Analysis of Vacuum Pump Mufflers Designs

Oleksandr Khmelovskyi

About the Authors

Oleksandr Khmelovskyi, Master, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The substantiation of the structural and functional scheme of the muffler filter of the rotary vane vacuum pump, which has the ability to separate oil from air and collect it for further processing, has been completed. The proposed design, due to its design feature, provides sound suppression, reduces noise and has minimal resistance to the movement of the air flow in the middle of the muffler filter. The muffler filter is based on the fact that air, together with the oil that lubricates the vacuum pump nodes, enters the muffler filter through the inlet pipe at a speed of 11...16 m/s, which allows the most complete separation of oil from air. The trajectory of the movement of air in the muffler is described by a helical winding, and therefore, centrifugal force acts on the oil particles in a suspended state, as a result of which the oil particles are thrown to the sieve catcher, the oil is separated from the air and enters the interwall space of the housing and the sieve catcher, and flows down into the oil sump, from where it is drained using a tap. After that, it can be sent for processing, or, after cleaning, enter the pump lubrication system. The oil-free air continues to move over the surface of the screw winding, and due to the change in the pitch of the screw winding, the air decreases its speed, as a result of which the noise level decreases and oil content is cleaned more efficiently. Air passes to the top cover and enters the environment through the outlet pipe. The work establishes a relationship between the pump performance and the design parameters of the muffler filter. In production conditions, it was investigated that the separation of oil from air in the proposed muffler is 93-95%, and the amount of noise reduction is 15-22 dB. The use of a muffler filter implies a decrease in the productivity of the vacuum pump, which is about 1 m3/h, compared to the serial one - 1.28 m3/h. To introduce the muffler filter into production, it is advisable to use the relationship between the performance of the vacuum pump and the structural parameters of the muffler filter and to develop a division into standard sizes.


pump, muffler, installation, vacuum pump, noise, sound, oil, environment

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Copyright (c) 2024 Oleksandr Khmelovskyi