The impact of software quality on work efficiency and employee fatigue
About the Authors
Konstantyn Marchenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6269-5379
Oleh Oryshaka, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2712-106X
Stanislav Brahinets, student, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:
Danyil Berestenko, student, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:
In the information society, the nomenclature of industries and professions related to the use of computer equipment and software is continuously growing. This leads to the need to revise the classic principles of labor organization at workplaces. The scientific organization of work related to the use of computer technology must take into account the psychophysiological features of working with information, appropriate technical means and software, which contributes to both safe and healthy working conditions, the fulfillment of the requirements of occupational health and safety standards, and its high efficiency , in particular, productivity. Therefore, the scientific organization of work and labor protection are organically related fields. Research on the optimal organization of work when working with a computer and software is an urgent task.
Among the factors that depend on labor productivity at a computerized workplace, an important place is occupied by the organization of the workplace, work mode, speed of software, speed of network data exchange, compliance of computer and network equipment, installed software with the tasks performed on a given workplace, the uniformity of the incoming flow of tasks and the degree of their unification and complexity.
Labor productivity directly depends on the fatigue of workers, including at computerized workplaces. Important factors of employee fatigue are not only the work mode and organization of the workplace, but also the organization and quality of the software. Employee fatigue can be measured by a decrease in labor productivity when performing the same type of tasks as a decrease in the number of completed tasks for further equal time intervals.
As a result of the study of working conditions at computerized workplaces, it was established that workers at these places experience increased nervous stress combined with physical inactivity of the body, constant tension of certain groups of muscles and the visual apparatus. The analysis of working conditions showed that among the main factors of labor productivity and fatigue of workers at computerized workplaces are work mode, organization of the workplace, software quality and pace of tasks. The results of a survey of information technology workers indicate a significant impact of software quality on labor productivity (third rank among factors) and fatigue (fourth rank among factors). Effective and high-quality software for each workplace should be selected through comparative testing of alternative software tools.
labor protection, scientific organization of work, computer, workplace, software, software interface, labor productivity, fatigue
Full Text:
1. Lauren Decker. State of Software Happiness Report 2019. URL:
2. Аведян Л. Й. Управління людськими ресурсами на підприємстві: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня к. е. н. : Харків, 2000. 19 с.
3. Мітрюшина О.О. Наукова організація праці та її вплив на підвищення продуктивності праці. Проблеми матеріальної культури – ЕКОНОМІЧНІ НАУКИ. 2009. №172 с. 79-82.
4. Алієва М. Гігієна праці офісних працівників. Охорона праці. 2017. № 12. С. 41–42.
5. Болознєва С. В. Вплив комп'ютера на зір людини та гімнастика для очей . Інформатика в школі. 2015. № 6. С. 57–95.
6. Марченко К.М., Шматько С.І. Вплив інформаційного потоку на стан людини. Наукові записки. 2013. Вип. 13. С. 18-20.
7. Удосконалення оцінки професійного ризику на основі експертних методів / Кружилко О. Є. та ін. Проблеми Охорони Праці в Україні. 2021. Вип. 37(2). С. 3-8.
8. ISO/IEC 25002:2024. Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Quality model overview and usage.
9. ISO 14915-1:2002. Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces — Part 1: Design principles and framework
10. ISO 14915-2:2003. Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces — Part 2: Multimedia navigation and control
11. D V Yatsenyak, V P Oleksiuk and N R Balyk. Study of ergonomic criteria for evaluating the software user interface. XIV International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2288 (2022) 012005.
12. Yamaoka T. Evaluating user interface design using hierarchical requirements extraction method (rem). Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Methods, Tools, and Interaction Techniques for eInclusion ed Stephanidis C A M (Berlin, Heidelberg). 2013. pp 137–142.
13. L. Meertens, S. Pemberton. The Ergonomics of Computer Interfaces: Designing a System for Human Use. L.G.L.T. Meertens, S. PembertonComputer Science/Department of Algorithmics and Architectur URL:
14. Бідюк П. І., Коршевнюк Л. О. Проектування комп'ютерних інформаційних систем прийняття рішень. Київ: ННК "ІПСА" НТУУ "КПІ", 2010. 340 с.
