Industrial Testing OF Technology Mechanized Composition of Organic Wastes With the Use of Aerator-Mixernull

Sergiy Pavlenko

About the Authors

Sergiy Pavlenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Senior Researcher, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, E-mail:


Adaptation of new technological methods and technical means of mechanized composting of organic waste of bovine cattle at steady maintenance and daily disposal of organic waste requires systemic solutions based on the analysis of organizational and economic conditions. In practical terms, it is necessary to prove the feasibility of introducing modern solutions: technologies, technical means, methods of use before existing in the economy. The purpose of the further development of rational use of technical means in the mechanized processes of solid phase composting. A systematic analysis of the management of organic waste, existing in the farm on the cattle stockholding system, was carried out. The results of the analysis are summarized in the form of a table that deals with the technological process, operations and the composition of the technical means and materials and the value of the indicators of the operation. Worked hypotheses for improving the technology of handling organic waste based on the improvement of technological techniques of the cycle, which need to conduct an experimental verification: - the formation of bursts in the continuous storage of gnawing mixtures due to the creation of passages with a width of up to 2-3 m in the medium of raw materials up to 75% humidity using a bulldozer or other technical means; - formation of bursts during unloading of gnoyeposobnoy mixture at the site during transportation of raw material by a dumper tractor trailer or spreader of organic fertilizers that are aggregated with a tractor MTZ-80; - consolidation of bursts using a bulldozer; - Improvement of aeration due to the use of an aerator-mixer, the structure of the IMT NAAS of Ukraine. Improved technological and technical regulations for mechanized composting have been developed. The geometric parameters of the drums, their density, mass are determined. The results of testing the technical equipment: bulldozer, mixer aerator according to standard methods are carried out. Main conclusions. Formation of passages in the raw material, which is enclosed entirely with the help of a bulldozer, is not efficient. Previously, it is necessary to form bursts when unloading in a row. The technological complex of technical means ensures high-quality mixing, formation of drills in height and width, new aggregates are created - the size of particles close to the soil aggregates. The cycle is up to 45-60 days. Productivity of the unit: tractor MTZ-80 with throttle reducer from 300 to 500 t / year. Smaller values at first passages. Working speeds 0,10-0,25 m / s. Technological operations of accelerated composting can increase the chemical composition of organic fertilizers by 20-30%, reduce the loss of nutrients, increase the mass of organic fertilizers, introduced on the field by 60-70%.


production tests, technology, compost, accelerated composting, aerator-mixer, burt formation

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Copyright (c) 2018 Sergiy Pavlenko