Optimization of process performing an expert study of vehicles on the basis of monitoring the main indicators

Liudmyla Tarandushka, Viktor Khaliavka, Yaroslav Kolomiiets

About the Authors

Liudmyla Tarandushka, Professor, Doctor in Technics (Doctor of Technic Sciences), Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1410-9088

Viktor Khaliavka, Head of the Cherkasy scientific and research expert forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Cherkasy scientific and research expert forensic center of MIA of Ukraine, Cherkasy, Ukraine, e-mail: 24_, ORCID ID: 0009-0009-0811-7282

Yaroslav Kolomiiets, Chief forensic expert of the Department of forensic investigation and duplication of identification numbers of vehicles of the Cherkasy scientific and research expert forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Cherkasy scientific and research expert forensic center of MIA of Ukraine, Cherkasy, Ukraine, e-mail:


After the study of the expert points quality work regarding the comprehensive research of vehicles, the main group of parameters which reflect the organizational structure of expert institutions was identified and an algorithm for their monitoring was developed. The parameters of an expert institution are the provision of divisions with personnel ( ), necessary areas ( ), necessary documents ( ), equipment and supplies ( ), metrological equipment ( ), material and chemical resources ( ), completeness of the organization of structural divisions of the expert service ( ), constant self-assessment of the performed services for the expert examination of vehicles ( ) and adjustment of their performance, which reflects the parameter of the quality of the expert examination ( ). As a result of conducting an analysis of expert vehicle research service functioning according to the proposed algorithm, it becomes possible to identify the shortcomings of the organization of this type of enterprise, as a result of which improvements can be made to increase the efficiency of its functioning. Therefore, the result of the investigation is a system of parameters, the consistent evaluation of which in accordance with the developed algorithm for the implementation of control over expert research will make it possible to assess the effectiveness of the expert service functioning in general. It was found that this system of parameters meets the criteria of necessity and sufficiency for assessing the state of the enterprise from expert research. A set of universal indicators based on technical regulation was developed, which allow to assess the state of the expert institution through the conduct of expert studies. The proposed method of evaluating expert institutes provides an opportunity to improve the organizational and technological structure of this type of enterprises.


parameters, organizational structure of the enterprise, expert institution

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Copyright (c) 2024 Liudmyla Tarandushka, Viktor Khaliavka, Yaroslav Kolomiiets