1. Lauren Decker (2019). State of Software Happiness Report. URL:
2. Avedian, L. Y. (2000). Upravlinnia liuds'kymy resursamy na pidpryiemstvi [Management of human resources at the enterprise]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian].
3. Mitriushyna, O.O. (2009). Naukova orhanizatsiia pratsi ta ii vplyv na pidvyschennia produktyvnosti pratsi [Scientific organization of work and its influence on increasing labor productivity]. Problemy material'noi kul'tury – EKONOMIChNI NAUKY - Problems of material culture - ECONOMIC SCIENCES, 172, 79-82 [in Ukrainian].
4. Aliieva, M. (2017). Hihiiena pratsi ofisnykh pratsivnykiv [Occupational hygiene of office workers]. Okhorona pratsi– Occupational Health, 12, 41–42 [in Ukrainian].
5. Boloznieva, S. V. (2015). Vplyv komp'iutera na zir liudyny ta himnastyka dlia ochej [The influence of the computer on human vision and gymnastics for the eyes]. Informatyka v shkoli - Informatics at school, 6, 57–95 [in Ukrainian].
6. Marchenko, K.M. & Shmat'ko S.I. (2013). Vplyv informatsijnoho potoku na stan liudyny [The influence of information flow on the human condition]. Naukovi zapysky - Proceedings, 13, 18-20 [in Ukrainian].
7. Kruzhylko, O. Ye. et al (2021). Udoskonalennia otsinky profesijnoho ryzyku na osnovi ekspertnykh metodiv [Improvement of professional risk assessment based on expert methods]. Problemy Okhorony Pratsi v Ukraini - Problems of Labor Protection in Ukraine, 37(2), 3-8 [in Ukrainian].
8. ISO/IEC 25002:2024. Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Quality model overview and usage.
9. ISO 14915-1:2002. Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces — Part 1: Design principles and framework
10. ISO 14915-2:2003. Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces — Part 2: Multimedia navigation and control
11. Yatsenyak, D. V., Oleksiuk, V. P. & Balyk, N. R. (2022). Study of ergonomic criteria for evaluating the software user interface. XIV International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2288. 012005.
12. Yamaoka, T. ( 2013). Evaluating user interface design using hierarchical requirements extraction method (rem). Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Methods, Tools, and Interaction Techniques for eInclusion ed Stephanidis C A M (Berlin, Heidelberg), pp 137–142
13. Meertens, L. & Pemberton, S. The Ergonomics of Computer Interfaces: Designing a System for Human Use. L.G.L.T. Meertens, S. PembertonComputer Science/Department of Algorithmics and Architectur. URL:
14. Bidiuk, P. I. & Korshevniuk, L. O. (2010). Proektuvannia komp'iuternykh informatsijnykh system pryjniattia rishen' [Design of computer decision-making information systems]. Kyiv: NNK "IPSA" NTUU "KPI" [in Ukrainian].
Copyright (c) 2024 Konstantyn Marchenko, Oleh Oryshaka, Stanislav Brahinets, Danyil Berestenko
The impact of software quality on work efficiency and employee fatigue
About the Authors
Konstantyn Marchenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6269-5379
Oleh Oryshaka, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2712-106X
Stanislav Brahinets, student, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:
Danyil Berestenko, student, Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:
Full Text:
1. Lauren Decker. State of Software Happiness Report 2019. URL:
2. Аведян Л. Й. Управління людськими ресурсами на підприємстві: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня к. е. н. : Харків, 2000. 19 с.
3. Мітрюшина О.О. Наукова організація праці та її вплив на підвищення продуктивності праці. Проблеми матеріальної культури – ЕКОНОМІЧНІ НАУКИ. 2009. №172 с. 79-82.
4. Алієва М. Гігієна праці офісних працівників. Охорона праці. 2017. № 12. С. 41–42.
5. Болознєва С. В. Вплив комп'ютера на зір людини та гімнастика для очей . Інформатика в школі. 2015. № 6. С. 57–95.
6. Марченко К.М., Шматько С.І. Вплив інформаційного потоку на стан людини. Наукові записки. 2013. Вип. 13. С. 18-20.
