Modular-Parametric Principle of Design Development of Gear Hydraulic Machines

Аnton Aparakin

About the Authors

Аnton Aparakin, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5847-7739


The conventional system of design development of gear-type hydraulic machines and their implementation is not sufficiently perfect for a number of reasons. This system cannot be effective in the conditions of large-scale production. The purpose of the work is to create such a principle of designing a model range of gear hydraulic machines, which optimizes the conditions of production and marketing, with the subsequent reduction of the cost of production. To achieve the goal, the theory of "redundant connections" was used, and the design scheme of the hydraulic machine was analyzed. On the results of the conducted analysis, several possible schemes for the extraction of "redundant connections" were developed, and the calculation was carried out. From the proposed schemes, the most appropriate scheme for creating a gear-type hydraulic machine was determined - a scheme using the central load of the driving gear and a barrel-shaped profile of the longitudinal contour of the tooth of the driven gear. The paper also considers additional benefits arising from the removal of redundant connections. On the basis of the developed diagram of the action of forces in gear engagement, it is shown how deviations from the geometric accuracy of the gear affect the operation of the hydraulic machine and why the proposed scheme with a barrel-shaped profile of the longitudinal contour of the tooth is more appropriate. Among the important results of the research should be attributed the synthesized perspective scheme of design of a gear hydraulic machine. The use of the proposed scheme will allow the reduction of redundant connections (from 7 to 5, relative to the conventional scheme), which will contribute to the reduction of additional deformations and energy losses when working in the hydraulic motor mode and fluid losses when working in the hydraulic pump mode. And the implementation of one of the coupled gears with a barrel-shaped longitudinal profile of the teeth will ensure the stabilization of the displacement moment when the unit is operating in the hydraulic motor mode and will stabilize the hydraulic efficiency parameter when operating in the pump mode.


gear pump, design, unification, redundant connections

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Copyright (c) 2023 Аnton Aparakin