Study of the influence of structural reliability and safety of the vehicle for transportation and adaptability to maintenance

Ihor Khitrov

About the Authors

Ihor Khitrov, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2310-1472


Road transport is the most popular industry for providing passenger transportation services and delivering goods on time, which is achieved not only by increasing the speed and efficiency of transportation, but also by a high level of safety and reliability of vehicles. A vehicle structure is a set of interconnected components and systems designed and integrated to create a functional and efficient technical unit that meets the specific needs and objectives of the transportation process. The design features and technical condition of a vehicle directly determine its ability to withstand various loads and operating conditions. After all, the health and safety of passengers or transported cargo, as well as the efficiency of vehicle operation, are key factors that are directly characterized by its design and technical condition. A detailed analysis of the relationship between vehicle design and functionality can help improve the quality of transportation, as well as increase the service life and durability of vehicles. However, there are a number of challenges, including the difficulty of selecting studies to provide consistent, substantive conclusions on the impact of vehicle design on transportation efficiency, integration into the road environment, and maintenance adaptability. This article is devoted to a thorough analysis of the impact of the structural reliability and safety of a vehicle used for transportation in dense traffic flow and its adaptability to maintenance. The results can be of great importance to designers, manufacturers and operators of transportation systems, contributing to improved safety and efficiency in transportation and maintenance. The results obtained may open new perspectives for the development and improvement of transportation systems designed to provide modern society with reliable and safe vehicles.


vehicle, structure, reliability, maintenance, transportation

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