Result MarkeT Model and Railway Truck Transport Technology

Ihor Kuziev

About the Authors

І.О. Кузєв,Senior Lecturer, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Kremenchuk, Ukraine, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3403-7069


The processes of liberalization, the attempt to transition the railway industry to a new market model of free competition without corresponding changes in the component model negatively affect the efficiency of the railway industry and the effectiveness of the freight railway service market. It is proposed to look at the problem not from the standpoint of changing the form of ownership in the industry and the formation of a free competition market, but from the standpoint of finding a balance between the work technology and the model of the freight rail transport market that is being used. The study is based on the well-known concept of Industrial organization. The author considers the market as a living mechanism that responds to changes in its components within its field, not only as a place for concluding deals. The effectiveness of the rail freight transport market largely depends on the technology of creating a rail freight service. It is proposed to form a market model based not so much on the appearance of competition, but on some harmony of the technology of freight railway service and the market, or rather the balance of the components of the service market. The goal is to define a model of an effective rail freight market, in which the railway industry will be able to show maximum efficiency. Work methods – expert assessment of an attempt to change the model of the freight rail transportation market; analysis of the reasons for the imbalance of the economic mechanism of transport activity in the field of freight rail transport; an attempt to structure the goals of an efficient rail freight market. Based on the results of the research, recommendations can be formulated regarding the formation of a balanced model of the market for freight rail transportation and the adjustment of goals and the existing market model.


market field, participant in the process, freight railway transportation, transportation process technology

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Copyright (c) 2022 Ihor Kuziev