Increasing the Efficiency of Management of the Technological Process of Delivery Based on the Analysis of Static and Dynamic Reserves of the Transport System

Dmytro Holub

About the Authors

Dmitro Holub, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Central Ukraіnian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4984-1161


The nature of static and dynamic reserves of the transport system and the degree of their influence on the technological process of delivery are given. The structure of flows connecting a specific supplier and consumer is considered. It was found that dynamic reserves are management reserves, and their size is determined by the amount by which static reserves can be reduced. The classification of dynamic reserves is given, the conditions of their occurrence are described, and interaction schemes are given. It is shown that assigning the priority of one of the jets in the flows of the transport system leads to the acceleration of the passage of one jet at the expense of slowing down the other (others), and the delays are transferred from one jet to another while maintaining their total amount, that is, at an unchanged average speed of the flows. It was found that the acceleration of the flow leads to the release of a certain group of vehicles, which can be used as a reserve, and when it slows down, on the contrary, additional vehicles are absorbed due to an increase in their number on the road. There are also a number of technological mechanisms for speeding up and slowing down the progress of flows. It has been found that the transport system can actively adapt to changes in the rhythms of senders and receivers due to the management of stream jets, but the possibilities of its adaptation are quite limited. And therefore, if the rhythms of the jets in the flow are too much out of sync, there is a possibility of a moment when reliable transport communication cannot be ensured and the transport system begins to play the role of limitation. It was found that the set of dynamic reserves allows to significantly increase the efficiency of the transport system in conditions of unevenness, but it requires the development of new approaches to the principles and methods of optimization, as well as the choice of effective work organization. It is assumed that the management capabilities and the size of the dynamic reserves of the transport system are greater, the more different jets are released in the flow, and therefore the greater the diversity in the subsystems, the more noticeable is the effect of organization, combining them into a single system.


transport system, static and dynamic reserves, jet, flow, acceleration, vehicles, communication

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Copyright (c) 2023 Dmytro Holub