Wheat Grain Damage by Grain Cleaning Machines and the Ways of its Reducing

Iryna Pysarkova

About the Authors

Iryna Pysarkova, design engineer, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


The experience of using intensive full-system technologies for livestock production shows that, along with reliable and balanced provision of farms with high quality feeds, traditional feeding systems are being improved, which are aimed at the development of economically efficient mechanized feed processing technologies and the preparation of full-range and balanced feed mixtures. In the article, an analysis of literary research and scientific publications on the dosage of feed by rotary biota. This process showed that the transporter-bitumen dosing working element of the type-type has significant drawbacks, which are due to the imperfection of its construction, the negative effects of centrifugal forces and the circular efforts of the fingers of the comb, the unevenness of the conveyor supply, the density and the surface of the loaded bark in the bunker, the lagging or slipping of the feed relative to conveyor, by reducing the transverse area of the monolith when unloading feed from the bunker. Disadvantages of bitumen dispensers can be eliminated if the rotary motion of the comb edges in the feed monolith is replaced by the translational motion of the vertical chain separating conveyor. When using such a dispenser, the quality of the dosage increases, the energy intensity of the process decreases, and the unwanted negative forces of inertia and the circular effort of the fingers of the bitumen dispenser are completely excluded. In the article the analysis of literary researches and scientific publications is conducted on the dosage of forages and the new construction of vertical conveyer bunker separating metering device which is equipped chain and combs with fingers is offered. Structural parameters, functionally-technological chart on the basis of bunker-metering device of BDK-F-70-20, modes of workings organs, step of setting of combs, are grounded in theory, length of fingers of comb and the features of unloading of forages a metering device are resulted on a transversal horizontal conveyer-metering device (second stage of dosage) The theoretical studies of the feed dosing process have confirmed the advantage of the developed design of the improved vertical chain-flat conveyor feeder of the comb type and improved the quality of the separation of the feed monolith by the working bodies of the conveyor.


feed rationer, beater, transporter, chaser, fingers , feed mixtures, tanker, chain

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Copyright (c) 2019 Iryna Pysarkova