Regarding the Issue of Restoration and Strengthening of Details of the Working Bodies of Soil Machinery

Mykola Denisenko

About the Authors

Mykola Denisenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Nemishayev Vocational College of NUBiP of Ukraine, Nemishayeve township, Bucha district, Kyiv region, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5474-6399


Ecological and agrotechnical requirements for technical means of mechanization of agriculture are constantly growing and improving, especially in the field of indicators that determine the harmful effect on soils, including, on the limit of permissible clogging of them with metal from the accelerated wear of working organs, and getting into the soil products of wear and tear. A huge volume of agricultural products is produced by both large farms and smaller farms. In the created economic situation, there is a steady growth of farms; the growth of arable land for grain and other agrotechnical crops, which undoubtedly creates a demand for the working bodies of agricultural machines. For example, only farms in the south and southeast of Ukraine annually consume more than 400,000 cultivator paws and plowshares, not including offers for other working bodies. The most heavily loaded surfaces of tillage machines and aggregates are the working bodies: the ploughshare is the ploughshare, the cultivator's paws, and the harrow's discs or teeth. The reason for their premature failure is mainly accelerated abrasive wear, which is due to interaction with solid (HV 8-11 GPa) particles in the soil. The working bodies of agricultural machinery include: ploughshares, plow bodies, discs of heavy harrows, paws of cultivators and planters, and many other parts of working bodies. It should also be noted that soil cutting is the most widespread technological operation in the agro-industrial complex: plowing, cultivation, harrowing, harvesting of grain and technical crops, these operations make up at least 70% of the total volume of mechanized work. At the same time, such performance indicators as the degree of weed cutting, the average depth of cultivation, the stability of the movement of the working bodies in depth depend primarily on the technical condition of the blade of the working body of agricultural machinery; their clogging and sticking to the surface of the blade; traction resistance of working bodies. A chamfer is formed on the edge of the blade and the toe, which negatively affects the stability of the movement of the working bodies in depth, the profile of the toe, the geometry and width of the blade of the working body changes. Dull cultivator legs and plow blades increase the traction resistance of the units, and therefore the productivity is significantly reduced, while fuel consumption increases by 15-20%. In connection with the uneven operation of the cutting edges and other surfaces of the working bodies of agricultural machinery, there is a need to strengthen and restore them. In addition, agricultural working bodies are operated in conditions of a chemically aggressive external environment, which is connected with the addition of various fertilizers to the soil and the presence of moisture in it. The wear of the parts of tillage machines that have direct contact with the abrasive mass is strongly influenced by soil moisture. Moisture, depending on the type of soil, can both increase and decrease wear. Together, these factors exert such a strong influence on the working bodies of agricultural machinery that it makes them unusable after almost a few hours of intensive machine operation. The developed technology of modification of the parts of the working bodies of tillage machines using point strengthening increases the resistance to abrasive wear of their working surfaces by 2-3 times, and is able to replace other strengthening technologies, because it has high productivity and reduces the energy consumption of technological equipment many times over.


abrasive wear, wear-resistant coatings, plow blade, cultivator foot, harrow disc, spot hardening - arc spot welding

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Copyright (c) 2023 Mykola Denisenko