Production Complexes of Machines for Aeration During Composting of Organic Raw Materials

Sergiy Pavlenko

About the Authors

Sergiy Pavlenko, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), National University of Bioresources and Nature Management, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:


The purpose of the research is to generalize the selection of machines and equipment to ensure mechanized composting processes using the example of the mixture aeration operation. Research methods: systematic analysis of technological methods, technical and economic characteristics of means for mechanized composting. The organizational factors influencing the choice of mobile technical means and stationary equipment in the production of composts are determined. A mechano-technological model scheme was developed, which determines the possible options for choosing equipment. The selection efficiency criteria are the costs and energy intensity of the technological cycle from obtaining raw materials to use, subject to the provision of sanitary and veterinary permits and the terms of operations. Benefits have results with minimum values. Considered methods of aeration with forced compressed air and mobile devices of mechanical action. Advantages and disadvantages are defined. Calculations of the theoretical productivity of mobile aerators - mixers were carried out, taking into account the volume of raw materials and the periodicity of processing. Options for choosing technical solutions with a minimum number of technical means are offered. The choice of technical means of aeration of the compostable mixture must be carried out taking into account the periodicity of the processing cycle. The use of an organic fertilizer spreader (similar to PRT-10(7)), trailed, self-propelled aerators - mixers, improved for the processes of composting raw materials, allows to reduce the number of technical means used in mechanized composting technology and increase economic efficiency.


compost production, aeration, mechanical-technological control model, multiplicity of side aeration, aeration productivity, aerator-mixer, gas exchange with compressed air

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Copyright (c) 2023 Sergiy Pavlenko