The Influence of Design Parameters for Electric arc Equipment on the Factors of Spray Process and Properties of Coatings

Maxym Ageev, Sergiy Dovzhuk, Volodymyr Nikolaychuk, Tetiana Khrypko

About the Authors

Maxym Ageev, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ship Power Plant Operation, с. Kherson, Ukraine

Sergiy Dovzhuk, head of academic laboratory , Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Volodymyr Nikolaychuk, assistent, Vinnytsia national agrarian unsversits, с. Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Tetiana Khrypko, assistent, Vinnytsia national agrarian unsversits, с. Vinnytsia, Ukraine


The paper considers possibilities to increase the wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and service life for parts machines and mechanisms via their hardening and renovating using electric arc coatings characterized by high density, adhesion strength, and micro hardness thanks to activation of the spraying process. Also, the possibility of controlling the properties of restored surfaces owing to choice of the related equipment with required structure and characteristics in order to prolong the service life of machinery parts is shown. The right choice of equipment for spraying makes it possible to increase the speed and temperature of the spraying gas and particles, reduce the droplet diameter, increase the density and reduce the oxidation of coatings. The influence of spray factors such as the flow rate and pressure of working gases, composition of combustion mixture, spraying distance, dispersion of the spray, properties of wire material, etc. on the properties of the coatings obtained has been investigated.


electric arc spraying, spraying process, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, adhesion strength, protective coating, electric arc coating

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Copyright (c) 2019 Maxym Ageev, Sergiy Dovzhuk, Volodymyr Nikolaychuk, Tetiana Khrypko