7. Удосконалення оцінки професійного ризику на основі експертних методів / Кружилко О. Є. та ін. Проблеми Охорони Праці в Україні. 2021. Вип. 37(2). С. 3-8.
8. ISO/IEC 25002:2024. Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Quality model overview and usage.
9. ISO 14915-1:2002. Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces — Part 1: Design principles and framework
10. ISO 14915-2:2003. Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces — Part 2: Multimedia navigation and control
11. D V Yatsenyak, V P Oleksiuk and N R Balyk. Study of ergonomic criteria for evaluating the software user interface. XIV International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2288 (2022) 012005.
12. Yamaoka T. Evaluating user interface design using hierarchical requirements extraction method (rem). Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Methods, Tools, and Interaction Techniques for eInclusion ed Stephanidis C A M (Berlin, Heidelberg). 2013. pp 137–142.
13. L. Meertens, S. Pemberton. The Ergonomics of Computer Interfaces: Designing a System for Human Use. L.G.L.T. Meertens, S. PembertonComputer Science/Department of Algorithmics and Architectur URL:
14. Бідюк П. І., Коршевнюк Л. О. Проектування комп'ютерних інформаційних систем прийняття рішень. Київ: ННК "ІПСА" НТУУ "КПІ", 2010. 340 с.
1. Lauren Decker (2019). State of Software Happiness Report. URL:
2. Avedian, L. Y. (2000). Upravlinnia liuds'kymy resursamy na pidpryiemstvi [Management of human resources at the enterprise]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian].
3. Mitriushyna, O.O. (2009). Naukova orhanizatsiia pratsi ta ii vplyv na pidvyschennia produktyvnosti pratsi [Scientific organization of work and its influence on increasing labor productivity]. Problemy material'noi kul'tury – EKONOMIChNI NAUKY - Problems of material culture - ECONOMIC SCIENCES, 172, 79-82 [in Ukrainian].
4. Aliieva, M. (2017). Hihiiena pratsi ofisnykh pratsivnykiv [Occupational hygiene of office workers]. Okhorona pratsi– Occupational Health, 12, 41–42 [in Ukrainian].
5. Boloznieva, S. V. (2015). Vplyv komp'iutera na zir liudyny ta himnastyka dlia ochej [The influence of the computer on human vision and gymnastics for the eyes]. Informatyka v shkoli - Informatics at school, 6, 57–95 [in Ukrainian].
6. Marchenko, K.M. & Shmat'ko S.I. (2013). Vplyv informatsijnoho potoku na stan liudyny [The influence of information flow on the human condition]. Naukovi zapysky - Proceedings, 13, 18-20 [in Ukrainian].
7. Kruzhylko, O. Ye. et al (2021). Udoskonalennia otsinky profesijnoho ryzyku na osnovi ekspertnykh metodiv [Improvement of professional risk assessment based on expert methods]. Problemy Okhorony Pratsi v Ukraini - Problems of Labor Protection in Ukraine, 37(2), 3-8 [in Ukrainian].
8. ISO/IEC 25002:2024. Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Quality model overview and usage.
9. ISO 14915-1:2002. Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces — Part 1: Design principles and framework
10. ISO 14915-2:2003. Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces — Part 2: Multimedia navigation and control
11. Yatsenyak, D. V., Oleksiuk, V. P. & Balyk, N. R. (2022). Study of ergonomic criteria for evaluating the software user interface. XIV International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2288. 012005.
12. Yamaoka, T. ( 2013). Evaluating user interface design using hierarchical requirements extraction method (rem). Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Methods, Tools, and Interaction Techniques for eInclusion ed Stephanidis C A M (Berlin, Heidelberg), pp 137–142
13. Meertens, L. & Pemberton, S. The Ergonomics of Computer Interfaces: Designing a System for Human Use. L.G.L.T. Meertens, S. PembertonComputer Science/Department of Algorithmics and Architectur. URL:
14. Bidiuk, P. I. & Korshevniuk, L. O. (2010). Proektuvannia komp'iuternykh informatsijnykh system pryjniattia rishen' [Design of computer decision-making information systems]. Kyiv: NNK "IPSA" NTUU "KPI" [in Ukrainian].