass by gravity. The size of the grinding is regulated by variable sieves.When using crushed grain as animal feed, it must be borne in mind that at a high degree of crushing with the subsequent operations of transportation, overloading and delivery in the dry form, the crushed mass will powder. In this case, the loss of expensive feed increases, and the dust adversely affects the health of animals, especially young animals.The article presents an overview of the literature data on the use of grain mills for grain grinding, the variety of directions for improving aggregates, which indicates that the technical characteristics of grain mills for grinding feed material are being improved. The analysis of the parameters of the grain mills by the criteria of resource consumption showed that the use of grain shredders with a productivity of less than 300-400 kg / h is inappropriate. Analyzing the chronology of the directions of development and production of machines for grinding grain in small farms the tendency of using grain mills with a productivity of 700-1000 kg / h is traced. This is facilitated by the process of land consolidation and the size of livestock farms. Grain crushers are part of other units, which gives significant savings on transportation costs for grain delivery, the ability to prepare feed directly in the storage of raw materials or fattening animals, the ability to provide feed production services in other farms The proposed structural and technological scheme of the impact crusher has several advantages over existing crusher structures. The deflecting elements made on the plates, allow to reduce the speed of movement of the material, which is crushed by slowing the air-product layer in the crushing chamber. The rigid attachment of the hammers to the rotor increases the efficiency of the crushing process and the efficiency of the crushing machine as a whole. The use of centrifugal-impact grain mills in feed processing lines allows to reduce the specific energy consumption up to 4.2 kW • h / t, to obtain the size of the product according to the zootechnical requirements with the milling module M = 1.8 mm.


small pig-breeding farm, impact crusher, energy-efficient, grain

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  • Copyright (c) 2019 Iryna Velit, Yaroslav Nedilko, Roman Dorohin