Simulation the Danfoss Refrigeration Equipment Work as a Part of an Optimal Two-channel Air Temperature Stabilizing System in a Supermarket Refrigeration Chamber

Dmytro Luzshkov, Sergiy Osadchy

About the Authors

Dmytro Luzshkov, post-graduate, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Sergiy Osadchy, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


The article purpose is to develop an algorithm for assessing the refrigeration coefficient characteristics of the Danfoss equipment, which operates as a part of an optimal two-channel air stabilization system in the presence of random useful signals , disturbances and interferences. It is developed an algorithm that consists of two stages to achieve this goal in the article. The stabilization system structural scheme was converted to a convenient form for modeling under the algorithm's first stage performing process. Based on the converted block diagram using the Simulink tool, a simulation model of the refrigeration coefficient changing process is developed. The algorithm second step purpose is to obtain estimates of the mathematical expectation and variance of the refrigeration coefficient change. The initial data for its implementation is the simulation result, namely, changes in the refrigeration coefficient's graphic. A new algorithm for assessing the refrigeration coefficient characteristics of the Danfoss equipment, which operates as a part of an optimal two-channel air temperature stabilization system in the presence of random useful signals , disturbances and interferences, consists of performing two interrelated steps: development of a system simulation model and the resulting refractive curve numerical characteristics estimation. Comparison of refrigeration coefficients change graphics in the optimal stabilization system and in the existing system in the same operating conditions proves that the implementation of the optimal control law allows to reduce significantly the high-frequency component of the refrigeration coefficient fluctuations and as a consequence to improve the equipment efficiency.


refrigerant, refrigeration coefficient, simulation model, transfer function, efficiency

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  • Copyright (c) 2019 Dmytro Luzshkov, Sergiy Osadchy